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Swami's Health - 2

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Swami's Discourse during the Prize distribution for Sports and Cultural Meet, Prashanthi Nilayam, January 14, 1999.


Students are tender hearted, full of noble feelings and love for Swami. They planned various programmes to please Me. I was very well aware of the impending danger. But the students were not receptive to My words. I felt there was no point in advising them in such a situation. Only when they face the consequences of disobeying My command do they realise the value of My words.

They said that the sports meet was a grand success. I am also happy when you are successful. That morning as I entered the stadium, I spotted two lorries. Immediately I could visualise the danger lurking in the future. I saw the lorries with huge scaffoldings placed over them. The boys planned to perform a few acrobatic feats on them. I knew that one of the ropes was not fitted properly and was about to give in. If that were to happen the boy would suffer a major head injury and his spinal column would break. I willed that the boy should be saved and decided to take the future accident upon Myself.Prior to this, one boy suffered a spinal injury and had been admitted to the Manipal Hospital in Bangalore. I willed that such an untoward incident should not recur. Once the spinal column breaks it is impossible to set it right. Immediately I arranged for an ambulance to shift the boy to the hospital in Bangalore

and gave ten thousand rupees to defray the immediate expenditure. I also ensured that our doctor accompanied him. The doctor said that the boy would not be able to sit or lie down as his spinal column was badly damaged. I said to him, "Do not entertain any misgivings. Do as I say!" By the time the boy reached the hospital he could miraculously sit up! He entered the hospital and sat down on the bed. He regained sensation in all his limbs which were numb till then. No danger whatsoever. He was protected. I consider students welfare as My welfare, and their happiness, My happiness. My only concern was that the students should not be disappointed or put to any inconvenience.


A day prior to that I had instructed four boys to surround the chariot and keep a vigil. But I noticed that none of them were present at that spot. Nobody is to be blamed. No one does this deliberately. I asked for the chariot to be stopped. A senior devotee was driving the chariot, with all sincerity, love and devotion. He stopped the vehicle in accordance with My command. Just when I was about to speak to the Vice-Chancellor, the driver accidentally put his foot on the clutch instead of applying the brake. That resulted in a jerk and I fell down in the chariot. I suffered injuries on My head and arm and My spinal column was badly damaged. What the boys had to face, I took it upon Myself. Many men and women were seated in the gallery, but I took care that none should notice My injuries. I pretended as though nothing had happened. The Vice-Chancellor was worried thinking that Swami was unable to get up.

I knew that any further delay would cause anxiety in the minds of devotees. So I immediately got up, forgetting the excruciating pain and started blessing the devotees, waving My hands. The pain was intense, and the cut on My arm so deep that it appeared to have been caused by a knife. But the sleeve on the robe covering My hand was intact. This incident gives you a glimpse of the infinite power of Divinity.I found Myself in an awkward situation. I had to walk to the dais without My injuries being noticed. So I willed that no one should notice My injuries, lest they become anxious. I walked up to the dais and took My seat. But in the meanwhile the dhoti below My robe was drenched in blood. Concerned that the devotees may get to know of this, I discreetly walked into the bathroom. The available towels were insufficient to wipe the oozing blood. I did not want to leave the blood stained towels in the bathroom, lest some one notice them. Though

there was excruciating pain, I washed the towels Myself with soap, squeezed them and put them up for drying. Under no circumstances do I reveal My suffering, pain and fatigue. Some boys were curious to know why I went to the bathroom repeatedly. I replied, "Why are you concerned? It is my job." Usually I go to the bathroom only twice a day, morning and evening. Since the injury was bleeding profusely, I had to go to the bathroom five or six times in that short duration. Just then two students came and prayed that the institute flag could be hoisted. When I got down from the chair it felt as if I had an electric shock. Reflecting on the incident I feel like laughing to Myself. I could not stand firmly on the ground. I thought I should not be deluded by the attachment to the body and walked forward smilingly to hoist the flag. Then I lighted the lamp. I again found Myself in an embarrassing situation. I could not sit in any posture comfortably. When I

exhort all devotees to give up body attachment, I should set an example Myself. Speaking to Myself in this manner, I conducted myself accordingly.The Primary School children performed extremely well and desired to have a photograph with Me. Acceding to their prayers I walked up to them and posed for a photograph, as I did not want to disappoint them. In this manner I detached Myself from the body. My body was numb. There was no sensation whatsoever. My head was reeling. I resolved to make the students happy no matter what happened to the body. I decided to keep this to Myself. Concerned that the bloodstains may be visible while returning to the dais from the playground, I ascended the steps leading directly to My seat. Is it possible for human beings to conceal such a major injury from the public gaze for such a long time amidst such a huge gathering? No. I was seated on the chair for five long hours. I am relating all this so that students and

devotees may comprehend the nature of Divinity. Anyone in My predicament would not have been able to sit in the chair even for a second. It would have been impossible even to put a step forward. It was as though electric shocks were piercing My body. The electric current gives shock: but when I am the current Myself, where is the question of Myself being subjected to shock? With this feeling I sat through the whole proceedings.

The Central Trust members followed Me, but they were not aware of what had happened to Me. The senior devotee apologized for his slip. Then I told him, "Why do you worry about the past? Past is past. I am happy. Do not worry about Me." All of them had their lunch. After lunch My back started bleeding again. The students were waiting outside for photographs, again I went into the bathroom to wipe the blood. Noticing this, Indulal Shah cried out, "Swami what is this?" I told him lovingly, "Indulal Shah, whatever had to happen to the body has happened." Saying so, I showed him My injury. All of them cried out in agony. They noticed blood all over. I told them that I would not reveal anything in future if they expressed their sorrow like this. No one knew about the injury until I reached the Mandir. Likewise, I take upon Myself the untold suffering of students and devotees many a time to protect them. No one is

responsible for this mishap. You may find fault with one individual or the other, but no one is responsible for this. Whatever had to happen, happened.


The complete story:


Sourced from



Prize distribution for Sports and Cultural Meet, Prashanthi Nilayam, January 14, 1999.


It is how we Percieve Swami is and His Divine Message and His Divine Mission that makes us what we are . Once Bhagawan beautifully and wonderfully said to a Very Innocent Question as to why He is always happy and Smiling that "I see Myself in each and everyone of you, That is why Iam always happy", If Swami can see Himself and His Divine Form in all of us, Can we not see His Divine Form in Others and everyone ?. It is for every individual to decide.


Om Sai Ram

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