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Complete Text of Swami's Easwaramma Day 2008 Discourse

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Students - Boys and Girls!


Venkataraman has spoken to you regarding today’s function in a befitting manner. He is a very learned man who worked in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. He has done research in some scientific areas earlier pursued by Sir C.V. Raman. He is the winner of many awards.


Now, what can I say about the mother of this body? Man has actually three bodies – physical, mental and spiritual. Therefore, you are not one person but three – the one you think you are, i.e., the body, the one others think you are, i.e., the mind, the one you really are, i.e., the Atma (spirit). But your true form is the Atma, not the body or the mind.


Give Highest Respect to your Parents


In the circumstances that prevail today, there are very few who honour their mother. Your mother carried you in her womb for nine months and gave you birth after undergoing many difficulties and hardships. Forgetting such a mother is like forgetting God. This amounts to forgetting yourself. Mother is your first teacher. It is the mother who feeds and nourishes you. It is on the lap of your mother that you grow up and experience all types of happiness. None should forget the love that he receives from his mother. First and foremost, your mother deserves your highest respect.


After the death of his mother, many people told Sankaracharya to take the body out. But Sankaracharya told them, “Neither my mother is going to leave me, nor I am going to leave my mother. My mother and I are one forever. Bodies are different but the principle of the Atma is the same in both of us. You may distance yourself from me but none has any right to separate my mother from me. Her body will be cremated in the compound of the house.†Accordingly, Sankaracharya cremated the body of his mother in the compound of his house. None can estimate the feelings of the mother. Even today people of Palakkad either cremate or bury the body of their mother in their compound because they feel that such a great person like Sankaracharya has done it and they should also follow

the same. In the beginning many people criticised Sankaracharya, saying that he had committed impropriety in spite of being a great scholar. Knowledge of scriptures is not that important, it is cultural refinement that has great value. Culture is that which brings about refinement.


Physically your mother may not be with you, but your love for her should remain the same. Easwaramma, the mother of this body, sent a letter to Me when I was at Kodaikanal. After that, I came to Brindavan (Bangalore). The Summer Course was going on at Brindavan. One day, after her breakfast, she had a cup of coffee. Suddenly, she shouted “Swami, Swami, Swami.†I said, “I am coming, I am coming, I am coming.†Then she asked Me to come quickly and I came to her immediately. She caught hold of My hands and breathed her last.


So long as there is life in the body, we should take care of it. When the life goes out of the body, it has no value. Truly speaking, who is the mother? It is the life principle that is the mother, not the body. Body is like a water bubble, mind is like a mad monkey. What for should we keep the body? Immediately, I asked for the car to be brought and sent her body to Puttaparthi. I remained in Brindavan. For the summer Course, the students had come not just from one college but from various colleges of India. They all thought that Swami would not come to the class that day. Then what? Exactly at 9 o’ clock, I entered the classroom smilingly. Students were surprised to see Me there. They were all thinking, “What is this? Swami’s mother has passed away and He has come

to the classroom!†Mother does not go anywhere.


The body that was being addressed as ‘mother’ had left. But the mother is with Me only. Hence, there was no need to be sad.. So long as I am there, mother is always with Me. Therefore, I told the students to be happy and not to feel sorry that the mother of this body had left her mortal coil. At that time, V.K. Gokak was the Vice Chancellor. He was also surprised, thinking, “What? Swami is talking like this!†I have not taken birth from physical body. After all, what is this body! It exists when five elements are there in it. Body is like a bag containing five elements. When the five elements leave the body, it becomes an empty bag.


The body is made up of five elements and is bound to perish sooner or later, but the indweller has neither birth nor death. The indweller has no attachment whatsoever and is the eternal witness.

(Telugu Poem)


We should attach significance to Dehi (indweller) and not the Deha (physical body). Everyone forgets the body when he goes to sleep. When you can forget it in your sleep, why can’t you forget it forever?


Worldly Relations are Temporary


Hence, one should not have undue attachment with the body. All mothers and children should develop these feelings of detachment. So long as the mother is alive, we should respect her, honour her and make her happy in every possible way. There is no need to be sad when she leaves the body. Even here in Puttaparthi, people said, “What is this? Swami has sent the body of Easwaramma, but He Himself has not come?†What for I should go with the body? Body is only a vesture. It is like a leather bag. When the five elements leave the body, the five senses also go with it. Then why should we grieve over the lifeless body? I arranged for whatever was supposed to be done at the worldly level. I remained in Brindavan and conducted the summer classes happily. In this world, all the

physical relationships are of our own making. Otherwise, who is related to whom? This relationship of mother and son is only at the physical level. The mother came, performed the actions that she was destined to perform and then left. I have to perform My duty. Therefore, I engaged Myself in the performance of the task for which I have come.


Matha Nasthi, Pitha Nasthi, Nasthi Bandhu Sahodaraha, Artham Nasthi, Griham Nasthi, Thasmath Jagrata Jagrataha. (The relationships like mother, father, brothers, sisters and friends are not real. House and wealth are also illusory. Beware of this truth.)

(Sanskrit Verse)


When we see the phenomenon of birth and death in this world, we can understand that the body is transitory and ephemeral.


However, do not ignore their well-being. But, we should not have undue attachment to the body. The relationship between husband and wife is there only after the marriage. Wife comes in the middle of your life but mother is there with you right from the birth. It is sheer foolishness to forget your mother who is with you since your birth and get entirely immersed in the love of your wife who comes in the middle of your life. Other relations like sons, daughters, grandsons, sons-in-law, etc., are also formed in the middle of one’s life. In fact, all worldly relations are temporary; they come and go like passing clouds. You have connection with these relations so long as you exist. Where is the connection when you

yourself are not there? Hence, do not form any relationships on the basis of the body. However, perform all duties which you are required to perform at the physical and worldly level with earnestness. Your conduct should be good and your actions should also be good. Never forget your mother; treasure her form in your heart. We come from the heart of our mother and mother should always be in our heart. Therefore, neither your mother ever leaves you nor you should leave her. Mother and children are united with each other for ever.


Wherever you may be, keep your heart suffused with the feelings of love for your mother. Once Narasimha Murthy came to Me and said, “My mother has passed away.†I asked him, “Who has passed away – your mother or her body?†Then I told him, “Your mother is here. I am your mother (loud applause). It is the body that dies. Body is like a water bubble. Bodies come and go. Therefore, you should have no worry about the death of the body of your mother. I am here with you. Ask Me whatever you wanted from your mother; I will give (loud applause). Hence, you should not feel sad at all.†From then onwards, Narasimha Murthy is with Me. I give him whatever he wants. Mother, father and other relations

are temporary – coming and going, coming and going. But God is not coming and going. He is always present. Therefore, it is only God who is present at all times (loud applause). The entire world is ephemeral and transitory. How many people have taken birth in this world? Are they all here now? Death can occur in any manner; it has no one particular symptom. Death is death. Even if some symptoms of death are visible, we should not worry at all.


Never ever show disrespect to your mother. Never make her shed tears by your conduct. Keep her always happy. Her happiness will bring you all good things in life. But we should not worry at the death of our parents. Recently also I told in My Discourse in Bangalore that both My mother and father appeared before Me. They smiled on seeing Me; I also smiled on seeing them. We should be happy when our parents smile. Small children smile at everyone. We also start smiling when they smile. The parents are also like small children. Mother always loves her children.


Therefore, whatever high position we may attain in our life, we should never disrespect or look down upon our parents. You should look after your parents and treat them with love and respect. Always consider them as God. Mother is God, father is God. That is why it is said, Matru Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhava (revere your mother, father, preceptor and guest as God). Mother gives you your body. Father provides the means of nourishment of the body and opportunities for your progress. Acharya gives you education and God gives you everything. Therefore, you should never forget these four and treasure them in your heart. Mother and father have their place in the heart of man. He

should not ignore them even if they show anger or cause hardship to him. One who forgets his/her parents cannot be called a human being. How can you exist without your parents? They are the seed of your life, the very source of your life on earth.


Therefore, parents should occupy a place of prime importance in your life. Even if you are old or in great difficulty, you should make efforts to make your parents happy as far as it is possible for you. You should feed them even if you have to resort to begging. Bear all hardships to look after them. Fulfil all their desires. This will result in the fulfilment of your own desires. Everything in this world is reaction, reflection and resound. None can escape from these. If you cause hardship to your parents today, your children will do the same to you tomorrow. You will get back the result of your actions without much delay. You may love anyone you like, but do not forget your parents. When your parents have not

forgotten you, you should also not forget them.


You should remember your parents at all times. You should never forget them. If is for this reason that I have come here straight from Brindavan. Earlier, people thought that Easwaramma Day might be celebrated at Kodaikanal. But I decided that I should be at Puttaparthi on 6th May, a grand function should be held here and poor people should be made happy by giving clothes and serving sumptuous food. Wherever I am, I perform this function in the same grand manner. You should never ignore poor people.. We should always remember them and help them.


But some people out of their short temper and anger abuse and ridicule them. This is a great mistake. If you ridicule them now, it will come back to you in future. You may be thinking you are ridiculing them but truly speaking you are ridiculing yourself. Never ridicule or insult them. Always love them. If you insult them before others, you will also be insulted by others. You cannot escape from reaction, reflection and resound. Difficulties come and go.


Have Relationship with God only


Even the mighty Rama suffered the pain of separation from His consort Sita and cried like an ordinary person. Even the valorous Pandavas had to live in forest eating leaves and tubers. (Telugu Song)


How much power and valour they possessed! Yet they had to live in forest and bear all difficulties. What for? They were defeated in gambling. Similar will be the fate of all those who take to this bad path. Gambling is not good at all. Similarly, drinking of liquor is also not good. Addiction to drinking leads to loss of control over oneself.


Under the influence of liquor, one may speak anything.. Later on, he will repent after coming back to his normal senses. Likewise, lust and anger are demonic qualities. Never allow them to come near you. In a fit of anger, we may say anything without considering its consequences.. But after a few minutes, when we come to our normal mood, we will say sorry, “Alas! Why did I abuse like this?†Therefore, first and foremost kill the anger. Rama killed many demons and demonesses in the forest because of their evil qualities of lust and anger. Whoever he may be, whether a male or a female, if he / she has the evil qualities of lust and anger, he / she should be punished. Anger and lust are very bad for man. Love God.

Adore Him and worship Him. He is your father, mother and everything. Have relationship only with God.


Twameva Mathacha Pitha Twameva, Twameva Bandhuscha Sakha Twameva, Twameva Vidya Dravinam Twameva (you alone are the father and mother, friend and relation, wisdom and wealth).

(Sanskrit Verse)


God will never leave you. He is omnipresent. All the worldly people whom you love are like passing clouds. They come and go. But God comes and grows. Therefore, love God and have faith in Him. Only he is a true human being who has love for God. (Here Swami called a boy from Iran, who is a student of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School and asked him to chant Vedic Mantras.) See how beautifully this boy from Iran has chanted the Vedic Mantras! He is a Mohammedan boy. In their country, people are not even allowed to utter the name of Rama in public. When you ask him his name, he will tell “My name is Sathya.†(Swami asked this boy – “What is your name? What is your parents name? Chant the Vedic Mantras

nicely and learn all Vedic Mantras. Do you know Rig Veda?†The boy then recited Rudram and Sri Suktam with perfect intonation and pronunciation to the applause of the entire gathering.) Everything is there in the Vedas. The essence of all the religions, viz., Hindu, Islam and Christianity is there in the Vedas. The Christians also sing the glory of God in the same manner. The Mohammedans pray to God in the same way. Hence, God is one for all religions. There is difference only in names. The Muslims offer prayers to God five times in a day. Hindus also pray to God in the morning and evening. We should never think that the Vedas are only for the Hindus. The Vedas are for all. That which is one and universal is the Veda. The Vedas can alleviate all types of sufferings of man. Hence, it is good for everyone to learn the Vedas. Many people from America also come here and learn the Vedas. Many people in Russia and Germany also recite the Vedic Mantras both

in the morning and evening. Since Hindus are not reciting the Vedic Mantras daily, they are forgetting them. Therefore, nobody should forget the Vedas. Veda and Vedanta are like your parents. We should always remember them and never forget them. Therefore, students! Whatever you may study, you should never forget God. Only then can you attain peace. People say, “I want peace.†There can be no peace without Bhajan.


(Here Bhagavan sang the Bhajan, “Hari Bhajan Bina …†and continued His Discourse.)


Many people perform Yajnas and Yagas for the sake of peace. Where can you get peace from? It is within you only. It does not come from outside. What come from outside are only pieces, pieces, pieces! Peace comes from our heart only. You should do Bhajans to attain peace. Only Bhajan can give you true peace.


Om Sai Ram

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