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THE SPECTACULAR SAGA OF SAI IN KASHMIR Kashmir, the confluence of Truth, Beauty and Goodness Imagine being enveloped in pristine Nature! A fresh, cool breeze, soothing and reviving every pore of your being - you breathe-in a lung full and it feels like your body is renewed with new and pure cells. You are sitting, absolutely relaxed, on earth that is lush, green and unending; an unknown serenity pervades your senses. Majestic snow-capped mountains fill your vision – so white and pristine that they mesmerize you. As you stare at the tiny streams and springs that gleefully glide down the peaks through small mounds and little valleys, like a happy kid on a new bicycle, you are speechless at the innocent play of Nature. And then, you see the

emerald green fields merging into a dense flora of blooming fruit, pine and chinar trees. The sky above, of course, is a clear canopy of soft blue – so beautiful that it feels ethereal. Kashmir, a land of 'milk and honey' - from its snow-capped Himalayan peaks...

... to its roaring whitewater rivers... Senses Subdued

by the Serene Scenery Wherever your eyes fall, it is a celebration of Nature – breathtakingly beautiful and picturesque landscapes, captivating forests, clear rivers, gorgeous streams, enchanting flowers, and the air – so clean, refreshing, relaxing, rich and rejuvenating. Effortlessly, your mind slips into a state of never-before calmness; the soul, after long, feels so much at peace. The overpowering aesthetics confer a spiritual high unasked. So much beautify, such perfections that it numbs the senses as they grapple to soak in the vision. You feel you are in paradise! ...to its lush, emerald gardens... ...and its scenic urban vistas Projector and the Projection Blend into One Yes, you are surrounded by the best and purest of creation. But what if we add another elevating element to this enthralling picture? Imagine the Creator Himself in the midst of this most magnificent creation of His! Imagine the gentle breeze wafting through the green meadows playing with His hair and caressing His cheeks! And on the Divine lips sprouts a lovely smile! The Lord looks so radiant, bubbly and full of charm; He is just joyful, relishing each moment with every brook and bower, flower and forest, twig and tree – He is lost, completely at one with His

reflection; the façade of duality there is none. The creation and the Creator blend as perfect partners, one as an extension of the other! To this picture of perfection, add a sound card. Now imagine His Voice reverberating in that ethereal valley! It is as if the Creator communicates, and the Creation responds, reflects and rejoices. Anyone fortunate enough to witness this Divine sport, is simply in raptures of bliss! The Creator amidst His enchanting creations But this is not all. Cosmic Integrated Awarenessembodied in a tiny frame Now, there is a third dimension. This sight worthy to beheld by Gods in high heavens is not for

just a few celestial beings. There are thousands of blessed souls who witness this divine spectacle! One sighting of the Lord in this idyllic setting and the crowd is ecstatic. They are dancing in joy and crying in Love for Him. They want to treasure every second, savouring it deep into their souls. They are pining to be near Him, to behold Him up close. They are from every region and religion but their reactions to the moment of bliss is one of indescribable joy. There is a Muslim from whose eyes tears roll down copiously, a Hindu with his hands folded, obsequiously prostrates on the ground in prayer, and the third, a lady – something mysterious happens to her the moment she catches one glimpse. She starts dancing as if possessed and moves away. One precious glance is enough to last her a life time. It looks like now she only wants to zealously

safeguard that one image in her heart, and just relive that moment till the end of eternity. To watch the reaction of the thousands to His presence in this virtual paradise is simply electrifying, uplifting … beyond words indeed! It is an unparalleled play of pure love by the Pure Love in the purest of places on earth. The moment is indescribable for the synchronity of mysterious forces at play. It marks an amazingly fascinating confluence of the best of creation, the finest of sublime emotions, and the Source of all manifestation that is this beautiful creation. It almost seems like a divine fairy tale, a fantasy spun by a wishful mind; but is as real as the fresh dew drops on an early spring morning. The incredible story of Swami’s visit, in 1980, to the vale of Kashmir, in northern most India, once described by the Moghuls as “Paradise on Earth”, is the stuff that legends are usually

made of. Yet, some blessed souls live among us to tell the tale. Spontaneous Surge of Devotion Radiating pure love for Hisdevotees in Kashmir “I came to Swami as a boy of eight in 1962, but had never before seen such ecstasy and longing for the Lord,” says Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy, one of the fortunate members of Swami’s entourage. “Wherever Swami went, people were just euphoric; they shouted ‘Baba! Baba!..’ with their arms, either raised or folded, or wide open, beckoning their Beloved to cast one glimpse at them. Their eyes were overflowing, cheeks wet and at every available opportunity, they just rushed forward to His Lotus Feet. When Swami’s car passed by on the roads, I used to look behind, and what a sight it was! Excitement is too small a word; they just jumped in joy! They were so thrilled to have seen just the Red Robe or a little of His face or hair. ‘Oh my God! Did you see

Him!’ each one seemed to say to the other. "They somehow came to know of Swami's whereabouts whenever He traveled to places nearby Kashmir, and for me, truly, they were a revelation. In fact, it reminded me of the Bhagavatha which describes the mad-like devotion of the Gopikas to Lord Krishna, and I, for one, was very skeptical of these mythological accounts. But here, it was live in front of my eyes! I was convinced beyond doubt that the narrations of ecstatic devotion I have read were not just poetic creations, but manifestations of pure love. And as this thought crossed my mind, Swami, in that instant, threw a glance at me as if chiding me for my disbelief, and at the same time, confirming my new realization. This trip was so special…I cannot describe it in words - the unmatched beauty of the valley, the unparalleled devotion of the Kashmiris, and Swami, so beautiful…” So, that was just a glimpse of this glorious odyssey of Sai into the lap of the Himalayas. For those who were part of this divine adventure, it was an incomparable boon, and even now, those memories are as fresh and green in their minds as are the hills and dales in the Valley of Kashmir, often referred to as the ‘Switzerland of the East’, only richer due to its deep spiritual history. So, how did this sublime excursion with the Divine take shape? What motivated Swami to journey to the State of Jammu and Kashmir in North India in the summer of 1980? Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy narrates the moving scene of Swami's Darshan in Kashmir They Pray…and Plan “Swami had been to Kashmir for the first time in 1957, but that was a big group and the trip was very short. Then, Swami hardly saw any of the captivating scenery of Kashmir,” says Mrs. Ratanlal, who came to Swami nearly half a century ago and since then has been blessed with the Lord’s close proximity. “So, around 1979, we started praying to Swami again. ‘Swami, let us go to Kashmir. Please, let us go to Kashmir.’ But Swami did not relent. Still, we persisted and were hopeful. So I asked Mr. Sohanlal to do all the ground work before we prayed to Him again. Mr. Sohanlal personally visited Srinagar, the summer capital of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, to survey the place and select suitable accommodation for Swami.” ---------------------- Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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