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Whom Baba guided, corrected and helped.

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On religious matters, he had very little occasion to seek Babas assistance. It

was chiefly temporal blessings that he got. For instance, when his son Nana had

only one son, Damia prayed to Baba at his Samadhi for a second grandson, and a

second grandson was born. Being almost wholly occupied with worldly affairs, his

consultations with Baba were only on business and domestic matters. On one

occasion, a Bombay cotton broker told him that having a good lot of Rs. 50,000

or Rs. 60,000 with him, he could safely speculate in cotton and get lakhs, and

that too, very quickly. At once Damia wrote to Shama to ask Baba for permission

to launch on this speculation. When the letter came to Baba, Baba said, Damia

wants to catch at the sky. His head is wrong. He is trying to think of lakhs.

Write to him that his present position is not bad, and ask him not to think of

lakhs. After the letter came, Damia with great regret dropped the idea of cotton

speculation, but not finally. He thought he would directly go and meet Baba, and

then induce Baba to give the permission by offering a share in the profits to

Baba. So he went to Shirdi, and, when massaging Babas legs, was thinking of his

plan. Baba at once said, Damia, I am not in anything. That is, Baba was not

going to be a partner in any speculation or similar affair. Baba did not want

money at all and, if he wanted, speculation was not necessary for him. Prakamya

is one of the siddhis forming part of ones divine nature. Baba said, ˜I am God " .

He also said, ˜I have vast powers. Baba could command large amounts at will. But

he had no necessity for wealth.


Again on another occasion, Damia found people trading in grain. So, he wanted

Babas permission for himself to trade in grain. Baba said ˜No " . He was wondering

why. Because, his friends were saying that grain prices were rising, and if

grains were stored up, cent per cent or more profit would be the yield. But Baba

said, ˜Arre, you will be buying at five seers and selling at seven seers. For a

month or two, the prices were rising still. Babas prophecy seemed to be

falsified. But when Asvin came, the monsoon rains were abundant, and everywhere

the crops were excellent, and so prices fell and the grain hoarders suffered

loss. Damia discovered that Baba had saved him from this calamity.


Damia had occasional curiosity which prompted him to put questions. First he

wanted to know when so many were crowding at Baba whether they all got any

benefit from him. This was a mental question. Baba at once replied, ˜Look at the

mango tree in blossom. If all flowers turn fruit, what a splendid crop it would

be? But do they? Most fall off by wind. Very few remain. The second question

was, If Baba should pass away, how helpless Damia would be. This also was a

mental question. To this Baba answered, ˜I will be with you whenever you think

of Me and wherever you think of Me " . This was mentioned before 1918 and is

fulfilled even after 1918. Damia says, ‘Even after Mahasamadhi He is still

with me. He is still guiding me in his statement made in 1936. So, he is one of

the Ankita children of Baba, whom Baba guided, corrected and helped............

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