Guest guest Posted August 3, 2008 Report Share Posted August 3, 2008 Puttaparthi August 3rdNews Update about July 31st programs by devotees from United Kingdom Thursdays, of late have become days of great joy at Puttaparthi, especially among the gents. With Swami frequently choosing to take a shortcut to the interview room just after the ladies side, the gents devotees are starved of close darshan. And so, Thursdays become so important. Not only because of the fact that Swami, since childhood, has assigned special importance to it, but also because the primary school children come for darshan! So?....So, the gap between the ladies and gents is filled up by the children and this seems to "force" Swami to make the complete darshan rounds! And when Swami came out at 4:15pm, He did exactly that as He took a complete round of the ladies and gents side on the chair and everyone were happy. Very often, it is said, "God is everywhere. All we need is a pure heart and a clean mind to feel Him." Whatever be the statement or the Truth, ask anyone who has just had the privilege of seeing Swami from up close. The thrill that shoots through ones being at being so close to His Being is something out of the world! His darshan seems to fill the entire body-mind-soul apparatus with sublime joy and pure bliss. That effect seems more divine and profound especially when one has been starved of it for many days! It is not simply that the sages and saints, who were ever immersed in the divine, also got dumbed into ecstatic silence at the mere sight of that same Divine. When the Lord descends as an Avatar, His darshan is something that one must experience. And for those who swear by the "God is felt everywhere" philosophy, please, sit for a moment at a yard's distance from Him and feel the difference yourselves! Today, Swami was all "randomness" if we can give another name for His famed "uncertainty"! He moved towards the interview room, but then moved along the upper portico and interacted with the devotees there. He also materialised a gold chain for a devotee seated there. Moving down, He went towards the primary school block. He blessed chocolates to be distributed to all the children and this raised the excitement levels- slightly in the whole mandir and to extreme levels in the children's portion of it. As the chocolates were distributed, another treat too was readied and choco-cream biscuits soon followed suit, only that this time the beneficiaries were everyone and not the children alone. Swami slowly travelled down the slope along the primary school students. He collected letters and blessed the kids as the Veda chanting among them reached "sonic boom" levels. He retraced the same path and granted the children a bonus 'double'. Through the veranda, He moved out to the gents side and this time gave the privileged 'double' to the Higher Secondary School and Institute students. As He neared the area where the birthday boys were seated, He told them in a joking- admonishing tone,"Ay I already blessed you all!" He moved to the interview room and then blessed the group from the United Kingdom to put up the musical programme they had prepared. Quickly, the marble block was cleared and the group to perform were seated. Hurriedly, a lamp for Swami to light was prepared. However, Swami came and straight sat facing the devotees and asked for the programme to begin. A person went up to Swami and offered a rose to mark the beginning of the programme. Beginning with "Brahmaanandam Parama Sukhadam", the group sang five songs in different styles and different moods. The final song was a powerful one that had the catch phrase, "onward, forward, godward". As they completed their five songs, Swami told them to sing bhajans. The youth from the United Kingdom had come on this visit to Parthi as part of their sadhana camp! They began bhajans and five bhajans later, Swami had Aarthi waved at Him and then retired to Yajur Mandir. Written by Eswarachandra Vidyasagar The fact that in every being there is the Supreme is an inescapable reality. God will not be released if denied or enter if invited. He is there, in the very 'Being' of every being. This is the truth and if you want to know it and experience it, develop the vision of the Jnani (wise person). Just as the telescope enables you to see things that are far away, the 'Jnanascope' is essential to see Brahman (divinity) immanent in everything. ( translated into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya Wijaya ) Fakta bahwa di dalam diri setiap orang terdapat Divine merupakan realitas yang tak terelakkan. Beliau tidak akan pergi walaupun diingkari dan Ia juga tidak akan datang walaupun diundang. Beliau tetap ada di sana, sebagai inti yang hakiki. Inilah kebenaran, dan jikalau engkau ingin mengetahui dan merasakannya, maka engkau perlu mengembangkan Jnani vision (pandangan terang). Seperti halnya engkau membutuhkan perangkat teleskop untuk melihat benda-benda antariksa yang jauh; maka dalam hal ini, engkau membutuhkan 'Jnanascope' agar dapat melihat Brahman (divinity) yang ada di dalam segala-galanya. ( translated into German by Stephanie Von Elverfeldt ) Die Tatsache, dass in jedem Wesen das HÖCHSTE anwesend ist, entspricht unvermeidlich und unbestreitbar der Wirklichkeit. - GOTT läßt sich nicht aufgeben, indem man ihn verleugnet oder meldet sich, wenn er dazu eingeladen wird. - GOTT IST ANWESEND UND GEGENWÄRTIG IM JE UREIGENEN SEIN EINES JEDEN WESENS. - Das allein ist die Wahrheit -; und wenn Du sie erkennen willst und erfahren, entwickle die Einsicht und den Weitblick eines Weisen, eines Jnáni -; der seine Sinne zu beherrschen weiß und den HERRN in allen Dingen sieht. - Gerade so, wie ein Teleskop Dich in den Stand versetzt, Dinge zu sehen, die weit entfernt sind, ist das "Jnánaskop" wesentlich und wichtig, um die GÖTTLICHKEIT VON BRAHMAN zu schauen, DIE ALLEM INNEWOHNT, DAS ALLUMFASSENDE, UNIVERSELLE, NAMENLOSE, FORMLOSE, EWIGE, ABSOLUTE.** Seit ein paar Tagen lasse ich nähere Erklärungen in den Text des Tagesgedankens einfließen, um eine bessere Lesbarkeit zu schaffen und so auch ein besseres Verständnis. Diese Zusatzerklärungen werden nun in kursiver Schrift kenntlich gemacht. ( translated into Spanish by Herta Pfeifer ) El hecho que en cada ser se encuentre lo Supremo es una realidad ineludible. Dios no será relevado si se Le niega ni entrará si se Le invita. Él está ahi, en el "Ser" mismo de cada ser. Esta es la verdad y si quisieran conocerla y experimentarla, desarrollen la visión de Jnani (sabio). Asà como el telescopio les permite ver cosas que están a gran distancia, el 'Jnanascopio' es esencial para ver al Brahman (divinidad) inherente a todo. ( translated into Italian by Mabatini ) Il fatto che in ogni essere umano ci sia il Supremo, è un fatto cui non si può sfuggire. Dio non sparirà se negato o entrerà se invitato. Egli è Là , nel vero ‘Essere’ di ogni essere . Questa è la Verità e se volete conoscerla e sperimentarla, sviluppate la visione dello Jnani ( persona saggia). Proprio come il telescopio vi abilita a vedere cose altrimenti troppo lontane, il ‘Jnaniscopio’ è essenziale per vedere Brahman (divinità ) immanente in tutti. ( translated into Russian by Vladim ) Тот факт, что в каждом живом ÑущеÑтве еÑÑ‚ÑŒ Верховный ГоÑподь, ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ¸Ð·Ð±ÐµÐ¶Ð½Ð¾Ð¹ реальноÑтью. От Бога Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð±Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚ÑÑ ÐµÑли отрицать Его, или впуÑтить, приглаÑив Его. Он еÑÑ‚ÑŒ там, - в Ñамом «СущеÑтве» каждого ÑущеÑтва. Ðто иÑтина и еÑли вы хотите узнать её и познать её на опыте, - развейте видение Джнани (мудреца). Подобно тому как телеÑкоп позволÑет вам видеть вещи, которые очень далеко от ваÑ, «ДжнанаÑкоп» необходим Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ð³Ð¾, чтобы видеть Брахмана (божеÑтвенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ), приÑущую вÑему. ( translated into Dutch by Sama Chintha Group Belgium ) Het feit dat God in elk schepsel aanwezig is, is een onvermijdelijke realiteit. God zal niet weggaan als Hij ontkend wordt of binnenkomen als Hij uitgenodigd wordt; Hij is er, in het echte “Wezen†van elk wezen. Dit is de waarheid en als je deze wil kennen en ervaren, ontwikkel dan de visie van een wijs persoon (Jnani). Net zoals de telescoop je de mogelijkheid geeft om dingen te zien die ver weg zijn, is de “Jnanascoop†essentieel om de innerlijke goddelijkheid (Brahman) in alles te zien. ( translated into French by Nathalie ) Le fait que dans chaque être, il y a le Suprême est une réalité inéluctable. Dieu ne sera pas réalisé si il est nié mais entrera s'il est invité. Il est là , dans tout l' "Être" de chaque être. C'est la vérité et si vous voulez la connaître et l'expérimenter, développez la vision du jnani (la personne sage). Juste comme le téléscope qui vous permet de voir les choses lointaines, le 'jnanascope" est essentiel pour voir "Brahmam" (la divinité) immanente dans chaques choses. ( translated into Portuguese by Fernando Noll ) O fato de que em cada ser há o Supremo é uma realidade da qual não se pode escapar. Deus não sairá se for negado ou entrará se convidado. Ele está lá, no “Ser†de cada ser. Isto é a verdade, e se você quiser conhecê-la e experimentá-la, desenvolva a visão da pessoa sábia (Jnani). Assim como o telescópio permite-lhe ver coisas que estão longe, o “Jnanascópio†é essencial para ver a divindade (Brahman) imanente em tudo. ( translated into Tamil by Mohan Manikkam ) ( translated into Telugu by Ramachandra Rao )( translated into Hindi by Ravi Chandran )( translated into Malayalam by Ram Sai ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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