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Clarification needed ! Chaper 25 of Vidyeshvarasamhita from Shiva Puran

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Dear Narasimhaye,



It is seen from your posting on Vidyeshvarasamhita

below that one who wears rudraksha without mantra will

go to hell.


This statement in Vidyeshvarasamhita contradicts Devi

Bhagavatam and some other scriptures which have been

quoted in this group from time to time.


I'd like to know your opinion on this.




--- narasimhaye <no_reply > wrote:


> Reposting an old post from member Fylgjarunester,

> March 18, 2007, Message Number 14590



> Chaper 25 of Vidyeshvarasamhita from Shiva Puran


> Suta narrated (briefly) the greatness of rudraksha

> to saunaka and

> other sages. Rudraksha is a favourite bead of siva.

> It is highly

> sanctifying. It removes all sins by sight, contact

> and japas.


> Siva said: O mahesani, formerly I had been

> performing penance for

> thousands of divine years. When I opened my eyes

> with a desire of

> helping the worlds, drops of tears fell from my

> eyes. From those

> tear-drops there cropped up the rudraksha trees.

> Rudrakshas grown in

> gauda land became great favourites of siva. They

> were grown in

> mathura, lanka, ayodhya, Malaya, sahya mountain,

> kasi and other

> places. They are competent to remove all the sins,

> as the sacred

> texts have declared.


> These auspicious rudraksha were classified into

> Brahmins, kshatriyas,

> vaisyas and sudras. The colours of the four types of

> rudraksha are

> respectively white, red, yellow and black. All

> people shall wear the

> rudraksha of their own varna. Rudraksha are worn to

> get worldly

> pleasures and salvation and to gratify siva.


> A rudraksha of the size of an emblic myrobalan

> (dhatriphala) is

> mentioned as the most excellent; one of the size of

> the fruit of the

> jujube tree (badariphala) is spoken of as the

> middling; the meanest of

> rudrakshas is of the size of a gram. O mahesvari,

> even the rudraksha

> of the size of the fruit of the jujube accords the

> benefit and

> heightens happiness and good fortune. That which is

> of the size of

> the emblic myrobabalan is conductive to the

> destruction of all

> distresses. That which is of the size of a gunja

> (the berry) is

> conducive to the achievement of the fruit of all

> desires.


> The lighter the rudraksha, the more fruitful it is.

> Each of these is

> fruitful and that of a weight of one tenth is

> considered by scholars

> as the most fruitful. The wearing of rudraksha is

> recommended for the

> sake of destroying sins. Hence that which is

> conducive to the

> achievement of every object has to be worn

> certainly. O paramesvari,

> no other necklace or garland is observed in the

> world to be so

> auspicious and fruitful as the rudraksha. O goddess,

> rudrakshas of

> even size, glossy, firm, thick and having many

> thornlike protrusions

> yield desires and bestow worldly pleasures and

> salvation forever.


> Six types of rudrakshas shall be discarded; that

> which is defiled by

> worms, is cut and broken, has no thornlike

> protrusions, has cracks and

> is not circular. That which has a natural hole from

> end to end is the

> most excellent; that which is bored through by human

> effort is the

> middling one. The wearing of rudraksha is spoken of

> as conducive to

> the destruction of great sins. If eleven hundred

> rudrakshas are worn

> on the person, the man assumes the form of rudra.

> Even in hundreds of

> years it is impossible to describe adequately the

> benefit derived by

> wearing eleven hundred and fifty rudrakshas. A

> devout man shall make

> a coronet consisting of five hundred and fifty

> rudrakshas. A person

> of pious nature shall make three circular strings in

> the manner of the

> sacred thread, each having three hundred and sixty

> beads. O

> mahesvari, three rudrakshas must be worn on the tuft

> and six in each

> of the ears right and left.


> Hundred and one rudraksha shall be worn round the

> neck; eleven

> rudrakshas shall be worn round each of the arms,

> elbows and wrists.

> Devotees of siva shall have three rudrakshas in the

> sacred thread and

> round the hips five rudrakshas shall be tied. O

> paramesvari, the

> person by whom so many rudrakshas are worn is worthy

> of being bowed to

> and adored by all like mahesa. Such a person while

> in contemplation

> shall be duly seated and addressed " O siva " . Seeing

> him, every one is

> freed from sins. This is the rule regarding eleven

> hundred

> rudrakshas. If so many are not available, another

> auspicious

> procedure I mention to you. One rudraksha shall be

> worn on the tuft,

> thirty on the head, fifty round the neck, sixteen in

> each of the arms,

> twelve round each of the wrists, five hundred on the

> shoulders, and

> three strings each having hundred and eight in the

> manner of the

> sacred tread. He who wears in all a thousand

> rudrakshas and is of

> firm resolve in performing rites is bowed to by all

> devas like rudra

> himself. One rudraksha shall be worn on the tuft,

> forty on the

> forehead, thirty two round the neck, hundred and

> eight over the chest,

> six in each of the ears, sixteen round each of the

> arms; o lord of

> sages, according to the measurement of the forearms,

> twelve or twice

> that number shall be worn there.


> A person who wears so many, out of love, is a great

> devotee of siva.

> He shall be worshipped like siva. He is worthy of

> being always

> honoured by all. It shall be worn on the head

> repeating isana mantra;

> on the ears with tripurusa mantra; round the neck

> with aghora mantra

> and on the chest also likewise. The wise devotee

> shall wear the

> rudraksha round the forearms with aghora bija

> mantra. A string of

> fifteen beads shall be worn on the stomach with

> vamadeva mantra. With

> five mantras sadyojata etc., three, five or seven

> garlands shallbe

> worn. Or all the beads shall be worn with the mula

> mantra. A devotee

> of siva shall refrain from eating meat, garlic,

> onion, red garlic,

> potherb, slesmataka, pig of rubbish and liquors.


> O uma, daughter of the mountains, the white

> rudraksha shall be worn by

> the Brahmin, the red by the kshatriya, the yellow by

> the vaisya, the

> black by the sudra. This is the path indicated by

> the Vedas. Whether

> he is a householder, forest dweller, ascetic or of

> any order, none

> shall go out of this secret advice. Only by great

> merits can the

> opportunity to wear the rudraksha be obtained. If he

> misses it, he

> will go to hell.


> The rudrakshas of the size of an emblic myrobalan

> and those of lighter

> weight but depressed with thorns, those eaten by

> worms or without

> holes and those characterized by other defects shall

> not be worn by

> those wishing for auspicious results. They shall

> avoid small ones of

> the size of gram. O uma, rudraksha is an auspicious

> complement to my

> phallic image. The small one is always praiseworthy.

> People of all

> varnas and asramas even women and sudras can wear

> rudraksh at the

> bidding of siva. The ascetics shall wear it with the

> pranava.


> If any one wears it during the day he is freed from

> sins committed

> during the night; if he wears it during the night,

> he

=== message truncated ===




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