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The Key to God's Heart (5e)

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(Chapter 5)- continuation -The secret is to be unattached, totally and completely. The trap of

attachment that claims our attention, ego and pride is what causes problems. Problems only arise due to our attachments, otherwise, circumstances would never concern or agitate us for we would be immune to any disturbances in life. We may say that it's

impossible to live totally

detached, however, a fairly high degree of detachment is very

attainable. This is the aim and the purpose that we must hold to and

try to achieve. To be attached is to hold onto things but to be detached is to

release and let go. The spiritual path is easy, it is as easy as

letting go of a handkerchief. To hold on requires strength, to let go

is to relax.How can you be happy surrounded and enmeshed in so many problems. You complain that the Lord wants you to be detached and it is not so simple to do this. The trick and secret is to take joy from Him and then you will

be detached. The only way to take joy from Him is to love Him utterly and completely. When you love Him, you give Him bliss, that is then returned to you a thousand fold. When you give it back to Him, it is returned again to you a thousand fold. The process goes on. This is how to be

detached; this is how to be above worldly considerations.Why hanker after object after object when you can have the creator of all the objects. What He wants us to desire is the hand and not what is in the hand; the giver not the gift, the creator not the creation. Seeing good everywhere is seeing God everywhere. We must live like in the world. We must fill our lives with love and goodness. Then, by themselves, the vices will flee and God will take up residence in our hearts and we in His. Before you

speak, think to yourself, 'Is it good, is it true, will it improve upon

the silence?' That is really the key to everything. How much do we value stillness? Only when we are pure inside, when we are empty, only in the depths of our inner silence, will we be able to hear the promptings of the voice of God.Everything, the world is nothing and the nothing, God, is everything. Only the veil of ignorance must be removed. The room may have been dark for thousands of years, but the moment sunlight enters in and the curtain is parted, instantly darkness is replaced by a dazzling flood of light.One must utilize every single opportunity in one's life for the divine. See only God in all the persons around, in all the people that surround you. See only God in all forms. One must have constant awareness of one's actions : this is a form of detachment. To acquire detachment, love Him and practice the

principle 'see God in all'. These disciplines will lead to His heart. If one accepts all situations, one finds oneself in as having been orchestrated by the divine, then there is no reason, no cause for complaint. If there is an untoward situation, and one analyzes oneself first,

one will understand and cognize that the problems arise within

us. It is we who entertain the feelings and emotions that are not

correct and it is those that then manifest in the people around us,

which return, boomerang back upon us. One must never cause hurt by interfering in other people's lives.Without Him in your life, without Him as an anchor and mainstay, without Him to love and without His love, all the undesirable qualities may manifest within you. The instant He takes up His abode in your heart, all these vices will disappear like so much mist, leaving no trace, not even a forwarding address. The moment the Lord takes up residence, the whole world appears bright and cheerful, and each day is joyous, more glorious than the last, each day is blissful in His company.Once you try to acquire the contact and try to purify your love, you will find merely the contact with Him, merely the attempt at contact

will correct situations and elevate you above problems. The error lies in being distant from Him. If your love for Him is pure, you can never be distant. Give up all other thoughts and live only in Him. So many times He asks this and so many times, He explains. How many times do we follow? You may assert that you DO love God and that you have no other considerations but when you do not receive, when the love does not come back to you as bliss, then you must examine its form because likely as not, it is tainted by worldly considerations, it is colored by street values. Only when the love is pure does it return to you as bliss.Wealth and

worry cannot give you joy. You can only ever be truly happy, you will

only ever be content in His company. That, too, only when you have

acquired some little detachment. I suppose you will say that if the Lord does

indeed love you, He should automatically resolve all your problems

because of His love for you. If He does not do so, then presumably, He

does not love you. One should not make statements under implied ultimatums. This is a gross error. The Lord never ceases to love or provide for us but some corrections may have to be made on our own part. Our lives and values must be essentially reassessed, upgraded and

redefined.In everything you do, everywhere you are, in every aspect of life, always remember to place the Lord first. Never forget this one principle, do God's work first, then all your cares will be His and taken care of. If you place others first or problems first, who is going to take care of your problems? On the other hand, if you surrender to Him and place Him above all others, He will place you high on His list and address all your affairs. That is His law, the law of the universe.Although we would contend that due to His invisibility to the naked eye, it is easy

to forget Him. Our one duty is to remind ourselves, to remember Him

throughout the day, to live ever in His company. How to know He is

present when He is invisible? He will show you His presence. He will guide you to His presence. He will manifest His presence for you so that you can never forget that He is there. And His presence can be denoted in a thousand ways. With the Lord, persistence pays, constant, ceaseless enduring persistence.His love will be overwhelming. He will hear and answer each and

every wish of yours. He will always be there, present for you, but you must also be there for Him. Your love must be strong, that is love, discipline and service so that nothing swerves you from Him. Pray to Him to grant you this strength, this love. Plead for this love to be gifted to you. The secret is in the asking,

in asking for the correct gifts. Even this love for Him is a gift from

God. It is not something that is just acquired. It is His grace that

allows you to love Him. It is His grace that graces you with the

courage to follow this path. It is His grace alone that has created and

endowed you with life.Some people will pay more attention to rules, forgetting the human

necessity to weigh a situation for merit or demerit. They must learn to

temper their decisions with compassion. Most times we humans cannot see

beyond the limits and bounds of our little circle of beliefs when it

comes to us personally. Yet when it comes to other people, we are

prepared to judge and condemn. We must expand our circle of beliefs to encompass the entire world, to encompass the universe. We must broaden our thinking and ennoble our ideas, raise our minds to a higher consciousness.However, effort will be necessary for God is not so easily attained and

some discomfort is inevitable. During all this, it is very important

you understand that humility and lack of anger are vital, for He does

not approve of such. Can you imagine how He would feel if one of His

children decides to carry out a wrong on another of His children. Even though one may have been wronged first, He does not expect that we be vengeful. For Him, all His children are equally beloved. Allow the law of

action and reaction to take its toll, never take the law into your own

hands. Everything has a place and order and is well balanced with all

others. Think along these lines and you will see how absolutely

wonderful it is to remain with Him, in His company. He will help you

through your temper times. When you feel tense and anxious, when you

feel emotions racing and raging within, bubbling inside, then know that

you have lost contact with Him.And when in spite of your best efforts, you still fail, you must pray to Him

constantly for His grace, that you spend twenty four hours a day with Him. Pray that He grants you the resolve and determination to complete your mission. Only by His will, will it be possible. We have no will, no ability. We are merely puppets and He is the master puppeteer pulling the strings and making us perform. So, in asking Him to do this and pull a

particular string, that, too, is His will. And believe me, He will

agree. He will pull those strings and gift you with the required

devotion. You will then always be blessed and gifted with whatever you ask for.- to continue -(From : THE KEY TO GOD'S HEART by R SAI) Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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