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Puttaparthi - 05th October 2007

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October 5th












evening after the bhajans an announcement was made that Vishwa Viraat Roopa -

cosmic form will be visible in the sky. So everyone in Puttaparthi headed to

airport, at around 6:15 pm Swami also arrived at the airport. All the vehicles

and devotees in Puttaparthi were headed to airport. The whole road was filled

with devotees. The airport runway was filled with devotees, Swami had hard time

even getting out of the car at the airport due to huge number of devotees.

After an hours stay in airport, Swami returned back to mandir. It took quite a

while for Swami to return to mandir due to traffic on the airport road.





for the Day







today fails to recognise the power of the Divine because of his selfishness and

self-centredness. Only when he gets rid of the impurities encrusted in his

heart, will he be able to experience Divinity. Man and God are like the iron

filing and the magnet. God by His very nature attracts man to Himself, for in

man there is the Divine. Often we feel that God has forsaken us and we rush to

blame Him, failing to realise our own defects. When the iron filing is too

thickly covered by rust and dust, can it get attracted to the magnet?









into Indonesian by Udayo Untarya



Kegagalan manusia dalam menyadari kekuatan Divine

adalah disebabkan oleh karena sikapnya yang congkak dan mementingkan diri

sendiri. Apabila ia sanggup untuk menyingkirkan noda-noda yang terdapat di

dalam hatinya, maka ia akan sanggup untuk experience Divinity. Manusia dan

Tuhan adalah ibarat batangan besi dan magnet. Salah-satu sifat Tuhan adalah

menarik manusia kepada diri-Nya, sebab di dalam diri setiap umat manusia

terdapat percikan Ilahi. Namun kadang kala kita merasa seolah-olah Tuhan telah

melupakan kita, sehingga kita cenderung suka menyalahkan-Nya tanpa terlebih

dahulu merenungkan kekurangan yang ada pada diri kita sendiri. Apabila batangan

besi itu sedang tertutup oleh lapisan debu dan karat yang tebal, bagaimanakah

mungkin ia bisa ditarik oleh magnet?




into Spanish by Equipo Namo)

Hoy día el hombre omite

reconocer el poder de lo Divino a causa de su egoísmo y egocentrismo.

Únicamente cuando se deshaga de las impurezas incrustadas en su corazón, será

capaz de experimentar la Divinidad. El hombre y Dios son como las limaduras de hierro y el imán. Dios

por Su misma naturaleza atrae al hombre hacia Él, porque en el hombre está lo

Divino. Con frecuencia sentimos que Dios nos ha desamparado y nos precipitamos

culpándolo, omitiendo el darnos cuenta de nuestros propios defectos. Cuando las

limaduras de hierro están demasiado cubiertas por la herrumbre y el polvo,

¿pueden conseguir ser atraídas por el imán?












( translated into Italian by Mabatini )


di oggi sbaglia nel riconoscere il potere del Divino a causa del

suo egoismo e del

suo sentirsi al centro delle cose. Solo quando si sarà liberato delle impurità

che incrostano il suo cuore, sarà in grado di sperimentare la Divinità.

L’uomo e Dio sono come il ferro ed il magnete che lo attrae. Dio per la

Sua vera natura attrae l’uomo a Sé stesso, perché nell’uomo

c’è il Divino. Spesso sentiamo che Dio ci ha abbandonato e ci

precipitiamo a biasimarlo errando nel non riconoscere i nostri stessi difetti.

Quando la polvere di ferro, ricoperta da uno spesso strato di polvere e sporco,

riuscirà ad essere attratta dal magnete?

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