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Bhagavada Vahini - Chapter 13

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Bhagavada Vahini by Sathya Sai Baba


Chapter 13

The Coronation of Parîkchit


Kuntî Devî took the road that Shyamasundar had taken. What was left

was the lifeless body. Arjuna wept aloud, " Brother, what shall I say,

we have lost our mother " . Dharmaraja who was standing by was shaken

hard by the shock; he stepped towards the body and finding the face

blanched, stood petrified.


The maids outside the door heard the words of Arjuna and they peeped

into the room. Kuntî Devî's body was lying on the floor; Arjuna had

the head on his lap; he was intently looking at the face with tearful

eyes. The maids of the palace transmitted the news from one to

another, they entered and realised that the Dowager Queen had left

them, without possibility of return. They wept aloud at the heart-

breaking calamity.


Meanwhile, news reached the Queens in the inner apartments. Within

seconds, the sad tidings spread all over Hastinâpura. The Queens were

overcome with grief; they tottered in, beating their breasts in

anguish. In an endless stream of sorrow, the denizens of the palace

flowed into the apartment. Bhîma, Nakula, Sahadeva and the Ministers

were overpowered with grief.


The air was filled with indescribable agony. Nobody could believe

that Kuntî Devî, who, a few minutes ago, was so eagerly awaiting her

son Arjuna, to hear the news from Dvârakâ, could have passed away so

soon. Those who came and saw stood mute and motionless. The wailing

of the maids, the groans of the Queens, and the grief of the sons

melted the rockiest heart.


Dharmaraja consoled every one and instilled some courage. He told

them not to give way to grief. He did not shed tears; he was moving

about bravely, directing every one and infusing strength of mind.

This made every one wonder at his self-control. The Ministers

approached him and said, " O King, your unruffled nature fills us with

admiration. You revered your mother and treated her as the very

breath of your life. How is it that your heart has taken her death so

callously? " Dharmaraja smiled at their question and their

anxiety. " Ministers, I am filled with envy when I think of her death.

She is indeed most fortunate. The world dropped from her life as soon

as she heard the news of Krishna moving on to his Heavenly Home. She

left immediately to that Home, for, she could not bear the pang of

separation from Him.


We are most unfortunate. We were so near Him; we derived so much of

ânanda from Him; we heard of His departure; but, yet, we are alive!

Had we really the devotion that we claimed, we should have dropped

the body like her when we heard of that loss. Fie on us! We are but

burdens on the earth. All our years are a waste " .


When the citizens and others came to know, that Kuntî Devî had died

as soon as she heard the news of Krishna's departure from the world,

they wept even louder for, the grief at losing Krishna was far

greater than the grief at the loss of the Dowager Queen. Many behaved

as if they had grown suddenly insane; many beat their heads on the

walls of their houses; they felt miserable and forlorn.


It was as if petrol was poured on a fire. In the flock of unbearable

anguish, born out of the double loss, Dharmaraja was the only calm

soul. He consoled the queens; he spoke softly and assuringly to each;

he told them that there was no meaning in lamenting the loss of the

mother or the departure of the Lord. Each of them had their course

according to a predetermined plan. " It only remains for us now to

fulfil our destiny through appropriate steps, " he said.


Dharmaraja called Arjuna near him and said, " Arjuna! Dear brother!

Let us not delay any further. The funeral rites of mother must begin

immediately; we must have Parîkchit crowned Emperor; we must leave

Hastinâpura this night itself; every moment appears an age to me " .

Dharmaraja was filled with extreme detachment. But, Arjuna was filled

with even more renunciation. He lifted the mother's head from his lap

and placed it on the floor. He ordered Nakula and Sahadeva to make

preparation for the Coronation of Parîkchit. He gave instructions to

others, Ministers, officers etc. on the arrangements that had to be

made, in view of the decision of the King and the Princes. He was

very busy, indeed. Bhîma busied himself with the arrangements for the

funeral of the mother.


The Ministers, citizens, priests, gurus, were full of wonder,

admiration and sadness at the strange developments and incidents in

the palace. They were sunk in grief and despair, but, they had to

keep it all to themselves. They were also affected by a strong wave

of detachment. Struck with wonder, they exclaimed, " Ah, His paternal

uncle and aunt left the palace all of a sudden; the news of Krishna's

departure fell like a thunderbolt on the head already distracted by

this calamity; then quite soon, the mother passed away; ere the

corpse is removed from where she fell, Dharmaraja is preparing for

the coronation! And, the Emperor is planning to give up everything -

power, riches, status, authority - and to move into the forest with

all his brothers! Only these Pândavas can have such steady courage

and renunciation. No one else is capable of this boldness. "


Within minutes, the funeral rites were gone through; the brahmins

were called in; Dharmaraja decided to have the Coronation Ceremony in

quite a simple style. The subordinate rulers and tributary kings were

not to be invited; nor could invitation be given to citizens and

kinsmen at Indraprastha.


Of course, a Coronation in the Bharatha Dynasty, seating a ruler on

the sacred Lion-throne of that line, was usually a grand affair. The

date will be fixed months ahead, the auspicious moment chosen with

meticulous care; and, elaborate preparations on a magnificent scale

will follow. But, now, in a matter of minutes, everything was got

ready with whatever material was available and whoever was near at

hand. Parîkchit was given a ceremonial bath, the crown jewels were

put on him, and he was brought to the throne by the brahmins and the

Ministers. He was placed on the throne and, while Dharmaraja was

placing the diamond studded diadem on his head with his own hands,

every one in the Hall wept in distress. The Imperial Authority that

had to be assumed to the joyous acclamation of the people was imposed

on the boy to the accompaniment of groans and sobs.


Parîkchit, the newly crowned Emperor was weeping; why, even

Dharmaraja, the man who crowned him, could not stop his tears, in

spite of his best efforts. The hearts of all the spectators were torn

by agonising sorrow. Who can stem the force of destiny? Fate executes

every act, at the time and place, and in the manner it has to be so

executed. Man is nothing before it, he is helpless.


Parîkchit was a well-bred virtuous boy; he watched the sadness that

pervaded every face; he noted the incidents and happenings in the

Palace; he had sat on the throne, since he felt he should not

transgress the command of his elders; but, suddenly, he fell at

Dharmaraja's feet and pleaded pathetically, " My Lord! Whatever your

wish, I shall honor and obey, but, please do not desert me and leave

me alone " . He did not give up his hold on the feet; he continued

weeping and praying. All who saw the tragic scene wept; even the

hardest could not but weep. It was terrible, fraught with dire



The boy fell at the feet of his grandfather Arjuna and cried

piteously. " Grandpa! How can you move out of here with peace in your

hearts, after placing this heavy burden of empire on my head? I am a

child who knows nothing; I am very foolish; I am ignorant; I have no

qualifications; I am incompetent. It is not just, it is not proper

for you to lay on my head this empire which has been in the care of a

long line of heroes, statesmen, warriors and wise men and remove

yourselves to the forest. Let some one else bear this responsibility;

take me also with you to the forest " , he pleaded.

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