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--- On Wed, 1/20/10, wrote:

Sai bhakti radio at www..infoTo: "Ashok Gupta ji" <veena_gupta_2000, "jay" <jayWednesday, January 20, 2010, 5:05 AM








Pranaams to ashok ji and veena maa ji


Kindly check www..info


New updates- Online Bhakti Radio


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Thanks to Jay ji (Sai bhakth) who helped me in providing the code for Online Bhakti Radio.



may baba bless us all


For Shirdi Sai Aartis, Greetings, Messages and Wallpapers...Kindly visit... May Baba Bless Us All --- On Tue, 1/19/10, Ashok Gupta <veena_gupta_2000 wrote:

Ashok Gupta <veena_gupta_2000 Let us pray together, 1st lot of Letter for prayers during Recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani and Prayan of Sai Satcharitra. Date: Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 11:16 AM








For 21st Jan 2010

Jai Sai Ram

1. For all information related to Sai Amrit Vani, Please visit www.. info 2. On 21st Jan 2010 Group recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani will again be held at 19A, Pocket – B, Sidhartha Extension, New Delhi. at the same old usual time ie 11 AM to 12:30 Noon. 3. Please write all your letter/requests for prayers and pooja only on email id veena_gupta_ 2000 . Other letters of general interest related to Baba may however be written to ‘’. 4. For Thursday Prayers and recitation of Sri Sai Amrit Vani/prayan of Sai Satcharitra, we consider letters received up to evening of Wednesday (Indian Time). Please post the letters, so as to reach us by that time.

5. Devotees sending many names for prayers, should ask all those named in the letter to recite/read or atleast listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani and ensure that they will recite/read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani at least on Thursdays. Let them also do some karam.

6. Devotees should be specific by giving (i) date, for which Thursday they are writing the latter. They should also mention the (ii) place and (iii) if they will be reciting/reading or listening Sri Sai Amrit Vani and/or doing prayan of the chapter of Sai Satcharitra? It is requested that they should recite Sri Sai Amrit

Vani at their places, ( Do it at any time if 11 AM – 12 Noon is not possible (your Local time). 7. Following are the letters received for 21st Jan 2010. Letters not mentioning that they will recite/read or listen to Sri Sai Amrit Vani on this Thusrday or prayan of Sai Satcharitra, have not been included in this. LET US ALL PRAY FOR ALL ALONG WITH Veena Maa. 8. It is requested that please avoid coming to for recitation of Sai Amrit Vani if any member in the family is having cough and cold. Devotees may recite the Sai Amrit Vani at their respective homes at 11 AM to be with us. Devotees may contact Mrs Gupta on phone nos.

011-26346942, 09868966605 or 09312494767, only after 11 AM and before 7 PM (IST) on any day, except Thursdays and no calls on Thursdays P L E A S E . If devotees who join us in absentia, find it difficult to recite from 11 AM, they can do it, at any time, as convenient to

them. absentia, find it difficult to recite from 11 AM, they can do it, at any time, as convenient to them.

9. I have omitted all those letters who have written private or confidential in the subject along with the Sri Sai Amrit Vani. List of such devotees will be given in my last letter of the week. Please write “Confidential†if you want to keep the letter personal, in the SUBJECT along with Sri Sai Amrit Vani.

Ashok Gupta

veena_gupta_ 2000


Group website www.. info * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. "mythilipartha" <mythilipartha@ ......... ....

Fwd: PLEASE INCLUDE OUR NAME FOR SRI SAI AMRIT VANI on 21st Jan 2010 Friday, January 15, 2010 12:28 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 Dear Veenaji, & nbs`; Please include OUR names V TPARTHASARATHY & MYTHILI BANGALORE for Sri Sai Amrit Vani. We will bereciting Sri Sai AmritVani ON 21st Jan 10mythili k n & parthasarathy & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 2. sudha_raji@. ......... ....Re: hiThu, 14 Jan 2010 06:37:01 -0800 veena_gupta_ 2000 Dear Sir,Iam already a member of the of sai.I assure u that I will read amritvani on 21st . I have also the Cd. with me.Kindly include in your prayersJai sai sharanamMy dear sister,Pranam. I am sudhakaran aged 63 from Kerala. I am writing this letter to you with a broken heart for solace.Iam a staunch sai devotee and I read satcharita daily.My daughter and her husband in USA are also strong devotees of sai.Now my son-in-law lost job on account of recession about a year back. He is Phd in microbiology from USA.They have two sons aged 4 and 2. Now my daughter also has been given notice of retrenchment and they are groping in dark. what to do?They bought a house on bank loan.They are lost all hopes and are in utter confusion.will you please kindly pray baba for immediate help and miracle to solve the

problem as nothing is impossible for baba. In your next parayan on 21st will u please pray for the family of Dr. praveen, Manju sudhakaran and the two children Anand and Bharat ?I have no one else to approach. Expecting an early replyyours sincerelysudhakaran.V. K.AiswaryaVembanatRayonpuram post PERUMBAVOOR683543Kerala

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 3. "Joyce Sewsunker" <jsewsunker@. ......... .... FW: Aum Sai Ram: Amrit Vani pooja--- Prayan Sai Satchritra-- 21--01--2010 Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:08 AM "'veena_gupta_ 2000 '" <'veena_gupta_ 2000 '> Aum Sai Ram Veena Ma and Ashok DadHave a blessed week aheadPlease add our names to this week's pooja which we will be doing same at home before going to our evening bajans.Ajith Sewsunker--- JHB South Africa----reading the Prayan Sai Satchrita and listening to the Sai Amrit Vani poojaJoyce Sewsunker--- -JHB South Africa ---- reading the Prayan Sai Satchrita and listening the Sai Amrit Vani poojaJai Sri RamJoyce & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 4. "dobby sommer" <dobbyonearth@ ......... ...... Sri Sai Amrit Vani Sunday, January 17, 2010 1:38 AM "veena gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 >

Honored and Respected Sai Maa and Ashokji, Jai Sai Ram, Many Blessings on all your good works for a wonderful year of Sai. With your permission I will listen and recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani and read Sri Sai Satcharita and pray on Jan.21 at home. All is Sainath. Koti Pranams at His Lotus Feet Jai Sai Ram dobby sommer ca usa & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 5. "Usha Kiran" <yashodaisy21@ ......... ..... Shri Sai Amrithvani Prayer Request Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:10 AM "Sai Veena" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Dear Shri Ashok ji/Veena ji Namaste Pleaseadd our names to the prayer list for 21st January 2010Thursday. ShriSai Amritvani will be recited by me on all our behalf on 21st January 2010, here in Sohar Oman.I pray humbly, Baba to bless me by granting my three prayer requestswhich I have already placed at Baba's Lotus Feet. Koti Pranams to theLotus Feet of Shirdi Sai Deva and my Koti dhanyavads for the infiniteGrace shown by Shri Sai for accepting my prayers by giving Udi to me. Please answer my prayers at the earliest Baba. (I am a member of 'MySaiBaba20 group. I recite Shri Sai Ashtothar everydayduring my morning and

evening prayers from many years. And I readchapter 37of Shri Sai Sachcharitha (Chavadi Procession) on everyThursday after my evening puja.) Mr. Usha Kiran Gudur ( Sohar, Oman) Mrs Yashoda Kiran ( Bengaluru) Mr. Rahul Kiran ( Bengaluru) Mrs. Rashmi Prem ( Bengaluru) Mr. Prem Kumar ( Bengaluru) Mrs. Shilpa Uday ( Bengaluru) Mr. Uday Kumar ( Bengaluru) Master Aaryan Rudra ( Bengaluru) Ms Ruby Kiran ( Bengaluru) Mrs. Daisy (Alleppy) Thanking you OmSai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai Usha Kiran Gudur Sohar 311 Oman

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 6. "vedavalli narayan" <vedavalli22@ ......... ..... request Saturday, January 16, 2010 7:42 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 pranams.dear veenaji & ashokji,please include my namein your prayers on 21st jan.i'll recite & listen to amruthavani. please pray for the names below.thank you both very much.JAI SAI RAM.vedavalli.bangalore . india.premavivekmridula & uday. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 7. "Kiran Mehta" <mehtas.. ........ RE: Sri Sai Amrit Vani Saturday, January 16, 2010 7:18 AM "Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > 

Dear Respected Ashokji, As suggested by you I have joined the '' ; I have already started reading Sai Satcharitra. I will be reciting Sri Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday, January 21 at home (address and my name is listed below). Please let me know if any further information is needed. Furthermore please keep me informed. Thanks Kiran MehtaShawzijde 1452725 PV ZoetermeerThe Netherlands & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 8. "shyam manohar" <shyamavitta@ ......... ...... Shri Sai Amrit Vani Prayer request for Thursday 21st Jan. '10 Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:46 AM "Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Dear VeenaJi and GuptaJi,Jai Sai Ram.Thank you for including our names and also praying for usin the last thursday Shri Sai Amrita Vani prayers.Kindly include our names as under and also pray for us onThursday 21st Jan 2010 Shri Sai Amrita Vani prayers:Asha S. Manohar - Daughter, Palghat, KeralaAkash S. Manohar - Son,Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala Girija S. Manohar, Spouse, Dubai, UAEShyam Manohar - Self,Dubai, UAEI (Shyam Manohar) will listen Sai Amrit Vani and read SaiSatcharita on the day. With Pranams.Shyam & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

9. "swarnam surendran" <swarnam_surendran@ ......... ..... prayer request Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:11 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 Dear Ashokji,Please request Veenaji to pray for Sidharth, our son to get a good internship which is vital for his studies .I will be reciting Sri Sai Amrit vani this thursday 21st Jan in Dubai.I will be doing parayan of sri sai satcharitha also.thanksswarnam & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 10. "krishrao" <krishrao ......... .... Sai Amrit Vani Prayers on Thursday, January 21, 2010 Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:12 PM veena_gupta_ 2000

Jai Sai Ram:

We would be very grateful if you could kindly include our names in your Sai Amrit Vani Prayers on Thursday, January 21, 2010 My wife Gayathri Rao will recite Sai Amrit Vani, and Myself (Krishnadas Rao) and our son (Mahesh Rao) will listen to the recital. AS ALWAYS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH ! Kind Regards, Krishnadas Rao Gayathri Rao Mahesh Rao Northville, MI, USA & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 11. "Surriya Rais" <dadiami007@. ......... . PRAYER Sunday, January 17, 2010 12:03 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 Om sai Ram, Please keep me in mind Iwill read chapter 11 and SAI AMRIT VANI on THURSDAY . I live in Pakistan but Iam a ardent devotee of SAI BABA I read Shri Sai Satcharita nearly daily or finish in 7 days Ihave down loaded every thing on my Computer Thanks for the wonderful sites. Ihave an alter for my Deva as I do not have Udi I use ash of AGARBITI jossticks as I light candles and agarbati daily in front of HIS picture and statue SurriyaJAI SAI RAM.

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 12. "Achuta Ramaiah" <achuta.ramaiah@ ......... .... A SIMPLE PRAYER TO LORD SAI JI ACHUTA Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:26 AM Veena_gupta_ 2000 Dear Veena ji and Ashok jiNow Pl include the following names for prayer to sai on 21 Jan 101 Mrs S V Ramani ( my wife) for improvement of pain in left and right knees2 Kirtana my grand daughter for outstanding improvement in her school studies3 Aditya my grandson for great success in studies in his kindergarden school.4 Bless my new grandson Arjuna and outstanding improvement in his growth5 My daughter Annapoorna for improvement in her general health andsuccess in her job.6 My daughter Asha's health and successfully taking up her new job w/oany problems. I ask of sai to give her new strength and direction insuccessfully coping with all her problems.7 Help Vasvika and Suresh in coping with general problems as they arise8 My brother

Satyam for successful recovery from cancer9 Thank sai ji in helping my nephew Dr Prashant in successfullymending his injured right hand elbow10 Help DR Prashant in totally come out of the recent accident he gotinvolved with out any problems.11 Help Vinay son of Anita in every way in blossoming out as an outstanding lad13 Help Srinu in making his brilliant son Rahul as an outstandingstudent, musician and a sportsman14 Help Dr Prashant in fixing a convenient date for eye operation ofher devoted mother sirisha so that me and my wifeS V Ramani can help her in Delhi and be able to journey with properrailway reservations from Hyderabad to Delhi and back15 Help Raman Iyer (our spiritual guru) in coming out of his recentlung problem as a token of faith for his outstanding spiritual helpto poor and needy peopleI would

play and read sai Amrit Vani on 21 Jan 10 sometime duringthe day in HyderabadThank you for all the help and am highly grateful to you, veena and Ashok ji.God bless you two sir.achutajai sai ram-- Wg Cdr S A Ramaiah (Retd)2-B, 6-3-1100/4, SomajigudaHyderabad -500082tel 23405990 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 13. "Chandan Rajkhowa" <rajkhowac@.. ......... .. prayer request Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:35 AM "Veena gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Dear Veenajee and Ashokjee,

Pranam. Kidly place this prayer request on the lotus feet of Bhagawan Baba on 21st of january 2010.I shall be listening to the sai amrit vani through recorded version in my computer. As on thursday i am taking an monthly dose of a immuno -supressive drug. ishall try to listen in the evening. I am from Medziphema of Dimapur District of Nagaland. Yours sincerely Chandan RajkhowaNRC on MithunJharnapani,Medziphe ma, NagalandPin: 797106 ON THE LOTOS FEET OF BHAGAWAN SHIRDI SAI BABA Bhagawan Sri sri Baba, First of all kindly accept my salute at your divine lotus feet. I am quite alright here anddue to your kind grace i could get lots of relief from my ailments but still not been cured completely. Please baba please bless me so that i can serve the society as per my full capability. Bhagawan I am appearing in an interview on 25th morning for a very responsible post in my organisation. I will have to function from New Delhi if i get selected. I pray at your lotus feet so that I can perform in the interview in an effective and in a very articulating way. Please bless me so that the right things happen after the interview and you guide me to place myself in the right position Bhagawan please bless my son so that he can clear the bachelor degree and can get a good placement either in study or in job. he is now planning to go for higher study in Australlia but due to disturbances in that country we are little worried. please baba please bless him so that he takes the right decision. Lastly at your lotus feet again Yours Devotee at your divine lotus feet Chandan Rajkhowa & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 14. "DINAR TRADING CO LLC" <dinartc. ......... .. PRAYERS Sunday, January 17, 2010 2:42 AM "veena_gupta_ 2000 " <veena_gupta_ 2000 > 17/01 SAI RAM VEENAJI AND ASHOKJI, PLEASE INCLUDE MY NAME FOR SAI AMRIT VANI PRAYERS TO BE HELD ON 21/01/10.I SHALL LISTEN AND RECITE THE SAME AT MY RESIDENCE AND ALSO READY CH. 11 OF SSC.THANKS AT HIS LOTUS FEET,DEEPAK (Tripoli, Libya) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 15. "Yerrabhaneni Narendar" <narendar ......... . Sri Sai Amrit Vani -- (21/01/2010 ) Sunday, January 17, 2010 11:16 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 Sairam, Pls include our family names for the sai amritvani prayers to be held on 21st Jan 2010 we will recite for Amritvani at our local time. Narendar, ChennaiLavanya, Chennai Nishita, Chennai Hrishikesh, Chennai Ramaraju, ChennaiVijayalakshmi, ChennaiVasanthi Rammohan, Chennai (to get a good job and peace of mind)Vikram, USA ( peace of mind )Neethu, USA

(Suffering from Cold and Feaver) please pray our good health. SairamNarendar & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 16. "Rupak Das" <heyrupak ......... ... Request for inclusion of names in Sri Sai Amrit Vani prayer on thursday January 21, 2009 Monday, January 18, 2010 1:06 AM "Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Hi,Veenaji/Ashokji,

Jai Sai Ram ! Baba ka lotus charano mein koti pranaam ! Please include our names in Sri Sai Amrit Vani prayer and the recital of Sri Sai Sat Charitra this thursday on January 21, 2009. We will recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani and listen to Sri Sai Sat Charitra at our place. Rupak Das, Atlanta, GA Lopa D. Chowdhury, Atlanta, GA Shivangi Das, Atlanta, GA Shinjini Das, Atlanta, GA Best Regards, Rupak Das & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 7 17. "pandurangan s" <vittal_05@.. ......... ... Re: [shirdi Sai Baba] Let us pray together, A report 14th Jan 2010 Monday, January 18, 2010 12:39 AM "Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Jai Gurudev, Sai Ram Ashok Ji and Veena Maa ji, This is Pandurangan from Singapore please include the name shall listen/recite Sri Sai Amrit Vani on 21st January 2010 Thursday.

Sai Baba bless all his children always, With Love & Light, Sai's child Pandurangan & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 18. "dimple dhiman" <dimpledhiman32@ ......... ... [ No Subject ] Monday, January 18, 2010 5:35 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 om sai ram veena maa veena maa i am dimple from patiala, please add my name in the 21 jan 2010 list. maa i will read and recite sai amrit vani and read sai charitra chapter 11 on 21 jan 2010

maa i would like to thank you from the core of my heart for the job you are doing for us. baba please mujhe apne charno me rakho apni kirpa drishti mujh per rakho, apni kirpa mujh per karo aur apna haath mere ser par rakho. baba mere saath raho rasta dikhao mere jiwan me roshni karo sugandhi bhar do.. baba aap mere aur harpal ka vichola ban kar hamara rishta (shaddi kar do) jorr do. baba 17 saal beet gaye ab jaldi karo .baba harpal khud mujh ko shaadi ke liya kahe aur mere pita bhi yahi chahte hai ke un ke hote mere zindgi set ho jaya . shirdi baba jo supreme court me case chal raha hai mere hak me kar ke achi maintenance laga do. baba mere pita mujhe desire car chalane de ta ke main un ke peeche se nahi un ki marzi se le kar jaon. car aap ne chalani hai aur sab theek rakna hai. baba mere aur harpal ki meeting fix kar ke shaddi pakki kar do. dimple

patiala & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 19. "zayasankar serou" <zserou.. ...... Sairam Monday, January 18, 2010 5:27 AM "Ashok Gupta" veena_gupta_ 2000 Mrs. Veenaji and Guptaji

Sairam Please do include our names in SRI SAI AMRITVANI PRAYERS

on Thursday (21.01.2010) . We will listen SRI SAI AMRITVANI on the same day from my residence. MAY BABA BLESS US ALL. Zayasankar, Mangamani, Vivekanand, Swetha and Naresh Sairam Serou(UK) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 20. "anju" <anju777. ......... . REF: SAI AMRIT VANI Monday, January 18, 2010 4:58 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 Respected Veena Didi / Ashok Bhai Sahib, Hope you both are in good health. Sorry I keep on bothering you every week,but have no other recourse other than OUR BABA. Please include us for14 Jan-2010 SAI AMRIT VANI,as will be reading the SAI AMRIT VANI in California (usa). BABA YOU HAVE ALWAYS TAKEN ME OUT OF ALL MY PROBLEMS,SO THIS TIME ALSO AM KEEPING ALL MY PROBLEMS AT YOUR LOTUS FEET,DO PLEASE TAKE CARE AND KEEP US IN YOUR FOLD FOREVER. Supriya Bharadwaj, Kunal Bharadwaj, Shweta Bharadwaj, Ishika Bharadwaj. There may be a delay, but there is no denial in God’s realm.

anju & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 21. "Ganesh Venkatachalam" <gvenkat05@.. ......... .. Thursday Prayers Monday, January 18, 2010 3:29 PM "Ashok Gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Dear Ashokji:Our Respects and Pranam to Veenaji and yourself!Please kindly include the following names for the Thursday Prayers:Ganesh Venkatachalam, Lata Ganesh and Parvathy Ganesh

We are ever grateful and thankful for everything HE has done for all of us. I have to meet my goals for the year 2010. I seek Baba's Grace to be successful and triumphant!We seek HIS Grace to remove all negativity, uncertainty, bring peace, prosperity and especially success at our careers and success for our daughter Parvathys' education at school.

I seek HIS GRACE to get a breakthrough in my endeavors to contribute to the growth of business in the Company where I work currently.I will listen to Sai Amritvani and read Chapter 11 of the Sai Satcharitra on Thursday Thank youGanesh VFairfax, Virginia

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 22. "Prajitha Thampi" <prajithathampi@ ......... .. Prayer request during chanting of Sai Amrit Vani Monday, January 18, 2010 2:50 PM "Veena Gupta" veena_gupta_ 2000 Sai Ram Dear Veenaji and Ashokji, Please include me in the prayer request for this thursday (Jan 21st) during chanting of Sai AmritVani. My name is Prajitha and I live in Gainesville, Florida. I will be chanting Sai AmritVani and also reading Satcharita -Chapter 11. Thank you very much, Lovng SaiRams Prajitha & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 23. "Kirubananthan Kanagasundram" <kirudivi ......... Re: PLEASE INCLUDE OUR NAMES ARE RECITE FOR SHRI SAI AMRIT VANI PRAYER AND POOJA TO BE HELD THURSDAY ON (21/01/2010). Monday, January 18, 2010 12:38 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 'AUM SAI SHRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI' ************ ********* ********* ********* *** DEAR, VEENA MAA & ASHOK JI, PLEASE PRAYER AND POOJA FOR OUR SON DIVIYARAM CURE FROM HIS BAD DISEASE GOOD HEALTH, FUTRE LIFE AND PLEASE KEEP HIM IN YOUR MIRACLE PRAYER AND OUR FAMILY FOR SUKH SHANTHI, HEALTH AND FINANCIAL HELP FOR THIS THURSDAY ON---(21/01/2010). OUR FAMILY NAMES, ************ ********* ***** KIRUBANANTHAN- ---(LONDON) GOMATHI----- --------- ---(LONDON) DIVIYARAM--- --------- --(LONDON) KOHULARAM--- --------(LONDON),

THANK YOU, KIRUBA & FAMILY, (21/01/2010). & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 24. "sujata raju" <sjtraju498@. ......... ... OM SAI RAM Monday, January 18, 2010 11:35 AM "veena_gupta_ 2000" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Veena ma saadar pranam,

Please pray for me and my family for success in exams , good health , financial sthiti ,shukh ,shanthi,and improvement in business orders. I will be reading Sai Amrit Vani myself on 21st of January. Smt.Sujata Hyderabad. Rahul Kolkata Vivek Hyderabd Sri Harsha Hyderabad Ravi Chennai & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 25. "Keshav Prasad" <mykp30.. ......... Sri Sai Amritvani 21.1.2010 Monday, January 18, 2010 10:20 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 Sairam!Kindly offer our prayers to our God, Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in the Sri Sai Amritvani Pooja on 21.1.2010.I will recite Sri Sai Amritvani in Chennai. Kindly offer prayers for the following persons:Mr. K.V. Srinivasaraghavan - Chennai - For good health - special prayers for old age problems Mrs. Rengamani Raghavan - Chennai - For good healthKeshav Prasad - Chennai - Good Career & HealthYamini - Chennai - Good HealthPoorna - Chennai - Success for her upcoming exams & good health Anand - Chennai - To get relieved from medical complications Krishnamurthy - Chennai - To get relieved from medical complications Anusha - To have Swami's blessings and grace always Kumar - To get relieved from medical complications Best RegardsKeshav & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 26. "mridul borah" <mridul_borah@ ......... ...... Deeply requesting you please pray for us on Thursday’s (January 21st, 2010) Sri Sai Amrit Vani Prayer Monday, January 18, 2010 10:01 PM veena_gupta_ 2000 OM SRI SAI RAM

Most Respected

Uncleji and SaiMaaji,

My thousands of Pranam to both of you. Please include our Names in Sri Sai Amrit Vani Prayer on Thursday, January 21st, 2010. I am requesting you please pray for me and my family's welfare on Thursday’s (January 21st, 2010) Sai Amrita Vani recitation. We deeply need of Swami’s Blessings. I have appear one interview in Bangalore, please pray swami so that I should get through it.

I am requesting you please pray for me so that I should place well in Bangalore and fulfill my dreams.

I am praying BABA, my mother & Phukan mama should have always good Health & Peace of mind and they can put full attentions to BABA.

On Thursday (January 21st, 2010) my wife will recite Sai Amrita Vani at night about 8pm. We will listen Sai Amrit Vani at night from 10 to 11 pm.

And thanks for including our names in last Sri Sai Amrit Vani Prayer

Please include these names

Name: Mridul Borah, Bangalore

Wife’s name: Moushumi Borah, Bangalore

Daughter: Hrishmita Borah, Bangalore

And following lisl is from Guwahati, Assam

Mother: Surama Borah, & Sis: Mini, Junbali & her daughter

Brother: Kamal Borah, wife: Kamalakshi Borah, Daughter: Guria, Son: Nilkamal

Sister: Kabita Bhuyan, Ashima Talukder, Brother-in-law: Dr. Nabin Bhuyan, Pranjit Talukder

And there Son: Zubin Bhuyan, Tuhin Bhuyan, Udipta Talukder And Daughter: Udishna Talukder

Mama: Khetra Phukan

With Sai's Prayer

mridul borah, Bangalore

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 27. "Manish Gupta" <manish1_gupta2000@ ......... ..... Kindly Include our Names in Prayers on Jan-21-2010 Tuesday, January 19, 2010 12:18 AM "veena gupta" veena_gupta_ 2000 Respected Gupta ji

Please include our names as we will be reciting and listening the Sai Amrit Vani on 21/01/10.

I have shifted to Doha and lets see what Baba have in here for me! Regards Manish Gupta & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 28. "Rathna.S. Iyer" <sai_rathna_iyer@ ......... .... Please include my name Monday, January 18, 2010 6:16 PM "veena guptha" veena_gupta_ 2000 Dear Veena ji and Ashok ji, Sairam Please include my name for Sri Sai Amrithvani prayer on 21 Jan 2010. I will be reading and reciting Sri Sai Amrithvani prayer from our home Alberta, Canada. Sairam Rathna Iyer & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 29. "vishalaxi patil" <vishalaxibpatil@ ......... .... pray for me Monday, January 18, 2010 5:36 PM "veena_gupta_ 2000" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Om Sai Ram, My humble pranam to the lotus feet of Baba, Namaste Ashoka uncle and Veena ma , From Baba 's grace we all r having chance to chant amrithvani through ur seva otherwise I don't know before so very thank u for making us to pray baba and see wonderful leelas of swami.Plz pray for my son he is studying 10 th he has to concentrate on his study and get good marks in his exam , plz pray for me I am going to apply re evaluation for FCCPT next week so I have to get good result, Include my name in amrithvani on 21 st Thursday .I will also recite amrithvani and read saisachiritra on Thursday. My name Dr Vishalaxi (uk) Husband Bangalore Son Ajai 10 th Daughter Aashrita Parents Familly thank u Visha & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 30. "amita" <amitas.. ...... Sai Amrit Vani recitation on Jan. 21, 2010 Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:09 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 Jai Sai Ram Please include my name, I will be reading/reciting it as well on Thursday, Jan. 21st. Amita Shunglu, Toronto, Canada & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 31. "Bolaka Sarkar" <bolaka.sarkar@ ......... ..... Request for Sri Sai Amrit Vani, Thursday, JANUARY 21, 2010 prayers Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:05 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 Namaskar Veenaji, Please pray that He removes all the blockages and hurdles and grants very soon ALL that is BEST for my COMPLETE BLISS (Purn Anand). Bolaka Sarkar from Vientiane, Lao PDR. I will listen to, as well as read Sri Sai Amrit Vani on Thursday. I will also read chapter 11 from Sri Sai Satcharitra. Thank you. Jai Sai Ram. Bolaka Sarkar

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 32. "Ms nirmala menon" <nirmal_sai@. ......... .... sri sai amritvani prayer on 21-1-10 Tuesday, January 19, 2010 12:53 AM veena_gupta_ 2000 sairam veenajiI,A.Nirmala menon from Trivandrum will read sree sai amritvani on 21st jan 2010,please include me for the prayers and also the following for the pooja.K.P.Ambujakshi Amma shertallayRoshni Menon ''PG Prabha sankar TrivandrumP Ravisankar Fayetteville, AR,USMP Parameswaran Nair TrivandrumK Valsala Kumari

PuducherrySadsivan Nair trivandrumPPrema ''Jayanthi ''with pranamsNirmala Menon & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 33. "Chandra Sekaran V" <vchandrasn@. ......... ...... Prayer Request/Sai Amritavani Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:57 AM "Veenaji" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > Dear Veenaji & Ashokji,


Please pray for everything to go good and bless us for a successful and prosperous career!My wife & I will be reciting Sai Amritavani from Ellicott City,Maryland. Kindly include our name and prayers during Sai Amritavani performed on Jan 21st. Chandra Sekaran-Very good future,career & fortune,also good health,Peace & Happiness. PR to go good & fast.Project to keep extending in future.Visa stamping to go good,smooth and successful. Anand Srinivasan-He has to get department teaching/research assistantship next semester.He has to get internship also during summer.Baba has to bless him for that,also for his good health,Peace & Happiness.He has to study well and be outstanding. Sai Siddhish C Sekar-Good Health,Knowledge & Happiness.He has to be hale & healthy.He has to start picking things & words and start talking. Padmini,Srinivasan, Priya-Good Health,Happiness & Peace.Hale & Healthy.Padmini & Srinivasan yearly/general check up to be normal.House dealings to finish off soon smoothly.Mother Padmini health checkups to be normal. Kavitha Murali-To settle down in life happily with her husband.Good Health,Peace & Happiness May Sais Grace & Karuna be with one and all.Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu


Thanks & Regards,Chandra & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 34. "ravi pad" <ravi_pad2003@ ......... ...... sai amritha vani Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:02 AM "veena gupta" <veena_gupta_ 2000 > sairam veenaji sairam with the grace of baba we would do parayan and hearing of amritha vani and 11 chapter sacharitha at austin usa on21jan at 11am. sairam padma ravindiran & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & End of 1st lot of letters.

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