Guest guest Posted June 20, 2009 Report Share Posted June 20, 2009 A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITIES OF RASA TANTRAHOW RASA TANTRA MIGHT SAVE US FROM SUFFERINGA HYPOTHETICAL LIST OF HOW RASA TANTRA MIGHT HELP US There are eight general classifications of suffering. I shall listthem, along with how Urine Tantra might alleviate each suffering:1. Hunger (and thirst). We already know that there is water,calories and nutrition in one's Genetic Efflux, of which urine is the main component. We have recorded the lives of many Breatharians.My own Paramguruji spoke of advancing to the stage in which urineand water would be his only food. In India, this was knownas " living entirely on Prana " , which (Prana) we interpret to be Genetic Efflux - not air, but air (or Oxygen) would obviously be theonly other ingredient for survival.2. Disease (and Physical Pain). We have published the many UrineTherapy case histories and testimonials, in which a host of diseases were miraculously cured, in a manner no other kind of fasting canequal. We postulate that Urine Tantra (Urine Therapy for two,in aheterosexual " Merge Supper " ) might have the same efficacy (or evenmore, because of the joining of male and female DNA) than Urine Therapy, which one practices on one's self.3. Senescence (the " Universal Disease " of degeneration from aging,caused by Intrinsic Mutagenesis). To overcome this physicaldegradation, one would have to be Rejuvenated Genetically. Since a host of chronic diseases are the byproducts of aging, we postulatethat such Genetic Rejuvenation (the Rebirth of a New Genome, as inMeiosis), would be as efficaceous as " solo " Urine Therapy, whichacts mainly on one's Immune System. Physical Immortality cannot be had by Urine Therapy. Rasa (Bioplasma) Tantra is the onlyExperimental Protocol for such a possibility.4. Death (but not as in accidental death, in which the body isdamaged beyond " mind-over-matter " repair, as demonstrated by the " miracle " cures, performed by Our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ).Overcoming one's senescence, is the Way to Physical Immortality.5. Low Mental Intelligence. I.Q. is very much related to thecondition of the body. Because of their more Androgynous DNA (more than the sexually separate DNA of old people), children learn muchquicker than adults. Most notably, children can learn many languageswithout effort, but old folks cannot, even after strenuous study.Once again, this is related to the Youth Factor within the DNA Genome, and the only known possible Way to change one's DNA Genomeis Rasa Tantra.6. Emotional Depression. This is also more genetically related thanwe imagine. The degeneration and pain from aging, and the many lifestyle and social changes involved, are a real " bummer " . LikeMick Jagger sang: " It is a drag growing old " . The homeliness ofsenescence, restricts our pleasurable sexual encounters, which is the very Sexual Repression Freud called the main cause of neuroses.Health and Youth are two main keys to happiness.7. Spiritual Entrapment of one's Spirit-Soul Consciousness withinthe physical dimension. As scripture saith: We must first be (Re) Born of water, before we can attain Holy Spirit " Fire " . In the east,our Yoga Shastra states: Prana (Bioplasma) must be in Shushumna Nadi(the Central Channel or " river " ), before Kundalini Shakti can rise up the spine and exit, either from the third eye or the top of thehead.8. The Impermanence of a near-endless round (Samsara) of manypainful appearances in various bodies and dimensions. The one thingmost of us never imagined, is that a Permanent State of Bliss might be more easily attained not in the Spirit without a body, but in theImmortal Body with the Holy Spirit. To that end... Jai Om. - Sw.TantrasanghaTHE HOLY TRINITY AS MALE, FEMALE & THE " CHILD " OF HOLY SPIRIT RADHAKRISHNA RASAMISHRA (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)SIVASAKTI ADVAITAMRITA (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)ADAM & EVE AS ONE FLESH (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)YINYANG UNION AS ZYGOTE (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)BLOOD BETWEEN THE 2 LINTELS (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE) PRAJNAUPAYA CROSS-BREATHING VAJRATANTRA (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)BETWEEN 2 WATERS IN THE RED SEA (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)SHUSHUMNA NADI RIVER CONFLUENCE (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)MEDICINE BUDDHA'S MIDDLE PATH (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE) THE GNOSTIC HOLY TRINITY (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)ECKONKAR SAT NAM (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)VARANASI TRIVENI (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)QUOTATIONS OF CHAIRMAN TAO (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)PASSOVER LAMB BLOOD AT-ONE-MENT (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE) MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB OF GOD (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE)OM IS LINGUM & YONI JOINED IN WATER (TWO BIOPLASMAS AS ONE) ************************************************************-- Ganesh Baba ! Jai Gurudev !Click Below to join our Group:kriyababa_spiritualjourney/join Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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