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KUNDALINI TANTRA BY SWAMI SATYANANDA SARASWATIhttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/contents.phphttp://www.salvationscience.com/v226.htm

Do you remember, from recent messages, how I lamented the fact that this websitehad disappeared from the " net " ? Well, now it has returned, I am most happy tosay. In celebration, I am posting this message of what might be the best

chapters to read. You might recall that we wrote a message about the chaptercalled " Bindu Visarga " , containing the entire text with our commentaries.Swami Satyananda and Swami Jyotirmayananda, both prolific writers, are, as far

as I know, the only living direct disciples of Swami Sivananda, although Isuspect there are others still living. Only within the past few years, we lostSwami Satchidananda and my beloved Swami Chidananda, and Sw. Vishnudevananda

took his MahaSamadhi in 1993. God bless them. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha------------------------Introduction to Kundalini and Tantrahttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/introduction.php

Section I - KUNDALINIChapter 2: What is Kundalini?http://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/1_what_is_kundalini.php

Chapter 3: Kundalini Physiologyhttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/1_kundalini_physiology.php

Chapter 4: Kundalini and the Brainhttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/1_kundalini_and_the_brain.php

Chapter 12: The Experiences of Awakeninghttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/1_the_experiences_of_awakenin\

g.phpSection 2 - THE CHAKRASChapter 9: Bindu Visargahttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/2_bindu_visarga.php

Chapter 10: Sahasrara and Samadhihttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/2_sahasrara_and_samadhi.php

Section 4 - KUNDALINI RESEARCHChapter 9: Cross-cultural Evidencehttp://www.eng.vedanta.ru/library/kundalini_tantra/4_cross_cultural_evidence.php



-- Ganesh Baba ! Jai Gurudev !Click Below to join our Group:kriyababa_spiritualjourney/join

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