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Competitor and destroyer

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Competitor and DestroyerAuthor Unknown

A man came to his counselor in great distress. He was a shopkeeper and theyhad opened a supermarket right across the street from him. It wouldeventually drive him out of business. His family had owned the shop for over

a hundred years, and to lose it would be his undoing, for there was nothingelse he was skilled at. What should he do?The counselor said, " If you fear the owner of the supermarket, you will hatehim. And hatred will be your undoing. Here is what you are to do: every

morning walk out of your shop onto the footpath and say a prayer of blessingover your shop, wishing it prosperity. Then turn to the supermarket andbless it too. " " What! Bless my competitor and destroyer? " " Any blessing you give him will

rebound to your good. Any evil you wish him will destroy you. " After six months the man returned to his counselor to report that he had hadto close down his shop, as he had feared. But now he was in charge of the

supermarket, and his affairs were in much better shape than ever before..-- With Love,Ganesh BabaMy Group: spiritual_inspiration- (Send a blank email)

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