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The Sacred Ash




Paramam Pavithram Baba Vibuthyam


Param Vichithram Leela Vibuthyam


Paramatha Ishtartha Mokshapradhanam


Baba Vibuthyam Idamshrayami






Vibuthi is one of the most sacred means of rupa - arupa

(with and without form) worship. It denotes primarily the destruction of bondage and Karma. Vibuthi literally means wealth. Thus, it confers on those who wear it, all kinds of wealth - of course , spiritual wealth. In a deeper sense, Vibuthi means anything that manifests as a grace of God.




What is Vibuthi?




Vibuthi is actually the ash made by burning cowdung. In modern days, it is manufactured by burning rice husk.




Saint Gnanasambhanda composed a song on Vibuthi, in which he says, that the vibuthi is the true form of Shiva. After Shiva burnt the God of desire, Kama, into a heap of ashes, he adorned himself with the ash to shine as the conqueror of desire. When Kama was destroyed, Prema (Divine Love) reigned as the Goddess of Love.




The Brihad Jabala Upanishad praises:


- It is named Vibuthi - since it endows one with prosperity

Bhasma - ashes, since it burns away all sins

Bhasitam - brightened, since it increases one's spiritual splendor

Ksharam - destruction, since it removes danger and

Raksha - protector, for it is armor against the machinations of evil spirits. "




How to apply Vibuthi ?




Everyone can apply Vibuthi irrespective of caste, creed or religion. For better results, Vibuthi should be applied with faith and devotion. Mechanical smearing of Vibuthi may not work.




There are different ways to place Vibuthi on one's forehead. Four fingers dipped in the holy ash and drawn horizontally across the forehead (leaving three discernible lines) signify the destruction of the Gunas in man namely Rajas, Thamas and Sathva in the times of past, present and future and also of the destruction of the triple bondage of Ahankara (Ego), Karma (the spiritual effect of cause and effect) and Maya (illusion).




The Vibuthi can also be placed as a dot in the center of the forehead using the ring finger.When one applies it on the forehead of someone else, the thumb is used. The thumb in mediation and japa - the “Chin Mudra " position - represents divinity. Using divine force, we thus place the holy ash in the position of our third eye (between the eye brows) stimulating so our discrimination and spiritual insight. (The spiritual attitude of the devotee placing ash on the " third eye " position is very important).




You have to tilt your head backwards and, with a steady and even pressure of the fingers, rub the Vibuthi on the forehead. The tilting of the head is to avoid the Vibuthi falling to the ground, which is considered improper.




Significance of Vibuthi




It indicates Kala (time) and reminds us to make efforts to reach Kaalatheetha (the one beyond time), turning our minds in the right direction to the unchangeable amidst changes. Fire inherent in all objects becomes visible only in objects consumed by fire. It is formlessness manifested amidst forms.




Baba says: " In the first place, it is symbolic of the life-death cycle in which everything ultimately reduces itself to ash. In the spiritual context it constitutes a warning to the receiver to give up desire, to burn all passions, attachments and temptations, and make one pure in thought, word and deed. It is in order to press home this lesson, that I materialse ash for those who come to me with love and devotion. Like other materialisations, it also acts as talisman, healing the sick and giving protection to those who need it. It is the symbol of divinity " .




As the fire makes the cowdung cake take the form of its flame and then remains as sacred ash, so does the Lord give His form to one who attains Him in the fire of mediation and merging in Him remains as infinite wisdom.




When a disciple of the great sage Tayumanavar asked him how to attain salvation, he was told to be always thinking of death. This would make him one-pointed which would help him to attain the goal. The wearing of Vibuthi induces the thought of the end of the body as ash and hence, the ephemeral condition of everything in the world except the Lord.




Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi said: " Vibuthi is held as most sacred and one would neccessarily have it smeared over the body. The very color of Vibuthi, white, points out to nothing less than the Paramatma, the Supreme Self. Anything put into fire may turn black for a while but eventually it has to turn white. So whiteness is the ultimate state. Iswara is the greatest Vibuthi we smear over our body. Hence, the Vibuthi we smear over our body will ultimately take us to Him - if done with right understanding and attitutde " .




The ash is the final thing of everything - " Ashes to Ashes , Dust to Dust " - it has no further transformation. The ash thus is a constat reminder to man of our destination (of this body at least) that finally we all - king or pauper -have to end up as a handful of ashes. It is a reminder to all, to live one's life with humility and dedication to love and service, so that even if our ash is strewn to the wind or be lost in mud and water, the merits of our good actions (or our bad) live in the memories of all and have the force to affect our future lives (or our place in heaven) whatever one's belief.




In the Bhagavad Gita the Vibuthi Yoga Chapter speaks about the manifestive power of God.




Baba and Vibuthi




Baba materialises ,as well as gives in packets as prasadam, Vibuthi to His devotees. This is an external form of blessing, to be applied on the forehead, or any ailing part of the body and to be consumed in a small quantity either directly or mixed with water. The vibuthi materialised by Baba and given to a particular individual is meant only for him/her unless instructed otherwise by Baba.




Baba on Vibuthi




Bhagavan says: " What I materialise is a manifestation of divinity with a potent significance as well as symbolism. It is symbolic of the cosmic, immortal and infinite nature of all forms of God, Atma or the spirit - that is, what is left when everything wordly, transient and changeable has burnt away. "





Bhagavan says: " Vibuthi is the most precious object in a truly spiritual sense. It represents the burning of desires that agitate the mind and cause confusion. When there is no desire to warp the mind, love will be true and full. What greater offering can you give to God to glorify Him than the ash signifying your triumph over desire? Ash or Vibuthi is the ultimate condition of things; it cannot undergo any further change. It should inspire you to give up desire and offer God the ashes of destruction of tantalizing desires as the most valuable of all the articles you have earned. Ash cannot fade as do flowers in a day or two; ash does not dry and disappear, Ash will not lose its color as leaves do in just a few hours, ash does not rot as fruit after a few days. Ash is ash forever and ever. So burn your vile tendencies, your vices, your bad habits. Worship God, rendering yourself pure in thought, word and deed. "




A coating of fine ash or Vibuthi on the body is revered as the mark of Shiva. The ash guards the body from evil contacts and deleterious effects of the vibrations of the individual wearing the ash, for, it reminds him always of the inevitable end of all that one feels as one's own, except the Lord who is the very Person Himself.






R. Padmanaban


Spiritual Impressions


January - February 1998


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Loving Sai Ram All


I have 2 requests:


1. Could anyone please tell me what is Vibuthi made of, or how is it



2. Long time ago there was an article posted about Unity, Purity and

Divinity, it was about the youth that did seva in a village to an old

lady........ If anyone has this article could you please send it to me.


Thanking you in advance for your assistance.


Lots of Sai Love


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Sai Ram


I will answer your first question. The origin of this method of using

vibuthi, to the best of my knowledge, exists only in Hindu religion

and it could be as old as the Creation itself. I am not going to touch

on that.


From what I have gathered based on my readings and some random search,

in the olden days the Saints and Sages collected different kinds of

medicinal herbs from the surrounding jungles or villages and then dry

those leaves before burning them and converted into ashes which we

called Vibuthi. In the days of old where medical facilities were not

easily accessible or available as of now, the seers felt that there

was a need to provide medicine without any cost for the poor villagers

around. The combination of various medicinal leaves, barks or roots

provide a balanced panacea for human illness. The whole process of

producing the Vibuthi is carried out with sincere devotion and

constant chantings of some potent mantras. The positive aura of the

saints and sages coupled with the vibration invoked during the

chanting charged the ashes to provide healings on physical, mental and

also astral level. Temples being a place of gathering, became centres

for the distribution of the sacred healing vibuthi. Shirdi Sai used to

keep fire burning and collect the Udi (ash) from that to distribute to

the devotees.


Later, as time changes some people took the initiative to process and

produce vibuthi on their own efforts. Since most villagers were

illiterate and not well versed in the aspect of medicinal plants they

took a short cut to collect the medicinal plants. Cows were let to

roam in the area where it was believed to have varieties of medicinal

plants or herbs. Then they would collect the cow dungs and dry it

before burning (such as yagnas etc) to convert into Vibuthi. The final

product then would go through some process of prayers before being

distributed to various temples, ashrams and homes.


Nowadays, with the money making symptoms becoming prominent, I am not

sure about the purity of the Vibuthi produced and also about the

sanctity of the product. Yet we all use the Vibuthi with FAITH and

hope for the best. It does work. Though for some it may take some time

to see the desired results be it a physical cure, emotional stability,

mental peace, spiritual bliss or material prosperity.


Another aspect which I dare not touch here is SAI Vibuthi. Vibuthi

materialised by Sri Sathya Sai Baba belongs to different nature, which

I leave to the readers and devotees to decide.



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