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Selected Quotes of Swami - 586

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OM SRI SATHYA SAI GANESHAAYA NAMAHA! Sairam to Sai Family ! (A) Eschew body attachment and realise the unity in divinity present everywhere. That is real sadhana. Today, people undertake sadhana to achieve something, all the while thinking of something else. As a result, they are unable to achieve their goal. Such divided attention is the fault of the concerned individual but not that of the objective world. Ensure that your sadhana is on the right track. Only then will you be able to realise the unity in diversity. (B) Several people live long years of age, some even 100 years. But they are unable to realise this unity. Instead, they visualise duality everywhere. This cannot be termed real sadhana. One who has realised the non-dual (advaita) Brahman alone can be considered to be a real manava (human being). Hence, try to realise the unity in diversity by removing the feelings of duality and experience bliss. SWAMI - KINDLY BLESS ALL OF US ALWAYS IN ALL WAYS SWAMI - KINDLY GUIDE US TO DO GOOD THINGS ONLY SWAMI - KINDLY GIVE US A CONTENTED MIND & ACCEPT ALL THINGS GIVEN TO US AS YOUR GIFTS SWAMI - KINDLY MAKE US REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS SWAMI - KINDLY BE WITH US ALWAYS

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