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Experience through a dream - what happens after we pass on

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Sai Ram dear sai brothers and sisters


This experience is about what I was able to see when it was time for

the physical human to pass on to the next world and to see how the

person could continue to live out her desire of travelling after

death. It was a remarkeable experience and Swami showing me the

things. These two experiences in the dream happened about 14 years



A person who I knew was over the years finally in a very high age

and she was very weak. She was going to a hospital for further

observation for a long time.


About 14 days before we had been visiting her on the hospital to see

how she was doing. She seemed happy and relaxed as she always did.

She was smiling when she saw us and we had a wonderful time with her

and talk about many things. When we were about to leave something

told me to stay. I could not leave and looked with love towards her.

My husband had already got up and was waiting for me, but I couldn't

go. She smiled lovingly to me and in that moment, I saw right

through her. Her body became transparent and then I knew. I was not

to see her alive anymore. She was about to pass on from this world.

I squeezed her hand, she squeezed mine, and then she looked at me

with a look telling me " I know " … and smiled again. I gave her a big

hug and said that she had to take good care of herself and she knew

that what I meant was on the other side. Slowly I got on my feet and

for a moment, we became as one in the energy of love that was so

beautiful. Then I could leave her with peace in the heart. It was a

wonderful way to say goodbye.


I told my husband on the way back to were we lived at the time and

he actually got angry with me, because I said I wouldn't see her

again alive. Of course I could understand him. It wasn't easy for



Then it happened 14 days later. My husband at the time, knew this

elderly woman and he was aware that he couldn't do much for me so he

hurried on his way to the other hospital were she was. He received a

message telling him to come to the hospital on the exact same time

as I was undergoing a surgery that was urgent on another hospital.


The next morning he stood by my bed in my hospital with tears in his

eyes and told me that she died in the evening while I was undergoing

the operation. For a short while, I needed some air and space to

think, because yes, I already knew this. Anyhow, I felt I was some

kind cheated of saying goodbye once more.


That night it was not easy to sleep and I said to God that I would

like to say goodbye in a decent way to her and make sure that she

was all right were she was right now. I fell asleep and God

fulfilled my wish.


In the dream, I arrived together with her on some kind of a platform

that was a train station. She was happy, smiling and very young to

look at again. Her energy was full of joy for life and I had to shed

a tear of happiness. Suddenly I realized that she was to travel on

and was aloud to live out her desire to travel on the other side. It

was amazing that this also could take place on the other side.

She go ton the train and was already far in the distant when I

turned around too see what was happening on the platform. I became

aware that the place I was in was he place where you arrive when

dead and where you go from back to a new life with new lessons to

learn on Earth. On the bench was a young man who seemed total

confused over were he was. In that, second I knew why he was dead.

It was a car accident! He was dead instantly. Somewhere else there

was a deceased partner sitting on a bench picking up her partner

that has just died. I saw many dead people getting on that train.

Suddenly, I noticed a man standing and reading from a long list of



His eyes! They showed me that he was an ancient soul. It was as if I

was looking into the Universe and all of them he named from the list

was dead on Earth and was continue their journey. He turned to me

and said with a very firm voice - What are you doing here? You are

alive. Go back home immediately " . And I was gone. Back in my bed in

my dream in the hospital, but the dream did not end there.

God carried me to another place. It was a total different kind of

place because everything was in aesthetic waves of energy and it was

fascinating. It was an unusual beautiful sight to stand there

outside the " door " into this divine place. Here you communicated

through telepathy and the beings were lights walking around. The

peace and love that rushed towards me was breathtaking. Here was the

place were you voluntarily could chose to return and take a human

form to be able to walk on Earth and help. This place is the next

stage of the human development when we have got all the facets

sharpened and reached into the diamond inside ourselves. Free from

Ego, desire, anger and jealousy. It is in spiritual perspective the

places, which is unique and were you are a floating consciousness,

which is highly developed on every stage in development for



I stood outside looking at it all. To one side I could see life

passing by on Earth like a roll of film and saw what was coming. The

time on Earth was flying away but not here. Here time stood still.

There was no time. There were so much peace and idyll that I would

not leave the place again. In front of my feet there were a small

railing made from the light of God, which I could step over, and

enter if I would like to. But God said no. I was to go back to do my

task, because it was important.


God - Swami - was by my side in these experiences in the dream.


In Sai Kinship

Sai sister Heidi


Mrs. Heidi Elisabeth Hansen

Copenhagen, Denmark

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