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Prasanthi Bulletin , Sunday, August 24, 2008

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bhagawan arrived at Sai Kulwant Hall to the strains of Nadaswaram music

this Krishnashtami morning resplendent in a yellow robe at 9.20 am. He

moved to the main gate of the Sai Kulwant Hall, where the procession of

cows from the Gokulam had just arrived. After feeding the cows and

blessing His elephant calf and others like a deer and doves there,

Swami moved to the stage and sat there for a while as the Vedam went

on. At 9.45, He asked for the music programme by the students to begin.

A couple of Krishna songs were followed by a flute programme, ten

students on flutes playing popular melodies on Krishna. At 10.20,

Bhagawan accepted Arati and prasadam was distributed as He blessed the

various cards brought up to Him by the students of the schools and

college. It was 10.45 when He started back to His residence in the car.

In the evening, Bhagawan arrived by four o'clock and moved to the

interview room. Around an hour later, He came to the Bhajan hall and

interacted with the students and teachers there till He asked for the

Bhajans to begin at 5.40 pm. Arati was at 6.20 pm and Swami left for

Yajur Mandir in His car.


Saturday, August 23, 2008 This

evening, the students from the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva school at Alike

presented a Yakshagana Roopaka. This is an adaptation of the

traditional art-form of Karnataka, involving colourful costumes and

stylized dance. Bhagawan came for darshan in His chair and went into

the interview room for a while. He then went down to near the Sai

Kulwant Hall main gate where the performers were seated and interacted

with them before returning to the stage and starting the programme at

4.45 pm. The programme was made more accessible by the addition of

English dialogues by the actors. As they concluded at 6.05 pm, Swami

came down from the stage to have group photographs with them. He

interacted with them for nearly half an hour, blessing them with

clothes and talking at length to the teachers. Swami accepted Arati at

6.30 pm after prasadam was distributed before returning to His



Friday, August 22, 2008 Bhagawan

moved about in the Sai Kulwant Hall on a second extended darshan round

in His chair on two occasions this week, on Tuesday and on Thursday.

This evening, devotees from Vishakhapatnam presented a musical dance

drama. The approaching Krishna Janmashtami festival was the inspiration

for their drama, comparing the divine leelas of Krishna and Sai. Swami

arrived from His residence at 4 o'clock, and after an hour in the

interview room, emerged to come onstage. There, He Blessed the various

items brought to Him before the program commenced at 5.15 pm. As the

last song of the 45 minute dance drama was being played, a jhoola was

kept in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall and the devotees prayed that

Swami sit in the jhoola. Bhagawan graciously came down from the stage

and posed for group photographs in front of the jhoola. He then

interacted with the group for nearly twenty minutes, giving clothes to

the children, getting prasadam distributed to them. After a brief visit

to the interview room, Swami accepted Arati and returned to His

residence at 6.30 pm.


Saturday, August 16, 2008 This

evening, the youth from West Bengal presented a half-hour drama.

Bhagawan came for darshan in His chair and moved to the interview room

after a round of the verandah. At five o'clock, He came onstage, and

the drama began soon after. The youth presented the service activities

done by the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation in the villages, and

showed how Corporate citizens were transformed watching one of their

former collegues doing selfless Seva. Bhagawan blessed the group with

photographs and clothes. He gave each of them photo-frames as they came

up one by one. At six o'clock, the students sang Bhajans for ten

minutes before Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence.

The Book Trust website has a few short videos of the events of this weekend.


Friday, August 15, 2008

The Varalakshmi Vratam was observed today at Prasanthi Nilayam. The

front part of the Hall was occupied by the ladies doing the puja,

dressed in purple sarees. Bhagawan arrived at 9.45 am and the rituals

got underway five minutes later when He came onstage. The priest

chanted the invocations and instructed the ladies on the rituals in

Telugu. After half an hour, Swami went on a full round of the hall as

the puja went on. At 10.45, the puja concluded. Swami came onstage and

accepted Arati at 11 am. The priest gave a few more instructions to the

ladies as Swami left for His residence after ten minutes.

In the evening, Nandi award winning Telugu singer Smt. Sunitha

presented a musical programme. Bhagawan arrived for darshan and made a

full round of the Hall while the singer and accompanists were seated in

the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall. The 45 minute song programme got

underway at 5.20 pm when Swami came onstage. Swami blessed the artiste

with a chain and gave clothes to her accompanists. A couple of Bhajans

by the students was followed by a song "Dinakara Shubhakara" by one of

the students before Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence

at 6.45 pm.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The final year post-graduate students of the Sri Sathya Sai University

presented a drama based on a nationalistic theme today. Bhagawan

completed His darshan round and came into the Bhajan Hall where the

costumed students were waiting, and interacted with them for a few

minutes. He then moved to the interview room while the students took

their places. At 5.10, the drama commenced when Swami came onstage. The

hour-long performance depicted scenes from the lives of heroes of

Inda's freedom struggle as well as from mythology. Bhagawan interacted

with the students after the drama, blessing one of them with a chain.

He moved down from the stage to take group photographs with them. Then

He came onstage and called up students in small groups for more

photographs. Later, He blessed all the II PG students with watches.

Bhajans were sung for ten minutes while prasadam was distributed before

Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence at 6.50 pm.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 This

evening, Bhagawan came for darshan at four o'clock in His chair. After

a full round of the Hall, He went into the interview room and emerged a

few minutes later to sit onstage. As the Vedam went on, He blessed a

succession of "Birthday boys" and later moved in His chair for a second

round of the ladies' side. He interacted with the West Bengal youth

group, and blessed one of them with a chain before returning to the

verandah. The Bhajans began at 5.10 while prasadam was distributed.

Swami accepted Arati at 5.45 before returning to Yajur Mandir.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

This afternoon, Bhagawan consented to watch an education documentary

prepared by the Prasanthi Digital Studio in the Poornachandra

auditorium along with the students of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher

Secondary School and the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School.

Bhagawan arrived there at 3.45 and saw more than 45 minutes of the

documentary before asking for the screening to be stopped so that He

could go to the Sai Kulwant Hall. There, devotees from Vijayanagaram

district of Andhra Pradesh presented a Telugu drama 'Jagame Rama

Mayam'. The Vijayanagaram devotees had arrived in strength yesterday

and had a procession through Puttaparthi last evening. This evening's

45 minute drama concluded at six o'clock, and Bhagawan Blessed the

children who participated with clothes. The students sang bhajans for

fifteen minutes while prasadam was distributed, and Bhagawan accepted

Arati at 6.25 pm.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008 This

morning, an auspicious shower preceded the change of Vice-Chancellor of

the Sri Sathya Sai University at the Poornachandra Auditorium. As

announced yesterday, the ceremony got underway at 10 o'clock with the

students singing bhajans as Bhagawan arrived onstage. Swami sat there,

flanked by the incumbent and outgoing VCs, with Mrs. Gokak beside her

husband. Ten minutes of bhajans were followed by an invocatory Vedic

hymn by the students. Mr. and Mrs. Gokak were garlanded by the

principals of the Prasanthi Nilayam and Anantapur campuses

respectively. Sri. Srinivasan Srirangarajan then gave a speech,

outlining Mr. Gokak's term as VC, highlighting his transparency,

helpful nature, and attention to detail. Sri. S. V. Giri, former

Vice-Chancellor, spoke next, bringing out the contributions of both

Sri. Anil Vinayak Gokak and his illustrious father, Dr. Vinayak Krishna

Gokak, the first Vice-Chancellor of the Sri Sathya Sai University. Sri.

Gokak spoke next, praying for Swami's blessings in his next endeavour,

which is to organise the centenary celebrations of his late father.

Bhagawan stood up to deliver His Divine message after Sri. Gokak's

speech. Swami stressed that He is always with each and every one of us,

and that with Him, there are no "goodbye"s, only "welcome"s. He urged

all of us to remember that we are divine, though we use different names

for our bodies for worldly convenience. After His 45 minute Discourse,

Bhagawan asked the incumbent, Prof. Vishwanath Pundit, to speak. Prof.

Pundit humbly stated in his short speech that he was only an instrument

in the Divine Hands.

Swami blessed Mr. and Mrs. Gokak with bracelets. The function

concluded with Arati ten minutes past noon while prasadam was


The Himachal youth had another musical presentation this

evening. Bhagawan came onstage at 5.15 pm and the concert for the

evening got underway. Ms. Sunanda Sharma sang in Hindustani classical

style for an hour. Bhagawan then called her up and blessed her with a

chain. The students sang a bhajan while the lady members of the

Himachal group readied themselves for a musical presentation, with a

couple of group songs. Bhagawan blessed the performers with clothes and

chocolates while the students sang a couple of Bhajans till Arati at

6.50 pm.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Sai youth from Himachal Pradesh presented a musical programme this

evening. When Swami came onstage, the programme began with a short

introduction praying to Bhagawan to visit their state. During the 45

minutes of songs, the young men formed vigorous tableaux with three

rows of singers clapping and swaying to the beat. Bhagawan blessed one

of the group with a chain, and then went down from the stage to take

group photographs with them, standing up for the photos. Once He

returned onstage, He sent chocolates, clothes and vibhuti prasadam for

them. Swami listened to a few minutes of bhajans by the HP group,

followed by a bhajan by the students before accepting Arati at 6 pm.

Prof. Anil Kumar was then asked to make an announcement about the

Vice-Chancellor change ceremony tomorrow at the Poornachandra



Monday, August 4, 2008 Thls

evening the devotees from the UK were once agaln seated in the centre

of Sai Kulwant hall. Once Bhagawan arrived, He called a couple of

devotees to the interview room. A few minutes later, He emerged and the

program of speeches got underway when He came onstage at 4.50 pm. After

a short speech by a lady from the UK, Mr. Ajit Popat, the group

co-ordinator, spoke for half an hour about the qualities Sai youth must

imbibe. A couple of bhajans by the students preceded Arati at 5.45 pm.


Sunday, August 3, 2008 This

evening, devotees from Kuwait presented a musical drama and a bhajan

medley. They were seated in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall with their

green scarves, with a picture of a mosque as a backdrop when Swami came

for darshan. After Bhagawan reached the stage, the programme got

underway at 4.50 pm. Children acted out the drama while the songs were

sung by the older devotees. Swami came down from the stage to take

pictures with the group, and when He returned onstage, the devotees

sang Sarva Dharma bhajans in medley style, with no gaps between

bhajans. After fifteen minutes of the Bhajan medley, Swami accepted

Arati and returned to His residence.


The Book Trust website has a report and images.


Friday, August 1, 2008 Bhagawan

came to Sai Kulwant Hall in His chair by 4.15 pm today, and moved to

the interview room with the UK group ready in the centre of Sai Kulwant

Hall with another musical offering. Just before half-past four, Swami

sent word that the programme could commence. Just as the first item got

underway, Bhagawan arrived onstage. After an introductory song, a

visually-challenged devotee presented a few songs and a couple of

medleys on the accordion. As group songs followed, Swami called her up

and interacted with her. Bhajans by the UK devotees was followed by

Bhajans by the students at 5.30 pm till Bhagawan accepted Arati at 5.45









You can see an illustrated version of happenings at Prasanthi Nilayam

in the Prasanthi Diary

of our monthly e-Journal

Heart to Heart.


The previous issue of Prasanthi Bulletin

is available here..


Index of past Prasanthi Bulletins...











































































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