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Rudram Learning - Namakam - 4

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Dear Friends,


Pranams to louts feet of beloved bhagawan for giving me this oppurtunity to present this wonderful text as his instrument and I pray him to bless me for good thought to compile and present this email...


There are several verses in Namakam which give us the basic form of lord rudra. For instance,


Yo Rudrou Agnou Yo Apsu ya osadhisu Yo RudrouVishva bhuvana Vivesha tasmai Rudraya Namo Astu ||


We bow to Sri Rudra who is present in fire, in water, in trees and plants and in the entire universe, the all pervading.


Once the third pontiff of Sringeri Sarada Peetam Sri Narasimha Bharati Swamy during his travels of punya teerthas towards puna side was was passing through thick Jungles during night. Suddenly thieves surrounded him and his entourage. They threatened him to remove the entire Jewellery of the Deity Chandra moulisvara and hand it over to them.

Swamiji asked them to relieve the Jewellery if they can do it. At this instance the thieves were very happy because without any stiff encounter the Jewellery was asked to be taken away.

The thieves spread their black Shawl made of sheephair (Kambali) and collected all the golden ornaments on it. They caught hold of the black shawl on all the four sides, folded it and about to lift it. They found it to be extremely heavy. The shawl started giving away into several pieces and these pieces were being held by them. They found that wherever the Jewels were kept on the Shawl those places became burnt and black. They were afraid at that sight.

They prostrated at the feet of Acharya and begged his pardon.

Swamiji told them that God is also great for thieves too and stated he too is Taskaranam patih and reiterated them not to forget it and gave his protection.

Exactly in Namakam Taskaranam patih was told as an accomplishment and compliment to Lord Shiva while extolling in the prayer and while offering salutations.


Exactly the same is told as


Namo Nisangina Isuthimate Taskaranam pataye namah | in 3rd anuvaka.


Here I present more pratipathartham and use of chanting each verse of first anuvaka of Namakam




Namaste Rudramanvava utota yisave namah |Namaste Astu dhanvane bahabhya mutate Namah ||

Rudrah = Remover of sorrows of those who will prostrate to him; Te = pertains you; Manyave = For anger; Namah = Salutation; Uto = And; Te = Belonging to you; Dhanvaye = To the how responsible to release the arrows; Namah Astu = Let it be saluted; uta = Not only that; Te = for you; Bahubhyam = The adored hands with the bow and arrows; Namah = Prostrations.

Oh! Rudra Deva! I salute your anger. Let that anger be projected against my enemies. Let it not be directed on us. Further I salute to your bow and arrows, I salute your shoulders. Rudra will get angered against the one who disobey his orders. He will immediately ready to take up his bow and arrows against him.

By reciting this mantra all the sins will be annihilated. He gets leadership and benevolence of God.

Kashyapa is the Rsi, Anustup Chanda and Rudra Devata for this mantra.

This mantra needs to be recited always eleven thousand times.


Yata yisu shshuvatama shivam babhuvate Dhanuh |Shiva Sharakhyaya tavata-yano Rudra mrudaya ||

He Rudra = Oh! Rudra, Tate yisuh = that your arrow, Shivataya = Much peaceful; Babhuva = made of; yat te Dhanuh = that particular bow; shivam = very tranquil; babhuva = prossessed of yatava sharavya = that which is your armoury or the container of your arrows; Shiva babhuva = Taken the form of the very peace; Taya = with that bow and arrows; Nah = We; Mrudaya = Make us happy.

Oh! Rudra, your arrows and bow are calm. Your container housing arrows too is a quiet one. You please make us happy with them. Since they are not used against devotees they are said to be calm and quiet.

This mantra is a protector of famine; Remedy for fear; Begets food.

The Rsi for the mantra is Atreya, Devata Shambhu and Chanda Anustupp.


Yaterudra sivatanu raghora papa kashinitayana stasuva shantamaya giri shantabhi cha kashihi

He! Rudra = Oh! Rudra; Aghora = Fearless as endowed with weapons, Shiva = The bestower of happiness and harmony, Apapa Kashini = Enlightens with Brahma Jnana (knowledge of the Divine) Yate tanuh = That which is your esteemed form; He! Giri shanta = Granter of liberation to the devotees as promised by you; Taya = such; Shantamaya = The ever lasting blissful form; Tanuva = In its shape; Sah = us; Abhichakasihi = Make us look bright at all times.

There are two bodies to Rudra. One is violent and aggressive and the other tranquil that bestow grace and benevolence. Oh! Rudra bless us, that your body will not do any harm. You are showering all happiness to all living beings from the mountain heights of Kailas. Let you illumine me with your pleasant body and Make me happy by granting such body to me.

Assures happiness and harmony to cows.

This mantra has Kashyap as Rsi, Devata Shambhu and Chanda Bruhati.


Yamisum giri shanta haste bibharsya staveShivam giri tratam kuru mahigimaseeh purusam Jagat ||

Yamisum = What arrow; Giri Shanta = The are who grants peace to all the worlds from Kailasa; Hastave = To apply against sinners; Haste = In the hands; Bibharsu =be holding; Giritra = the protector of devotees from Kailasa; Tam yisum = That Arrow; Shivam = As a harmonious instrument kuru = produce it; purusam = our sons and grand sons; Jagat = Cows and other cattle; dwellings; piligrim centers and rest places also; Mahigumseeh = Do not make them suffer.

Oh! Protector of the mountains of Kailas. You keep ready always in your hand the arrow to be released against your enemies. Let that arrow be made silent against us. Do not trouble our men and cattle.

Stops the fear of unnatural death.

Rsi is Goutama, Devata Rudra and Chanda Nierudanustup


Shivena vacasatva girishaceha vadamasiYatha na ssarva mijjagada yakshma gum sumana asat ||

Girisha = Paramesvara as established and pronounced in Vedas Accha = Pure and peaceful form; Tvam = You; Shivena = The auspicious form; Vacasa = With speech; Vadamasi = extolling Yatha = by the way of our praise; Nah = Belonging to us; Sarvam tat = The entire wealth of Sons and cattle; Ayakshyam = without any diseases; Sumanah = With all happiness Asat = being like that in that way we are praying you.

Oh! Resider of Kailas; To obtain your grace we are praying you with auspicious words. Please make our men and cattle free from disease and congenial the way you deem fit for them.

Drives away the fear of untimely death.

Rsi Godhuma, Devata Rudra and Chanda Anustup.


Adhyavoca dadhi vakta prathamo daivo bhisak |Aheeg shacasarvag Jambhayan stharva scha yatu dhanyah ||

Prathamah = The foremost among Devas; Daivyah = Being very dearer in the hearts of hearts to Devas; Bhisak = The Cure of all the perils and sufferances due to all sins, diseases, poverty all types of the worldly and family difficulties; Sarvam Aheen = All types of directly causing harmful beings like Snakes, Scorpions, robberers, tigers etc; Jambhayan = destroying them; Adhyavocat = In my case he is partial and leaves me as his man.

Rudra who expresses my greatness useful to everybody. Let him declare me as the most essential person among all. Let him make me as the most capable man to rule devas and by mere meditation all the diseases are silenced and peace is restored. Let him make me as Vaidya and as on who destroys all types of Snakes, tigers etc and also all sorts of rakshasas.

This is like a protective cover (kavacha) to the body. Cures Chronic epidemic fever, and diseases, Checks and controls the fear of Tigers, thieves, Brahma rakshasas, devils and demons. Destroys the diseases affecting the foetal womb. Being recited to get rid of all the evil effects of planets (Graha pida) effecting the Children.

This mantra has kanva as Rsi, Devata Shambhu and Anustup and (Nivritti Chanda also by some others)


Asou yastamro Aruna uta babhru ssu mangalhaYecemagam Rudra Abhito dikshu shrita Ssahsra shovaisagam head yimahe ||

Yah = Which Rudra; Asou = Directly seen as Surya; Tamrah = Reddish in the morning; Arunah = After, a little more red; Babruh = Later as yellowish red; Sumangalah = Dispeller of darkness and grants light to the world; Uta = and; yeca Rudrah = which Rudra is inter linked with Surya; Yimam abitah = On all the sides of the earth; sahasrasah = In thousands; Dikshu shritah = Spreads at all corners; Esam = Such Aditya forms of Rudra; Hedah = Such Anger; Ava emahe = We salute with praise and prostration.

Rudra who dwells in Aditya mandala, looks red in the morning, and after rising light red and also pingala the mixed of red and white. The most auspicious person. Rudra in the form of Cosmic rays. Occupies the entire earth and occupies all corners. Let their anger be subsided with devotion and prostrations.

All desires are fulfilled. Rains are assured. Recollects his clan.

Kala is Rsi, Chanda Astara pankti or pancapadapankti and Devata Rudra.


Asou yovasarpati Nila grivo vilohitahuttainam gopa Adrusanna Drusannudaharyah utainam Visvabhutani Sadrusto mridayatinah ||

Asou = As directly visible one; Yah Nilagrivah = Who is famous as Nilakantha; Vilohitah = Particularly red in colour in the morning; Avasarpati = Moving; Enam = The parameswara in the form of Aditya, Gopa uta = The great among the ignorant gopalas; Adrusyan = Witnessing him; Udaharyah = More than them the ignorant ladies who lives by transporting water; Adrushyan = How many more can be narrated; Vishva bhutani uta = Even the cows; buffaloes and other living beings; Enam = they are seeing Rudra in the form of Aditya; Sah = That Rudra; Drustah = Being brightened by his visibility and meditations; Nah = us; Mridayati = May he bestow us all happiness.

Rudra possessed black neck due to the swallowing of the Kalakuta poison. He is reddish and responsible for the morning and evenings. He is present in the form of Surya. Hence the Gopalas, the persons incharge of herd without any literacy, the ladies that carry water, the cows and buffaloes and living forces are witnessing him. Only the person who learnt Veda, alone can visualize ‘HIM’ in Kailasa. He takes the form of Surya exclusively to be visible to all. Rains are fed and the ancestors are being well recollected. Let such person make us happy. Recitation of this mantra grants fulfillment of desired objects. Sumptuous rains are fed and ancestors are being well recollected. This Mantra has Marutvanta as Rsi, Chanda Satpada Jagati and devata Rudra.


Namo Astu Nila grivaya Sahasrakshaya middhuseAthoye asya satvano ham te bhyo karam namah ||

Nila grivaya = Having Black coloured oesophagus i.e. Neela Kanttha Rudra; Sahasraksha = With innumerable eyes; Middhuse = Fulfiller of all desires; Namah Astu = Let such Rudra be prostrated; Atho = Not only that; Asya = Belonging to this Rudra; Sattvanah = Related, nonenvious the foremost followers; Ye = Whoever may be; Tebhyah = To them also; Aham = Myself; Namah = Salutations; Akaram = Performing.

Having black neck, and as Indra thousand of eyes, as a person who is in the form of clouds and causes rain fall, To such Rudra, We salute. I am saluting all the pranis who are Serving him.

This mantra assures the fulfillment of all desires. (Sarva Vaancha Siddhi). The important one, is being blessed with a nice Son (Suputra prapti).

This mantra has shambhu as Rsi and also as Devata; Chanda is Anustup.


Pramunca danva natsva mu bhayor arni yorjyam |Yaschate hasta yisavah parata bhagavovapa ||

Tva = Yourself; Bhagavah = Oh! God; Dhanvanah = pertaining to your bow; ubhayah = From the two; Arthniyoh = Top points;Jyam = The tied knots; Pramunca = unlock them; Te = Belonging to you haste = From the hands; Yah Esavah = What arrows present; Tah = Those; paravapa = Make them dysfunctional.

Oh! Possesser of tremendous wealth/please let down your two string at the top of your bow. Drop your arrows in your hands.

This Mantra recitation ensures that enemies will be destroyed in the battle field.

Rsi Narada, Devata Rudra and Chanda Anustup.



Avatatya dhanutsvagum Sahasraksha shate sudheNisirya salyanam mukha sivona ssumanabhava ||

Sahasraksha = Possesser of several eyes; Sate Sudhe = with innumerable bows and arrows; Tvam Eva = Only you; dhanuh = Bow; Avatatya = As are removed as untied string; Shalyanam = Belonging to the arrows; Mukha = The front faces; Nishurya = Keeping them reversed in the container of the arrows; Nah = forms Shivah = Having harmonious form; Sumanah = With the pleasing feeling of granting boons; Bhava = Indeed be.

Oh! The very form of Indra. Having several containers of arrows, please bend your bow, reverse the iron tips of the arrows, updownwards, shower your mercy and pleasant looks on us.

Foes will be annihilated in the battle field.

Chanda Anustup, Rsi Narada and Devata Rudra for this mantra.


Vijyam dhanuh kapardino vishalyo banavagum uta |Aneshanna shyesana Abhurasya Nisangidhih||

Kapardinah = With elangated coiled tufts of hair; Dhanuh = His bow resembling pinaki; Vijyam = Let it be like the unlocked rope; Banavan uta = Also his house of arrows; Vishalyah = empty without any arrows; Asya = In this; Isavah = Arrows; Anesan = unfit to pierce the bodies of enemies, and get destroyed; Nisangidhih = The house of the sword; Abhuh = Become use less.

Let the elongated tufted Rudra be devoided of bow and arrow. Let his container with arrows be empty, without ready to release arrows. Let his arrows be unfit to be used. Let the barrel that houses the sword be just an empty container.

Enemies will be destroyed in the war.

Chanda Anustup, Rsi Narada and Devata Rudra.


Yate heti rmiddhustama haste babhuvate dhanuh |Taya sman visvaja tatsya mayaksha yaparib bhuja ||

He meddhustama = understanding the desires of devotees and fulfilling them; Yate hetihdhanuh = with your powerful sword and bow; Te = belonging to you; Haste = In your hands; Babhuva = Having present; Ayakshmaya = The healthy needs of Bhaktas; Taya = with your weaponary along with the bow; Tvam = yourself; Asman = us; Visvatah = from every type of sins and diseases; paribhuja = Govern us (protect us).

Oh! Rudra the granter of several desires, let your sword and the bow in your hand that is not aimed at any upheaval, protect us with that sword and bow from all others and from every thing.

Recitation of this important mantra brings complete destruction of enemies.

Chanda Anustup, Rsi and Devata Bhagavan.


Namaste Astvayudhaya natataya dhrusnaveUbhabhyamu tate namo bahubhyam tava dhanvane ||

Anatataya = Not ready to use against the enemies; Dhrusnave = ordinarily quite fit for utilization; Te = Belonging you; Ayudhyaya = For the weapons; Namah = Let it be saluted; Uta = Not only this Te = Belonging to you; Ubhabhyam = Being two in number; Bahubhyam = To the shoulders too; Tatha = In the same way; Tava = Belonging to you; Dhanvane = For your bow; Namah = Salutations.

Even though not aimed to strike us yet capable of performing such acts with your weapons we bow with reverence we salute both your broad hands and the string.

Enemies will be thoroughly destroyed.

Chanda is Ansutup Rsi and Devata both same Bhagavan (paramatma).


Parite dhanvanoheti rasma vvrunakta vishvatah |Athoya Ishudhistavare asmi nnidhe hitam ||

Te = belonging to you; Dhanvanah = To the bow in its form; Hetih = In the shape of an arrow; Asman = us; Visvatah = From all sorts of dangers; Parivrnaktu = protect us; Atho = And; Yahtava Esudhih = from the most powerful and piercing store house of arrows; Tam = that one; Asmat = Related to us; Are = From the suiful form of enemy groups; Nidhehi = Establish annihate our sins.

Let your arrow do not harm us. Please keep your bundle of arrows and its garnet away from us.

They are fifteen Mantras in this first Anuvaka. Foes will be totally annihilated.

Anustup is the Chanda, Rsi and Devata paramatma only.


By reciting first anuvaka of Namakam - All the Sins will be destroyed, gets leadership and divine benevolence, protection from famine, freedom from fear, getting food, protection of cows. Absence from untimely fear of death, works as shield (kavaca) for virulent fever, curing diseases. Absence from fear of tigers, thieves, from Monsters, Devils, demons, cured of foetal disorders, absolved from the evils stars, getting fulfilled ones desires. Sumptuous rainfall, thinking of one’s own clan, blesses with a good son, all wants fulfilled and enemies get destroyed.


-Offering at his lotus feet


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