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Inner Darshans

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Sairam wonderful Sai Family


Our beloved did not come out this morning physically, but as I sat

reaching inward I had the most glorious visions in the Mandir. I found

myself very, very high up seated on a balcony, surrounded by exquisite,

heavenly architecture, pillars, sculptures of intricate nature. I felt

like I was surely glimpsing Kailasa. Then I clearly saw out Lord Sai

seated under a very elaborately carved veranda. This went on for awhile

with panoramic focus of this divine plane.


When I emerged from this vision, aarthi was being taken, I closed my

eyes again and saw a huge bird like creature flapping its immense wings

over the students section. I feel now I must do some more inner work,

there is a whole overlooked world of amazing magnificence on the inner

levels of our being. And best of all our Sai is there ready to give the

Darshan of His precious celestial presence all the time.


This afternoon Darshan, I had wonderful seating and a lovely view of

our Divine Baba. He came at the start of bhajans and smiled sweetly as

He swept down the aisle. He spoke to some ladies in the front and then

glided around the mens section through the students and onto the

veranda, where He sat our for some time enjoying bhajans. He then went

inside and granted an interview to a young man and an elderly woman,

this young man has gotten several interviews in the past few weeks, I

don't who he is though. Our Lord took aarthi with us and we watched as

He slowly drifted away back to His residence but not from our hearts.


GOD HILLS - Part 6


We left Badrinath in the wee hours, and was able to visit Jyot Math

ashramafter about a 2 hour drive. We went inside Shakaracharya cave and

circumambulated the 10 old tree under which he attained

enlightenment. The attendant graciously gave a piece of branch from

that venerated ancient tree. Our next point of interest was Dev Payag confluence. This is where the Alakananda and the Bhagirathi rivers wed to create the holy Ganges river. We stopped to splash by the banks of this merry, playful union, the waves seemed to rush to where we dipped welcoming us.Gratefully we collected rocks and divine water from this blessed location.We were also able to pay homage to Shiva's eye another famous spot along the way. We returned to Haridwar late and was warmly welcomed by dear Swami Amlananda.He was pleased to see us return safe and sound from a truly amazing pilgrimage.He actually declared, that only by the grace of Sri Sathya Sai Baba the Sat Guru (Guru of Gurus) did we complete this journey without any problems or sickness. I marveled at the respect and love Swami Amlananda expressed for our Lord Sai. I know our Sai Ananda was ever by our side.Padma and I decided to fly back to Bangalore we were

missing Swami so much. The next day we visited Rishikesh, the Lakshmi and Ram Jhoola. We peeked at the Sathya Sai Baba school located in Rishikesh. For lunch we were able to visit the Prakash Anand ashram, a delightful yoga retreat surrounded by charming gardens and foliage.Lastly, we visited Vashista's cave, where our Lord Sai Baba granted Sri Purushottama the resplendent vision of His Cosmic form. As we entered the cave I heard a high pitched sound and a strong pressure in my ears. Both Padma and I sat for meditation.A misty purple light flooded my screen of consciousness, I sensed an alteration in the surrounding atmosphere. Swami's feet appeared, enormous, decorated with flowers and walking towards us. I glimpsed an old man wrapped in a shawl smoking.The scene changed and a vast blue chest with a garland of deities hanging from the neck, and other fantastic imagery flooded my mind.The energy in that cave was

spiritually piercing, after about 45 minutes we left and returned to Haridwar.We made a final stop at Lallitha's Guru Dev ashram, Matri Sadan, we wanted to thank Guru Dev for his compassionate hospitality. Guru Dev was not there, but another Swami greeted us offering chai and fruit. We asked him to thank Guru Dev for us.Right before we left for Prashanti, Swami Amlananda arrange a holy puja for us, together at the conclusion of the puja, sister Padma and I cast our blessed coconuts intothe sacred Ganges river and said goodbye and thank you to Mother Ganga.Lots of Prema and more Premasonya ki

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