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Guru Purnima Dream



It felt like old days - when I used to take a bus from Bangalore to Parthi. It felt like old Prashanti too, although I don't remember seeing the Mandir or the auditorium or any of the familiar buildings. I was going to Parthi because Swami was going to give out saris. Everyone was headed to a huge wide shed where Swami was. I made my way there as well, nodding and smiling at familiar faces here and there.


When I got to the shed, it was already too late, and the Sevadals wouldn't let me in. I waited for a while, and somehow slipped inside. There He was! Swami, in His glorious orange robe - seated front and center, everyone else hushed and pushed along the sides towards the walls. I slowly approached Him and He looked at me with a surprised look, His eyes wide and His mouth open - as if He was surprised to see me there, or happy that I came. I smiled back, hands folded, but someone tried to usher me out again, but not boldly enough since Swami didn't tell them to.


Then I saw Ma and ran to her and quickly sat down next to her. Swami was just about to start distributing the saris, or so it felt, but the dream ended there (Akhil woke me). Oh I wish it had gone on for a few more minutes...


In dream language, new clothes symbolize new attitudes and a new persona. I wonder if Swami was hinting at a new me - that He's giving me a new entity - I certainly feel renewed by Him this year. May be I have to wait a little longer before I actually get that sari from Him. I can't wait!!


[i had this dream on Guru Purnima last year. I thought I'd share with you all]


Sai Ram and Love



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                                                 AUM SAI RAM

Dear Saibandhu,


 Humble Pranams at the Lotus Feet of BHAGAWAN.


  Your darshan of Swami in a dream( it is vision) on the Guru Poornima day is really of great importance . Darshan of the Cosmic Guru on a Guru Poornima day signifies great auspiciousness. The word  GURU ,as all know, means the one who dispels the darkness of ignorance or Ajnana and confers the Light of Wisdom or Jnana. 


Here the GURU is Bhagawan Shri Sathya Sai Baba. He is not the worldly guru;HE is the DIVINE  GURU, SADGURU.  The FORMLESS, TIMELESS,  BRAHMAN  has condensed out of Love  and Compassion to a convenient and beautiful human form,  from FORMLESSNESS,  encased in the Time Frame of 96 or 97 years, FROM THE TIMELESSNESS  for the present humanity. Fortunate we are--are we really making use of this once in a millennium opportunity to our  ultimate advantage?. Like the invisible vapours spread over the sky get   convert  to water, then convert to solid Ice , Formless Brahman has become our BHAGAWAN to enable us for easy grasp.


 This  Bhagawan has appeared during  last Guru Poornami. Any further explanation required ? Not necessary.

Whether physically or through visions, if SWAMI does any gesture,move or activity, whether we know it or not, they carry a lot more meanings. For the Timeless Brahman SWAMI, this 96 or 97 years are not even 96 or 97 seconds. When this be the case, would SWAMI do any meaningless move,gesture or activities in this less than 96 or 97 seconds? IMPOSSIBLE.. 

Human beings get dreams, which science interprets that they are the result of aspirations, imaginations,day dreams, deep involvement etc. May be true. But appearing of different forms of God or one's adored  Guru, Avatars in the sleep is not dream.  But it is Vision,as SWAMI says. Men have mainly three stages , though there are more in the higher levels.  1. Waking or Jagrat 2.Sleeping or Swapna 3.Sushupti. 

   In the 1st stage senses and mind are working and have contact with outside world..  

  In the 2nd stage senses are not  in contact with the outside world, but the mind or manas is in contact.

   In the 3rd stage neither senses nor manas is working.

  God appears to us in our Jagrat stage, to our outer eyes.  Our swapna stage is tresspassed by all sorts of    dreams which are the result of matters stored in our mind.But, these matters do not dare to enter the Sushupti stage.  Only God, Avatars, Adored gurus,great saints only can enter the Sushupti stage of human beings, whenever THEY will  or when  the devotee or a good human being  really needs.

Hence, we can get darshan of SWAMI only in the Jagrat and Sushupti stages.  


Distribution of new saree by the divine hands of Swami on Guru Poornima Day : As rightly interpreted new saree signifies, a new Being, a new Entity. 


Let us go deep into the aspect of Guru Poornima saree ( not necessarily for other days) and how wearing it on the body effects the change on the human body to a New Being : A human body with its mind,intellect,ego can transform into a new Being or say the ATMAN when the WISDOM dawns annihilating the compound of body+mind+intellect+EGO.( In capital letters because even other 3 mixtures can disappear, the last one is so strong, obstinate,adamant, naughty, unyielding etc.etc., it is impossible to get rid of it  unless, God, Avatar or Sadguru destroys it from inside). The saree is a near symbolic representation of WISDOM. How?  


  Two activities are connected with saree. First is a visual look from outer eyes, second wearing it on the body. Only visual look will not satisfy, but wearing satisfies due to the touch and feeling of it!  (( Now deep concentration and meditation  on this)). SWAMI has saree or Wisdom in his hands, wearing of the Saree of Wisdom all over the body gives an experience of pleasantness , pleasingness to the wearer. That pleasantness can not be seen, but only can be experienced that too only by the wearer. After wearing the saree , it becomes an Experiencial Saree. Here the wearer of saree experiences happiness and satisfaction because of the originating of inside feeling.  For some time the wearer may forget herself in that happiness 


     Similarly and  Therefore when SWAMI bestows the Grace of WISDOM on the devotee, he gets the Experiencial WISDOM and experiences the BLISS OF THE WISDOM which envelopes each and every innumerable number of cells and expands to  the whole cosmos and to the limitless Infinity.


 With the outer eyes we can only see the things as they are. Man as man, animal as animal,plant as plant,all things as they are. When the Inner Eye is opened by the Grace of BHAGAWAN, then one Experiences  the presence of Existence, knowledge,Bliss everywhere. Now both the outer eyes and the Inner Eye function in tandem.


( here i ask for the pardon of the Saibandhu  readers because i wished to write only  a few sentences on the interpretation of the vision as i understand , but some how the topic got dragged too long-- i can only say that i became helpless and couldn't resist, hence itself happened, i was not even  on this plane).


Dear Saibandhu,-- the thrilling vision abruptly came to an end, because  Saibandhu Akhil woke you. Though i don't know who is Akhil, i presume he is your close family member. May be certain that, still you have to perform worldly duties for Saibandhu Akhil.  Probably, after this SWAMI may present the Real Saree. 

 Your's Saibandhu,





 On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Sai Sravanthi <sai_sravanthi_999 wrote:









Guru Purnima Dream



It felt like old days - when I used to take a bus from Bangalore to Parthi. It felt like old Prashanti too, although I don't remember seeing the Mandir or the auditorium or any of the familiar buildings. I was going to Parthi because Swami was going to give out saris. Everyone was headed to a huge wide shed where Swami was. I made my way there as well, nodding and smiling at familiar faces here and there.


When I got to the shed, it was already too late, and the Sevadals wouldn't let me in. I waited for a while, and somehow slipped inside. There He was! Swami, in His glorious orange robe - seated front and center, everyone else hushed and pushed along the sides towards the walls. I slowly approached Him and He looked at me with a surprised look, His eyes wide and His mouth open - as if He was surprised to see me there, or happy that I came. I smiled back, hands folded, but someone tried to usher me out again, but not boldly enough since Swami didn't tell them to.


Then I saw Ma and ran to her and quickly sat down next to her. Swami was just about to start distributing the saris, or so it felt, but the dream ended there (Akhil woke me). Oh I wish it had gone on for a few more minutes...


In dream language, new clothes symbolize new attitudes and a new persona. I wonder if Swami was hinting at a new me - that He's giving me a new entity - I certainly feel renewed by Him this year. May be I have to wait a little longer before I actually get that sari from Him. I can't wait!!


[i had this dream on Guru Purnima last year. I thought I'd share with you all]


Sai Ram and Love



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