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As You Think, You Will Be..............

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My Humble Pranams at The Divine Lotus Feet Of Our Ever Present Beloved Bhagawan!

Sairam Brothers and Sisters!

Many of us do not realise the power of our thoughts.In many of Swami's discourses Swami has always quoted this sanskrit line 'n' number of times "Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavathi". what does this indicate? What you think ,you are that.When thoughts are chanalised into the right direction,we can see positive results.

Nobody can make you dwell on something.You decide what ever you entertain in your mind.Your mind is similar to a Giant computer in that your brain stores every thought you've ever had.That's encouraging when you're trying to find your car keys,but its not such good news when you consider tha amount of smut,foul language,ungodly concepts,and other negative input with which we are inundated everyday of our lives.Nevertheless,simply becuase a destructive thought is stored in your mental computer does not mean you have to pull it up and run it on the main screen of your mind.

If you make that mistake and start dwelling on it,that thought will affect your emotions,your attitudes,and -if you continue to give it free rein in your mind-it will inevitably affect your actions.You will be much more prone to discouragement and depression,and if you continue pondering that negative thought,it holds the potential to sap the energy and stregth right out of you.you will lose your motivation to move forward in a positive direction.

The more we dwelve on the enemy's lies,the more garbage we willingly allow him to dump into our minds.its as though we have flung the door wide open and put up a sign that reads:"trash goes here!".

What are you allowing your mind to dwell on?Are you constantly contemplating negative things?How you view Life makes all the diffrence in the world-especially for you!

Its unrealistic to ignore problems and live in denial,pretending that nothing bad ever happens to us.Bad things do sometimes happen to good people,just as good things happen to bad people.if you're sick,its okay to admit it;but keep your thoughts on your Healer.If you body is tires,if your spirit is weary,sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is to get some rest.But focus your thoughts on the One who has promised,"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strngth".

when troublesome times come,we can choose our attitudes.W can choose to belive that He is greater than our Problems;we can choose the right thoughts.Most of us say that when I come out of the situation in what I am,then I shall have a better attitude.

Unfortunately this is not going to happen.You have the process backward.You must cheer up first,then God will turn your situation around.As long as you harbor that poor,defeated outlook,you will continue to live a poor,defeated life.

Make up your mind today to think positive,excellent thoughts,and you will be propelled toward greatness,inevitably bound for increase,promotion,and God's Blessings.

"Mind can have peace only when it merges in the Absolute Consciousness, Primal Cause and the Unchanging Existence." - SWAMI

source :Your Best Life now - By Joel Osteen.


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