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The Morning Prayer Suprabhatam

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Every day at the break of dawn, the Morning Prayer ‘Suprabhatam’ is sung at Prasanti Nilayam. Devotees normally start to queue up in front of the Holy temple as early as 3 in the morning. These devotees wait there in the earnest hope of getting a chance to enter the sacred premises of the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Chandra Bhagawan Varu to listen to the Suprabhatam being sung by a lead singer. They  in turn either silently recite the prayer in their heart or they just concentrate on the lyrics with one-pointedness to ‘awake’ the Lord Sai who is reposing in mystic slumber on His serpent couch.

Many times I have sat half- asleep in the cold and in the dark outside the temple waiting and praying to the Merciful Lord to allow me in. At times I have been lucky; at other times, not so lucky. I discovered that the Morning Prayer was very powerful and potent. It was a source which aroused spiritual power. Hence , many psychics , astrologers, sages and healers (even fortune-tellers and tarot card readers) make it a point to be at the temple to recite the Suprabhatam as an extra bonus when they are sojourning at Puttaparthi in the immediate darshan  ( Divine Presence) of the Lord.Simultaneously, it is always auspicious for every spiritual aspirant to recite the Morning Prayer wherever they are, before they start their day.

Suprabhatam literally means ‘auspicious dawn’. This hymn to the Lord is sung before the break of day, in the holy hours of dawn, BRAHMA MUHURTA and in Parthi, at five sharp. It is preceded by the chanting of the potent and sacred syllable ‘AUM’ twenty-one times, symbolizing the five sense organs, the five organs of action, the five basic elements, the five sheaths which encompass the individual and the mind. Recital of the Suprabhatam has proved very beneficial to an unaccountable number of people, devotees and non-devotees, the healthy and the sick, who wisely start their day with the invocation of the name of Baba. The Lord of Parthi, when He wakes up, casts His divine glance on the one who sings the Morning Prayer, as each day is a gift from the Lord to be spent usefully in His service. Many have had a Sudarshana (Holy Vision) of the Lord after they had recited the prayer devoutly and with a pure heart; others have been cured of lethal diseases.

 In Puttaparthi, Suprabhatam is immediately followed by nagar-sankirtan and abhisekham.

 Nagar-sankirtan is the singing of Bhajans, while walking around the mandir from the Ganesh temple and back, by separate groups of men and women.

Abhisekham (bathing of the Gods) is performed inside the mandir and not everybody is allowed or can assist to this religious ceremony unless he is graced by the Lord Sai Chandra Himself. The abhisekham is performed by a pundit (a priest) specially selected by Baba. Offerings of milk, pure cow ghee, water, dahi ,honey and also of red kumkum, orange sindoor, yellow tumeric, and white chandan pastes are poured over the statue of Shirdi Sai Baba, a huge Shiva-lingam, several small  egg-shaped black lingams and a magnificent forest green, trasparent lingam by the pundit, while he chants powerful and awe-inspiring  mantras, slokas and stotras to the Gods. After the bathing of the Gods, they are adorned with fragrant flowers and with beautiful and colorful garlands. Abhisekham is concluded with artee, worshiping of the Gods with lighted camphor.



The Suprabhatam in Sanskrit

Eeswaramma Sutha Sreeman

Poorva Sandya Parvathathey

Uthistha Sathya Sai Sha

Karthatvyam Deivaa Manickham

Uthistho Uthistha Parthee Sha

Uthistha Jagadipathi

Uthistha Karuna Poorna

Loka Mangala Sidhaye


Chitravati Thata Vishaala Susaantha Soudhe

Thisthanti Sevaka Janaah Stava Darshan Antham

Aadhithya Kaanthir Anubhathi Samastha Lokhan

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


Thwan Naama Keerthana Rathasthawa Divya Naama

Gayanti Bhakti Rasa Paana Prahrista Chitthah

Dhatum Kripa Sahita Darshana Mashu Tebyaha

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


Aadaya Divya Kusumani Manoharani

Sri Paada Poojana Bhava Dangri Molay

Khartum Mahotsukthayaa Pravishanti Bhakthah

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


Shruthva Thaava Abhutha Charithram Akhanda Keerthim

Vyaaptham Diganthara Visala Dharaathalesmin

Jijnasu Loka Upathistathi Chaasramey Smin

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabatham…


Sita Sathi Sama Visuddha Hridayambu Jatahaa

Voh Vangana Kara Gruheetha Supushpa Haarah

Sthuwanthi Divyanubhithi Fani Bhussahanam Thwam

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


Suprabhatam Midam Punyam

Yeh Pathanthi Diney Diney

Tey Vishanti Param Dhaam

Jnana Vijnana Shobhithah


Mangalam Guru Devaaya

Mangalam Jnaana Daayine

Mangalam Parthi Vaasayaa

Mangalam Sathya Saieenay…


Aum! Shanti ! Shanti !Shanti!


The Morning  Prayer in English

O Son of Eeswarammah! You are most beautiful! You are full of Glory!

Source of all wisdom, prosperity, progress and peace

The One who confers all these

Twilight heralds the dawn as it breaks in the East

Awake for the due performance of Your Divine duties!

Most precious Lord Sathya Sai!

Lord of the impermanent world!

Lord of compassion!


For the establishment of Peace and Prosperity

On the wide, peaceful bank of Chittravaati,in Your Abode of Supreme Peace

You carry out the work of granting Darshan to the multitudes that are eager to serve You

The luminosity of the Sun of Sathya Sai illumines the entire universe

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


To those who take delight in singing the praise of Your Divine Glory

To those who chant Your Divine Name with Love and Piety

O Good-hearted Lord, You shower Your Grace and Mercy

You grant them Your Darshan

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a glorious morning!


To those who bring heavenly, fragrant, beautiful flowers

With great yearning to worship Your Lotus Feet

In accordance with rites prescribed by the Holy Scriptures

You shower your Grace!

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


Intellectuals and scholars from all parts of the world,

Who exult in the constant repetition of Vedic Mantras

Have come with great yearning to have your Divine Darshan

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


Having heard about your wonderful life-story

Your unprecedented fame having spread all over the world

Genuine seekers of truth have come

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


Women devotees having the purity of Sita and Sati

Filled with piety have come with offerings of exquisite flower garlands for you

O Lord adorned with serpents!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


Recite the Holy Hymn of dawn daily to gain release from rebirth

Daily repetition of the Hymn helps to attain the Highest Abode

To acquire the Supreme Knowledge and Wisdom

May the Divine Preceptor be auspicious to us!

May the Bestower of Knowledge be auspicious to us!

May the Dweller of Parthi be auspicious to us!

May the Lord Sathya Sai be auspicious to us!

 Peace! Peace! Peace!


At the Lotus Feet of SAI

Anita Bacha

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Dear Sai Family,


Please accept my apologies.I have inadvertently missed one whole stanza in Sanskrit of the Morning Prayer,namely Stanza Six, though the English version is there-




5.Aadaya Divya Kusumani Manoharani

Sri Paada Poojana Bhava Dangri Molay

Khartum Mahotsukthayaa Pravishanti Bhakthah

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


6. Desantharagatha Budhaah

Thava Divya Moorthim

Sandarsanabhirathi Samyutha

Chiththa Vrththya

Vedoktha Mantra Pathanena


Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatam…


7.Shruthva Thaava Abhutha Charithram Akhanda Keerthim

Vyaaptham Diganthara Visala Dharaathalesmin

Jijnasu Loka Upathistathi Chaasramey Smin

Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabatham…

English Version of Sixth Stanza-

6. Intellectuals and scholars from all parts of the world,

Who exult in the constant repetition of Vedic Mantras

Have come with great yearning to have your Divine Darshan

O Lord Sathya Sai!

Yours is a Glorious Morning!


Thanks for your understanding 


At the Lotus Feet of SAI

Anita Bacha




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