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Devotee's Experience of Baba's Reality

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‘Why do you discuss and debate among yourselves about My nature, My mystery, My miracle, My reality? You are like a Telegu audience sitting through a Tamil picture or a Malayali sitting through a Japanese picture. The nuances, the subtler significances, the deeper meanings and inter-relationships, the inner patterns of the fabric, are beyond your understanding. Sit through the entire film; master the language and the technique; watch earnestly and vigilantly and try to imbibe the meaning of every gesture, act and word; then, you may know me….a little.’- Sri Sathya Sai Baba-p24 –Sathyam Shivam Sundaram- Part 11.

Dear Family,

Our loving Sister Nita, an analyst at the Ministry of Finance in Mauritius, was guided by Swami to open her heart to us and to share with us her wonderful experience of Swami’s Reality. Here, in her own words-

‘Some eight years ago, I had no idea who Sathya Sai Baba was really-I knew only about Shirdi Sai Baba.

Then, one day, people at my place of work-some staff were discussing about Sathya Sai Baba. I was just passing by and they asked me if I believed in Him. I shrugged my shoulders and brushing aside the subject, I replied that I did not. To be honest with you, at that time, I thought that He was an impostor.

However, as from that day, things started to happen in my life that pulled me very, very close to BABA.

 In particular, there was this mind-boggling incident which happened one day, when I was walking on the street. Engrossed in my thoughts and desperately asking Baba for guidance to resolve some problems that I was facing, I heard somebody calling me. I stopped and I turned round. I saw a man selling packets of agarbathi on the foot path. He asked me to buy one or two packets from him. I bent down to pick up one, when I was amazingly surprised to see a big picture of Sathya Sai Baba on the wrapping paper of the packet. He was smiling broadly and His Hands were raised in blessing! No longer had I taken one packet, the agarbathi seller disappeared into thin air! I don’t find the words to explain that blissful moment!

Baba has shown so many of His Leelas at times of despair just to make me feel His Divine Presence.

I just ask BABA to keep me close to Him and never let me go far from HIM.

May BABA shower His blessings on everyone.’   -  NITA


‘Fish cannot gauge the sky; the gross can grasp only the gross; the eye cannot see the ear though it is so near.’- Baba- Sathyam Shivam Sundaram-part 11- page 24.


At the Lotus Feet of SAI

Anita Bacha

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