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Thank You Very Much for All and God Bless Us... [1 Attachment]

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ॠSri Sai Ram dear brother Putu:

I am pained to hear about your wife's health and we're praying that with Bhagawan's mercy and blessings that our sister will be alright soon. You have such a loving family as the picture indicates Love and love only. It is indeed commandable that you're doing some home poojas for your wife's welfare as the " Gayatri " havan would be recommended as well, when time permits.

We also pray that you will someday soon find suitable employment that will be helpful to your family as well.

May he bless u, may he guide u, may he protect u in this difficult time as its challenging indeed.

Ram Lakhanpal, Toronto, CanadaOn Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:55 AM, Putu Wiranata <putu_wiranata wrote:







[Attachment(s) from Putu Wiranata included below]

Om Sri SairamDear All of Sai Bhakta, Yogis and my Senior in Spirituality of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba anywhere,

Om Jay Sri Sairam,On Behalf of my family we do with many thank you for your best of support for my wife and actually a lot of problems I would like to info but I am realized I have to keep for not show to my wife and just try to do Chanting Veda for Bhagavan, because I can't do anything else. here attached of my family picture (me with a smile, my wife and two child), this picture in Agni Hotra for my wife since Servic Cancer and also with Sai Bhakta in Denpasar,Bali.

Well at now the doctor give us the opportunity until May 2010 and I have to give the

dicision and also any more with Kista Ovariom 8,5 CM. In my life I'll try to help evryone and now.., no body care to me...how come..? Ohh.. I am Sorry Bhagavan to speak like this..please forgive me and also my family, my friends and Alls...

Once again, Thank you very much for All of you to give new inspiration to my self to keep my prayer for The God Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and with very much highly appreciate to hear good sound from You Alls....and I do hope Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is really hear my prayer.

PS : Please appologies my English too.I try do my Best for All with this challenger Thank You Swami

Om Sairam,Rgds,Putu WiranataPresent Address : Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto / Katalia No. 3, Ubung, Denpasar Utara 80116, Bali, Indonesia.

Mobile Phone    : 62 81 338 92 1110Home                : 62 361 430792

----- Forwarded Message ----Putu Wiranata <putu_wiranata

saibabanews Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 7:46:46 AM


Om Jay Sri Sai Ram,My Name is Putu Wiranata from Bali, Indonesia would like to inform and need your help for my wife CANCER and also I Lost my Job, please help to BLESS my wife and my Family, I have to clarification all about very bad situation make me confused until now.

Thank You,Rgds,Putu Wiranata & All Family






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AUM SAI RAMHumble prostrations at theLotus Feet of Bhagavan.My dear Sairam Brother Sri Putu Wiranata and all members of your Family,What a lovely family I saw in the picture!!!

i am deeply touched by your appeal to all our Saibrothers and Saisisters to pray Bhagavan for you and your Family. Definitely i have prayed our Loving Bhagavan to protect you and your Family from all the difficulties mentioned in your mail. Very importantly, on your part please pray our Swami constantly and place immense faith on HIM. The all Merciful, all Compassionate Swami will protect you.

Whatever you have written in this mail, Bhagavan surely knows. Don't worry about the grammar or language. God sees the purity of heart which you are possessing. Swami sees only the language and grammar of pure devotion emanating from the devotees heart. A child cries for Mother who is away in various manners; it may shout for the Mother, it may shed tears for the Mother, it may roll on the muddy water to attract the attention of the Mother, it may scold the Mother. Have we ever seen any Mother responding only if the child praises its Mother with good words or smooth calls? No. However dirty the child may be, whatever be the bad words the child use, whatever may be the grammar or language the child use, the Loving Mother will not bother for those matters. Mother hears only the intense cry of her child and run towards it. The cry has no language, the cry has no grammar. But cry has the INTENSITY to attract any one, much much ----more in the case of God. Therefore cry for God. God has to definitely come.

Loving Sai Ram.-Ranganatha.RaoOn Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Ram Lakhanpal <ram.lakhanpal wrote:






Sri Sai Ram dear brother Putu:

I am pained to hear about your wife's health and we're praying that with Bhagawan's mercy and blessings that our sister will be alright soon. You have such a loving family as the picture indicates Love and love only. It is indeed commandable that you're doing some home poojas for your wife's welfare as the " Gayatri " havan would be recommended as well, when time permits.

We also pray that you will someday soon find suitable employment that will be helpful to your family as well.

May he bless u, may he guide u, may he protect u in this difficult time as its challenging indeed.

Ram Lakhanpal, Toronto, CanadaOn Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:55 AM, Putu Wiranata <putu_wiranata wrote:







[Attachment(s) from Putu Wiranata included below]

Om Sri SairamDear All of Sai Bhakta, Yogis and my Senior in Spirituality of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba anywhere,

Om Jay Sri Sairam,On Behalf of my family we do with many thank you for your best of support for my wife and actually a lot of problems I would like to info but I am realized I have to keep for not show to my wife and just try to do Chanting Veda for Bhagavan, because I can't do anything else. here attached of my family picture (me with a smile, my wife and two child), this picture in Agni Hotra for my wife since Servic Cancer and also with Sai Bhakta in Denpasar,Bali.

Well at now the doctor give us the opportunity until May 2010 and I have to give the

dicision and also any more with Kista Ovariom 8,5 CM. In my life I'll try to help evryone and now.., no body care to me...how come..? Ohh.. I am Sorry Bhagavan to speak like this..please forgive me and also my family, my friends and Alls...

Once again, Thank you very much for All of you to give new inspiration to my self to keep my prayer for The God Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and with very much highly appreciate to hear good sound from You Alls....and I do hope Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is really hear my prayer.


PS : Please appologies my English too.I try do my Best for All with this challenger Thank You Swami

Om Sairam,Rgds,Putu WiranataPresent Address : Jalan Hos Cokroaminoto / Katalia No. 3, Ubung, Denpasar Utara 80116, Bali, Indonesia.


Mobile Phone : 62 81 338 92 1110Home: 62 361 430792

----- Forwarded Message ----Putu Wiranata <putu_wiranata

saibabanews Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 7:46:46 AM


Om Jay Sri Sai Ram,My Name is Putu Wiranata from Bali, Indonesia would like to inform and need your help for my wife CANCER and also I Lost my Job, please help to BLESS my wife and my Family, I have to clarification all about very bad situation make me confused until now.

Thank You,Rgds,Putu Wiranata & All Family






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