Guest guest Posted April 1, 2010 Report Share Posted April 1, 2010 Swarna Venkateswara Swamy <truthseeker123x Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:12 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sai Ram. God is a western concept. In Hindu religion, we have many Gods (Brahma, Vishnu, Siva etc.) and different Puranas give different versions of how they were made / created. However, Para Brahma, Para Shakti are beyond the Trinity and are self born, without any Creator. So, may be you can encourage him to read more and tell him that when he grows up, reads more and meditates he would get his own answers. Blessings Swamy Hyderabad, India ---------- Eugene Yakub <genesai99 Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:55 am RE: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Dear Suchitra, Sai Ram. I will leave your question to be answered by those more wise than I, but I would like to extend my congratulations for having the faith and love to remain in Kinshasa while so much violence surrounds you and your family. Countries too follow their karma created by their citizens, so may Swami sustain everyone during those difficult times and allow the karma to be completed as soon as possible. With much love and best wishes, (Sis.) Gene Yakub, Kenya. ---------- lalit gupta <lalitgulu Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:24 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sairam There are a few answers beyond mind. Mind may not be able to explain . God is there this question mind is able to understand. There are incidences where we agree god is there. But ahead of that even a self realised person may not be able to explain, there are no words or other means to express it. lalit ---------- sanjeev kumar Appicharla <appicharlak Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:31 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Hari Om! Tat Sat! God is not made by anyone else. Like a seed inside an apple fruit we are similarly located. We pray to the Lord as we tend to forget this fact because we are so tiny part like the apple seed. We are made like the seed which grows into the apple fruit. God is the seed. We tend to forget this fact and let our minds be distracted by our worldy concerns for welfare of ourselves, kith and kin that we do not offer thanks giving to the Lord who protects one and all. In a better manner than a house which protects us from rain and heat etc. A house might collapse but our faith in the Lord does not suffer and His protection does not decrease. Both as kids and adults we forget to that the above facts and require frequent japa to be alert to our spiritual duties of offering prayers, thanks giving, keeping ourselves pure and discharge our duities in His name. Regards Sanjeev Kumar Appicharla ---------- Meenakshi Chintapalli <mkchintapalli Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:56 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sai Ram Suchitra There is clip on Yu-tube that shows Big Bang and the formmation of life after the 5 elements, and the same is in Chaitanya Jyoti. This was the will of the divine. 5 elements are GOD that are Universal and GOD is an Electro magnetic field.When one reaches that stage of lightness of space with no thought but to BE, then the universe is felt WITHIN. As Swami says, " IAM GOD and SO ARE YOU. The difference is that I know I am God and You do not know you are GOD " . As the energy of divinity is pervasive, Swami knows what you think thousands of miles away. All religions have this faith that GOD is listening, not realizing that he is listening from within. Therefore The BIG Bang and the elements are verily the form of GOD that happened as a divine will. NO will, no creation. No will, no dissolution. The energy and forces in nature are GOD. Nobody created GOD. HE?/SHE IS all the time. " Brooyathey, Maayathey Idi Brahma " The on that wills to pervade the Universe, the one who wills to sustain he Universe and the one who wills to Dissolve from a form to formlessness at it's own will is BRAHMA. Are you all not seeing that SWami is withdrawing adn teh Earth is breaking apart at many places?? I want to present this following thought to the forum. Swami is withdrawing from teh physical proximity of giving HIS FORM to make us think aboout the formless HIM and there are Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Natural disasters. On the 30th, there was a 30 second Earth Quake in Phillippines. Then there will be extension into other areas like Himalayas, USA west Coast??? I do not know and this is not a prophecy of any kind. But collective negative karma of humanity seems to make the masters of the Universe unhappy. All is divine sankalpam and to pacify the Ekadasa Rudras there is world wide chanting going on, like Rudram, Gayatri and Havans. GOD is an Electro Magnetic Field pervading the Univerese and is called the Aadi Paraa-Shakti in spiritual terminology. GOD IS always and not created or dissolved. HIS /HER Presence and the realization of teh presence can dissolve Meena Chintapalli ---------- () Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:43 am Re: A question that made me speechless Dear Child We are all God. There is no separate God. It is all Dream. We are all in sleep. There is no we also. Only one. There is nothing other than God here. So this question who made God is genrated due to our dual mindedness. Meditate deeply and be one with one. No two. May one Ramakrishna come to you like what happened to Vivekanana. Isovaso idam jagat. with love Ganesh ---------- girija menon <gijjumenon Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:56 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sairam Suchithra, Thank you and your little one for this wonderful question to think about. I was wondering and thinking to myself how to explain this to a little child in simple words. Let me try to help you if I my own words. " God is actually this Super All powerful energy or Shakti which is everywhere, all the time. In the begining, only this Energy was there, which is really LOVE . Then out of HIS great compassion He Himself willed to become many for us, His creation. He Himself was kind enough to emerge/come as the great sound AUM. So the Energy that was Everywhere, came down as AUM. Then from AUM came Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. That LOVE then gave us forms, names. That is why GOD is Generator, Operator and Destroyer, all in one for us. He generates our charecter, He operates our Heart machine to keep and save all the good ones and He destroys the bad qualities in us which will stand in the way of our progress. So GOD Himself out of his immense LOVE, created the God we love. " I was trying to explain " Ekoham Bahusyam " , or " Ekam Sat Vipra Bahuta Vadanthi " . " The ONE willed ITSELF to become many " . Hope you will be able to make out something from here, Suchithra. Explain to your child in your own beautiful words that he will understand better. His name itself SARVESH, means ' The all pervading energy'. Pray this will be useful to you. Sairam, Girija Menon ---------- prince simon <omkar_patra Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:32 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless sai ram, God is present at all times he is " NITYAM " he has no begining and end sai ram ---------- Apurva Gaglani <apurva.gaglani Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:08 pm Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless No one made GOD. God was always existing. From un-manifest form they first became manifest as three (the Trinity) Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu God exists in un-manifest and in manifest forms ---------- JD PRUEITT <jd_prueitt Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:34 pm RE: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Dear Suchiven, God always existed. The infinite is natuarally ETERNAL. God did not originate,It always WAS , IS NOW and ever WILL BE. As we are made in his image this eternal nature is our deepest being. We ARE the childen of the most HIGH SUPREME GOD. Your inner soul knows this to be the truth. It is only the created outer world that comes into existance, abides and dissolves. SAIRAM. J.D.P. ---------- Srinivas Vaddiparti <s.vaddiparti Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:14 pm Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sairam dear Suchitra Venkta The answer to your question; God is not made by any one. if he is made by any one, he cannot be a God, Saibaba mentioned that God and Vadas are are in existence without any origin. that is why God is called Aadi - Madhya - Antar rahita -means no starting ,no middle - no end. but for ever in existence. in order to convince children on this topic, is a bit difficult and tricky. it is beyond any one's understanding to understand this point. we say scientifically that energy cannot be destroyed but can be changed into different forms. if you ask from where energy came into existence????. energy is in existence it has not been created by any one. I hope this answers your question Srinivas Sydney ---------- Sitapathi Radhakrishna <loveallserveall39 Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:23 pm Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sairam!! By the GRACE of BHAGWAN I can only think of one answer. GOD IS SUPREME.HE HAS GOT POWER TO CREATE HIMSELF AND THE REST OF THE WORLD ALSO.THAT IS WHY HE IS ALSO CALLED ................................. " G O D I S G R E AT........... " Hope this should be convincing to your child for this age and stage. Jai Sairam. Sitapathi. ---------- GSVR <gsv_ramu Thu Apr 1, 2010 1:45 am Re: Some Questions have no answers!! Sairam. The question your son has raised is the biggest question in the world...the answer to which has not been conclusively found by the saints....all are still re-searching. Some questions have no answers!!! Ramu GSV ---------- Ravi Saankar <bravisaankar Thu Apr 1, 2010 2:40 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sairam, There is GOD only.All of us are a part of GOD.I t is just like asking 'Which came first, ' The EGG or the HEN' " .Without the egg the hen cannot be born and without the Hen there cannot be an egg.The intensity of our prayers materialies a form, and GOD arrives.When Druva asked Narada about the form of VISHNU, Narada described a form with Shangu,Chakara,Gadha,Padmam in Four Hands, and HE appeared in that form.Forms are of our imaginations. That is why BABA said that you can take any form as your GOD. B.Ravisaankar ---------- Ravi L <ravi_na7 Thu Apr 1, 2010 6:41 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless sai ram read swami paramahamsa yogananda's book,''man's eternal quest'' you will find answers to all your questions. one more option : if you are using internet : go to website of Divine Life Society. swami Sivanand will solve all your doubts. with regards ravi dongre ========== saibabanews , Suchitra Venkatesh <suchiven2911 wrote: > > Dear all sairam this is suchitra venkat here frm KINSHASA - D.R.CONGO. I have been reading various mails which solves the doubts and queries related to god raised by various devotees all over the world. This mail is also one of that kind read it, think on it and reply. > > Y'day as i was conversing with my 6yr old son SARVESH about GOD and his prayers etc, my son raised one question to me it is as follows he asked AMMA YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT GOD HAS MADE US WE MUST KEEP PRAYING TO GOD, BUT AMMA CAN YOU TELL ME WHO MADE GOD??? > > This question asked by my cute little child really made me speechless even i had never thought of who made god, today he has made me think about it. I am trying to give him a good clean answer but not successful in it so just thought of sharing this question with you all to get a proper answer. > > Awaiting for all your replies regards suchitra venkat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 2, 2010 Report Share Posted April 2, 2010 Humble Pranaams at The Lotus Feet Of our beloved Bhagwan, Sakaara Swaroopa Sri Satya Sai Baba As I was reading the replies a thought crossed my mind. Why should we research about GOD as he or she was realized by the Rishis who described the AADI Purusha?!!! Vedic heritage is the basis for the genesis of many religions. We do know that research in Linguistics agrees that Sanskrit can be verily an Indo_Aryan culture and imported to the current India with the movement of Tectonic plates or by the migrant Aryans like Rama. Now an Iranian is learning Vedas in Puttaparti, which could have been his original heritage and lost in the dissolutions?? Let us look at PURUSHA SOOKTAM. Narayan Maha muni describes the PURUSHA that is multiples of Thousands of heads, hands and feet. The very beginning sloka itself gives the summary of Purusha and the purpose of existence. Tat Sham yo raavrinee Mahe (That which pervades the entire universe is blessed) Gaatum Yagnaaya, Gaatum Yagna Pataye ( I sing the celestial song of the Yajna Lord and the Yajna itself. Here Yajna is not the homa and fire, but the very action that confers the jnaanam or teh truth. Ideally every act devoted for a good cause and surrendereed to GOD is Yagnam that will take you to higher planes of consciousness, evolution or called parinaamam. Yad gnaanam, tat yagnam. Jnaanam dissolves the individual I and merges with the Universal I) Daiveem Swastirastunaha, Swastir Maanushebhyaha (Let the divine, celestial and godly be prosperous and happy and let the human kind also be prosperous and happy) Oorthwanji Gaatu Bheshajam ( I sing the celestial song to confer the great /magnificent higher planes of evolution that is an intangible experience that gives higher states of consciousnes---Oorthwanji) Shannoe astu dwipadey ( The 2 planes of consciousness be blessed. What are the 2 planes of consciousness?? Here Dwipada is Uttaraayana and Dakshinaayana. Usually we say recognize him in 2 legged animals and the 4 legged animals. Does that mean he is not in the ant that has more legs and not in the snake that has no legs?? He is every where therefore we need to look deeply into the meaning. In Dakshinaayana we do all the actions or best described as Yagnas and festivals with rituals to attain the knowledge of God's existence in us and around, that will rise the chakras from Jadatwam to Chaitanyam or from the individual "I" to "HE" in the universe and it's acceptance. In Uttaraayana, the Consciousness has to lead us to the light of realizing GOD as one with the individual 'I". From Chaitanyam to Brahmatvam or Ayam Atman Brahman. He says let that attainment be blessed) Sham Chatushpadey Here there is no ASTU or blessing but a declaration of the 4 feet of Aadi Purusha to be prosperous. What are the 4 feet??? The intangible, unseen SAT_CHIT_ANANDA are the 3 feet, that exist all the time and is the formless GOD, Raso Vaisaaha. The blissful state. The other 1 foot is the Drisya Prapancham or the seen form of the Viswam or the Universe. Better described later on as " Paadosya Viswa Bhootani" (One foot is the whole universe and pervading in all the animate and inanimate (sarva Bhootani) "Tripaadasya Amritam Divi" The 3 feet that are in Divi or unseen chidaakaasa that is nectarine amrita tatwam. The above single stanza is filled with the meaning of God's existence everywhere, with no coming and Going. It is the realization that comes and will not go.But it is very difficult. So Suchitra, I will tell your son thatt GOD exists in his work, he neither comes or goes. He will not be felt when the mind thinks bad things and body does bad things. It is in his duty as a boy, son and student that God exists in his self confidence and hard work and good manners. A day will come when he will feel GOD like he feels the wind. GOD IS and We need to get over the duality to non duality to feel him. It is his will to be felt and seen.We are very fortunate to have Darsan, Sparsan and Sambhashan with the Viswamtargata Lord of The Universe Sri Satya Sai Baba for a few years more with a void till Prema sai advents.Meena Chintapalli Addendum: Once Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara were discussing who among them were great.Suddenly Shivji became a colmun of light and said find my beginning and end, and the one who finds either of the ends is a great GOD. Brahma goes up to find the end of the light and travels pretty high and comes back without finding where the light ended. Vishnu goes t Netherlands and still could not find teh source of teh light. They both come back adn declare that Maheswara is teh Aadi,Madhyaanta Rahitudu, Shiva as GOD. Never let s find the depths of a fathomless Ocean and measure the vastness of HIS presence in space.Let us enjoy any Finite Form and live with 100% faith and surrender. --- On Thu, 4/1/10, saibabanews_webmaster <saibaba_news > wrote:----------Meenakshi Chintapalli <mkchintapalli@ > Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:56 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless Sai Ram SuchitraThere is clip on Yu-tube that shows Big Bang and the formmation of life after the 5 elements, and the same is in Chaitanya Jyoti. This was the will of the divine. 5 elements are GOD that are Universal and GOD is an Electro magnetic field.When one reaches that stage of lightness of space with no thought but to BE, then the universe is felt WITHIN. As Swami says, "IAM GOD and SO ARE YOU. The difference is that I know I am God and You do not know you are GOD". As the energy of divinity is pervasive, Swami knows what you think thousands of miles away. All religions have this faith that GOD is listening, not realizing that he is listening from within. Therefore The BIG Bang and the elements are verily the form of GOD that happened as a divine will. NO will, no creation. No will, no dissolution. The energy and forces in nature are GOD. Nobody created GOD. HE?/SHE IS all the time."Brooyathey, Maayathey Idi Brahma"The on that wills to pervade the Universe, the one who wills to sustain he Universe and the one who wills to Dissolve from a form to formlessness at it's own will is BRAHMA.Are you all not seeing that SWami is withdrawing adn teh Earth is breaking apart at many places??I want to present this following thought to the forum.Swami is withdrawing from teh physical proximity of giving HIS FORM to make us think aboout the formless HIM and there are Tsunamis, Earthquakes and Natural disasters.On the 30th, there was a 30 second Earth Quake in Phillippines.Then there will be extension into other areas like Himalayas, USA west Coast??? I do not know and this is not a prophecy of any kind. But collective negative karma of humanity seems to make the masters of the Universe unhappy.All is divine sankalpam and to pacify the Ekadasa Rudras there is world wide chanting going on, like Rudram, Gayatri and Havans.GOD is an Electro Magnetic Field pervading the Univerese and is called the Aadi Paraa-Shakti in spiritual terminology.GOD IS always and not created or dissolved. HIS /HER Presence and the realization of teh presence can dissolveMeena Chintapalliprince simon <omkar_patra@ > Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:32 am Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless sai ram,God is present at all times he is "NITYAM" he has no begining and endsai ram----------Apurva Gaglani <apurva.gaglani@> Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:08 pm Re: [saibabanews] A question that made me speechless No one made GOD.God was always existing.From un-manifest form they first became manifest as three (the Trinity)Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord VishnuGod exists in un-manifest and in manifest forms ----------JD PRUEITT <jd_prueitt (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:34 pm ------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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