Guest guest Posted April 23, 2008 Report Share Posted April 23, 2008 THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Sixth Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 09/ 2008 24-04-2008 HANUMAN JAYANTI (20-04-2008) SPECIAL ISSUE --------------------------- One World One Family Vasudhaika Kutumbam Om! Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi! (Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality! Peace be to All) ----------------------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUHU; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: ----------------------------- THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. HANUMAN JAYANTI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. Hanuman Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Hanuman(20-04-2008) Lord Hanuman was born in Anjaneri (now a hilltop temple). Anjaneri is near Triambakeshwar, Nasik - a pilgrim village in Maharashtra State. He is the son of Anjani and Maruti, born with the blessings of 'Vayu', the wind god (also called Pavan). He is considered to be an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva. He is one of the seven Chiranjivis and the only learned scholar who knew the nine Vyakaranas. He learned the sastras from Suryadev, the sun god. He is well versed with the Vedas and other sacred books. He has exhibited astonishing physical strength and performed many miracles. His valour, wisdom, knowledge of the scriptures and super human strength attracted everybody who came near him. He had extraordinary skill in warfare. He is the chosen messenger of Lord Rama and was messenger of Sugreeva. Hanuman is fast, the most agile and God oriented. Hanumanji is the symbol of Devotion and Service. Like Krishna, Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu whose elevated character and righteous actions are designed to inspire men to divine consciousness. In liberating his consort Sita from the demon Ravana (symbol of material illusion); Rama is greatly aided by the brave Hanuman. Hanuman was the chief of the armies of Sri Ramachandra and took a prominent part in the war against Ravana, the king of Lanka, in the Indian epic poem Ramayana. Hanuman helped restore Sita Devi back to Sri Rama. Recognizing Godhead beneath the human disguise, Hanuman dedicated himself wholly to service of Rama. Depicted in kneeling pose of utter devotion and humility, he symbolized the strength and purity of a Perfect Servant. Hanumanji is known by many names as Anjaneya, Anjani Putra, Bajarangbali, Hanuman, Mahaveer, Marutinandan, Pavanputra etc. Hanuman, worshipped for his strength, valour, agility, is a man of great teaming. Hanuman carried Sri Rama and Lakshmana on his shoulder to Sugreeva, the king of all Vanars (monkeys) in Kishkindha and helped them to find Sita. Prior to the war between Sri Rama and Ravana, Anjaneya visited Lanka, met Ravana, created havoc and burnt down the city of Lanka (Lanka Dahan). During the war, when Lakshmana was injured seriously, Sushena, the surgeon/physician of the monkey army, dispatched Marutinandan to bring herbal medicine, Sanjeevini, from the far-off Sumeru Mountain in the Himalayas, before sunrise. Flying over the Himalayas and unable to identify the particular herb fast, Hanuman uprooted and carried the entire mountain in time to save the life of Lakshmana along with the rest of the Vanar army. Hanuman was blessed by Sri Rama with immortality (chiranjeevi) at the end of the war. Hanuman was a bachelor (brahamachari) and is worshipped in all the temples of India. Every temple of Sri Rama contains an icon of Hanuman. Worship of Sri Rama is complete only with the worship of Hanuman. There are various temples dedicated solely to Lord Hanuman also. Sant Tulsidas composed the 40 stanzas of Hanuman Chalisa in praise of Hanuman. The worship of Hanuman symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, selflessness, humility, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord. Students pray to him for intelligence and soldiers for strength. In olden days, there used to be temples of Hanumantha, at the gates of forts. The gymnasium of wrestlers invariably have his picture. FromSaisatcharita--Behaviour of Sai Baba--Chapter VII Baba got almost all the temples in Shirdi repaired. Through Tatya Patil, the temples of Shani, Ganapati, Shankar-Parvati, Village Deity, and Maruti were put in order. Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar - Hyderabad. --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: April 1954: Abdul Baba passed away at the age of 83 years. April 1973: The combined issue of Saileela in English and Hindi started. -------------------------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. OCTOBER-1995: 14-10-1995 I was bedridden sue to sciatica. I prayed Baba to give me relief from the suffering. Baba appeared in the form of a Marwadi (businessman) whom I happened to meet during my visit to Ajmer in the year 1991 and said- The medicine which I gave you then is not meant for storage or worshiping. Apply it to your back and massage gently so that you can minimize dependence on others from tomorrow†. I got the herbal medicine and my wife helped me in application. By the next day dawn, I was able to go for some of minor routine works by myself. I concluded that Sai was not only aware of the future ailment well in advance but also gave me a suitable medicine to be used later. I stood with folded hands before HIM. Baba has at times taken the sufferings of his devotees on to self. 18-10-1995 I have slightly improved from Sciatica, but still not in a position to attend the office. I prayed Baba to indicate how long the suffering will continue. Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and made an announcement like this- Indian Prime Minister leaves for tour abroad today. He will be back in the National capital after eleven days. I concluded that Baba indicated in this way that my suffering should continue for another eleven days. PS: Exactly on 29-10-1995, I have fully recovered from the clutches of Sciatica as indicated by Baba. The period of suffering is also pre-destined. To be continued------- ----------------------------- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 31. Nama Japa While repeating the name of God, we feel with all our heart that infinite God is seated in the temple of our heart that He is within us only and also that He is purifying our heart and that Divine Grace is descending on us. Japa and Sankeertana break the knot of our ignorance and make the mind one-pointed. They are healers of ills of life. Throw your worries and anxieties; come forward and begin Nama Japa and Sankeertana; you too can taste the infinite joy and unceasing peace. Such spiritual opportunities of participating in Nama Japa and Sankeertana and living a spiritual life are all rare privileges that are given to us by God and should be utilized for the glorious purpose of attaining the ideal for which they are given. Nama Japa fulfills all our desires. Whoever concentrates, meditates and looses themselves into Sai Baba, will get His protection, whenever they are in troubles. They will also be saved in the face of death. Nama Japa will fulfill the wishes of those who have attended the Nama Saptaha and think of Baba with pure mind, body and speech without aspiring for any reward. Baba will also bestow enlightenment on those who chant His name and establish Him firmly in our minds. Those who try to acquire Spiritual Power by chanting His Name, shall have no checks in all affairs. Then we will attain perfection. Sri Sai Baba once said: Some of My devotees are proud that they are always doing My Nama Japa and propagating my greatness. This pride shall lead them to egoism. To be continued. ----------------------------- 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA. Mission of the Saints -Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter IV Lord Krishna says in Bhagvadgita (Chapter IV, 7-8) that "Whenever there is a decay of Dharma (righteousness) and an ascendancy of unrighteousness, I manifest Myself; and for the protection of the virtuous, the destruction of the vicious and for the establishment of righteousness, I manifest Myself in age after age". Namadeva The Unbaked Pot "Please let my cottage be sanctified with the dust of your feet," requested Gora the Potter with folded hands, inviting the circle of devotees to his house. They complied with his request and went to his place. He felt extremely happy and treated them with great love and hospitality. They were supremely pleased. When all of them were sitting together, Jnanadeva said, "Gora, can you tell me, whom of these pots in your house are backed and which are still unburnt, and wet?" Gora understood what Jnanadeva had meant by this. He took a wooden plank, which was kept, for tapping a pot into shape. He then went on stroking every body's head with it. No one uttered a word. But when Namadeva was touched on the head he said, "Why do you beat me so on the head?" At this Gora told Jnanadeva, "Only this pot is unburnt." "Gora, you are an experienced hand. You have tested well," said Muktabai. All the saints began to laugh uproariously. Namadeva felt offended. From there he went straight to Pandharapur. He was very much grieved to be told that he was still not a realized soul. Filled with sorrow for not being qualified to be in the company of such saints and for being so humiliated, he sat in the temple. It is said that a remarkable thing happened then. Vitthala, seeing Namadeva so depressed, tried to cheer him up. Namadeva said, "I was insulted in Gora's house." "Gora has rightly tested. One who does not surrender to Sadguru is an unbaked pot," said Vitthala. This indeed was the last straw on the camel's back. Namadeva completely lost his poise. "I came to you with the fond hope of getting relieved of my sorrow. But you too speak in the same way as they spoke! Where do I go now?" "Where else do you go? Go to a Sadguru and surrender to him. Then you will overcome this feeling of differences." "Oh! my Lord, why do I need a Sadgu aren’t you enough for me?" Then the Lord told him, "Namadeva, I too during my incarnation as Rama had bowed down to revered sage Vashishta taking him as my Guru and had gained spiritual knowledge from him. Next in my incarnation as Krishna I had taken revered Sandeepa as my Guru by earnestly appealing to him. If you were to take my suggestion and act accordingly, you will be honored by all the saints." Namadeva made obeisance to the Lord and asked, "To whom shall I surrender?" "There is one Visoba lying now in the temple of Mallikarjuna. He is a great Jnani. Go to him and win his fervors to be your Guru." Hearing these words, Namadeva burst into tears. "Oh, my master, I can't leave you even for a moment." "You must seek refuge in a Guru. That is the only way - right and proper," said Vitthala firmly. At this Namadeva left that place. As suggested by Panduranga he w to the temple of Mallikarjuna. There is also a story about the meeting of Namadeva with Visoba. Visoba Samba was lying on the floor with his feet resting on the Shivalinga. Seeing this shocking sight, Namadeva felt bad. He thought it was a bad omen. He awoke Visoba and said, "I hear that you are a great saint. Here you are resting your feet on the very God Shankara. Is it proper?" Visoba replied, "True, it is wrong. But I am too weak to get up. Can you please do me the favor of lifting my feet and placing them where there is no Shankara? Fruits of a good turn will be yours." Namadeva lifted his feet and kept them on a place near by. Lo, what a wonder! There was a Shivalinga visible now under Visoba's feet. Namadeva got frightened as much as he was surprised. He once again changed the place to rest Visoba's feet. There again a Linga was seen. He then put Visoba's feet on still another place where again a Linga appeared underneath. In this way wherever he placed Visoba's feet, there appeared a Linga beneath! Namadeva realized that Shankara was everywhere and everything was Shankara. His egoism was effaced. He thought that he too was Shiva. "That was how", say the' devotees, "Namadeva realized the glory of his Guru Visoba." One more story, which illustrates the intimacy between Namadeva and Panduranga Vitthala, goes like this. Once, after the usual greeting with an embrace Panduranga told Namadeva, "Ever since you got a Guru you have been gradually forgetting me." "Now I have overcome the sense of duality. I do not see any difference between you and my Sadguru essentially," submitted Namadeva politely. Thereafter Panduranga told the saints, "Now, you see, the pot has been completely burnt." To be continued. ------------------------------ NEWS Fervor Marks Ram Navmi Celebrations Across India Source: NEW DELHI, INDIA, April 15, 2008: The faithful thronged temples to offer prayers as Ram Navmi, the birthday of Lord Rama, were celebrated with religious fervour and gaiety across the country on Monday. Thousands of people made a beeline to temples in places such as Ayodhya Ujjain and Rameswaram. In the Kashmir valley, Hurriyat leaders visited a temple and felicitated their Hindu brethren on the occasion. Kashmiri Pandits in droves also flocked temples and offered prayers. The celestial wedding of Lord Rama and Sita in temples marked Ram Navmi festivities across Andhra Pradesh. More than a hundred thousand of people attended the divine wedding at the famous Bhadrachalam temple on the banks of the Godavari in Khammam district. 24th International Ramayana Conference in Mauritius Source: PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS, April 11, 2008: The twenty fourth International Ramayana Conference will be held on August 8 in Mauritius. The three-day conference will be held under the auspices of the Ramayana Centre, established by an Act of the Mauritius Parliament. The first International Ramayana Conference was held in India in November 1984 followed by Thailand, Canada, Nepal, Mauritius, Surinam, Belgium, Indonesia, Holland, China, the US and the UK. These countries represented all the three main streams of Ramayana’s influence and study spiritual, cultural and academics.- Lallan Prasad Vyas, chairman of the Global Series of Ramayana Conference said in a release on Wednesday. ------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: Sat, March 22, 2008 11:04 pm SaiRam, Thanks to SAIRAM for helping me in every step of my life. Without Him I cannot process anything in my life. Because of HIM I am so happy today. There are many incidents to tell his greatness and LOVE showered on us. But here I will narrate one. My Husbands want to travel to Australia on an Urgent work fro his office but he has no passport because of some documents needed from higher officials we could not apply through tatkal. So we decided to apply tatkal after police verification completes. Police verification was done and sent that report to Commissioner’s office. We went to passport office on 11th of Mar 2008 but they told to come only when the status comes green in passport site, we checked on Wednesday around at nigh 7'0 clock status is still showing red which indicates that police verification is not received but on Thursday keeping full faith on BABA we went to Passport office at early morning 6'0 clock so that we are first applicants when the passport office work. Timings of passport office is at 9:30am I m praying BABA to help us ,the lady sitting in the counter asked us to meet some officer to pay the money n convert to tatkal. My Joy has no bounds at that time. Is this not a miracle?? And the officer gave the dispatch date on Friday i.e. 14th March 2008 and we got passport on 15th March on Saturday. This happened only because BABA no one else can help us, except our beloved BABA and also KAMADHENU will give only what ever we ask but BABA will give more that what we ask. Thank You SAIRAM for helping us Srujana --------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. The story of the elephant and the sparrow Once upon a time there lived a sparrow with her husband on a tree. She had built a nice nest and laid her eggs in the nest. One morning, a wild elephant with spring fever feeling restive came to the tree in search of shade and in a rage broke the branch of the tree on which the nest was residing. Unluckily all the sparrow eggs were lost though both parents were saved. The she-sparrow was deep in lament. .. Seeing her lament, the woodpecker bird, a friend of hers offered her consolation that she would think of a way of killing the elephant. Then she went to her friend the gnat, who in turn went to the counselor frog for advice. The frog then devised a scheme for killing the elephant. He asked the gnat to buzz in the ears of the elephant, so that the elephant would be thrilled to listen to the music of the gnat and close its eyes. Then she asked the woodpecker to pluck his eyes. She herself would be on the edge of a pit and would croak misleading the elephant to think that it is a pond. .. The next day at noon the three carried out the plan and the elephant was killed when he fell flat into a pit after being blinded by the woodpecker when he closed his eyes in response to the gnat. So the revenge was taken with collective wit of all three animals. MORAL: Wit is superior to brute force. ------------ 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain Feb 6, 2008 10:18 AM Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter XXVIII Sparrows Drawn To Shirdi Lala Lakhmichand This gentleman was first serving in the Railways and afterwards in Shri Venkateshwar Press in Bombay and thereafter in the firm of Messrs. Ralli Brothers as a munshi (clerk). He got the contact of Baba in 1910. One or two months before Christmas he saw in his dream at Santacruz (a suburb of Bombay) an old man with a beard, standing and surrounded by his Bhaktas. Some days later he went to the house of his friend. Mr. Dattatreya Manjunath Bijur to hear the kirtan by Das Ganu. It was always the practice of Das Ganu to keep Baba's picture in front of the audience while making the kirtan. Lakhmichand was surprised to see that the features of the old man he saw in his dream, tallied exactly with those in the picture and thus he came to the conclusion, that the old man, he saw in his dream was Sai Baba himself. The sight of this picture, Das Ganu's kirtan and the life of the Saint Tukaram on which Das Ganu discoursed, all these things made a deep impression on his mind and he pined to go to Shirdi. It is always the experience of the Bhaktas that God always helps them in their search for Sad-guru and other spiritual endeavors. SSG: Sai Ram. That is true and has been experienced by many devotees including your humble servant here. Sai Ram. SSS: That very night at 8-00 p.m. a friend named Shankarrao knocked at his door and asked him whether he would accompany him to Shirdi. His joy knew no bounds and he at once decided to go to Shirdi. He borrowed Rs.15/- from his cousin and after making due preparations left for Shirdi. In the train, he and his friend Shankar Rao did some Bhajan (sang religious songs) and enquired about Sai Baba with some fellow passengers-four Mahomedans, who were returning to their place near Shirdi. They all told them that Sai Baba was a great Saint living in Shirdi for many years. Then when they reached Kopergaon he wanted to buy some good guavas for offering to Baba, but he was so much enrapt with the scenery and sights there that he forgot to purchase them. When they were nearing Shirdi, he was reminded of the guavas; just then he saw an old woman with a guava-basket on her head, running after the tanga. The tanga was stopped and he gladly purchased some select fruits, when the woman said - "Take all the rest and offer them on my behalf to Baba". The facts viz. that he had intended to purchase guavas, but that he had forgotten to do so, the old woman's encounter and her devotion to Baba, all these were a surprise to both the friends; and Lakhmichand thought in his mind, that the old woman might be some relation of the old man he saw in his dream. Then they drove on and came near Shirdi and seeing the flags on the Dwarakamayi they saluted them. With Puja materials in hand, they then went to the Dwarakamayi and worshipped Baba with due formality. Lakhmichand was much moved and was extremely happy to see Baba. He was enrapt with Baba's Feet as a bee with a sweet smelling lotus. Then Baba spoke as follows:- "Cunning fellow, he does bhajan on the way and enquires from others. Why ask others? Everything we should see with our own eyes; where is the necessity to question others? Just think for yourself whether your dream is true or not? Where was the necessity of the darshan by taking a loan from a Marwari? Is the heart's desire now satisfied?" Hearing these words Lakhmichand was wonderstruck at Baba's omniscience. He was at a loss to know how Baba came to know about all the things that had happened enroute from his house to Shirdi. SSG: Sai Ram. Though he heard about Sai Baba and His greatness, he was wonderstruck because he had to absorb the experiences and realize for himself. SSS: The chief thing to note in this respect is that Baba never liked people to run into debt for taking His darshan, or celebrating any holiday or making any pilgrimage. SSG: Sai Ram. God and Guru are not interested in pomp and splendour. They want real devotion. So, Baba was suggesting that one should not engage in rituals and pomp for showing off one's wealth or one should not be under the false impression that one can buy one's way out of difficulties or one can appease God / Guru or please Him through puja, dakshina etc. We will continue with this chapter in the coming weeks. Sai Ram. S.V.Swamy Author, Editor and Book Reviewer To be continued... ------------- 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: rgcjp On Mon, 17/3/08, Sainthood to Godhood: Who we are we become, where we are from we will go. - By Virushny Vivekanandan, Richmond, British Columbia, CANADA It is a journey; life is a journey with the climax being that our destination and our origin are the same. Yet as simple as this reality is, through our journey of many lives we have lost this knowledge and so God has created many paths, which all lead to the same place, the reality of our being. What is our destination? Our destination is realizing that God is within us, and that we are ourselves God, but that realization does not come until we realize many other things on the process.... We refer to ourselves as humans and those who are in a higher spiritual level, as saints and above all there is God. The term human is the name of the class of beings we are. As humans we commonly make the assumptions that we are allowed to make mistakes, it is often heard when one makes a mistake that one is only human, but this stereotype does not allow us to grow spiritually. As humans have adapted a definition for being a human, we have also done it for saints. Saints exist in every religion in the world, they are termed saints because they possess more spiritual knowledge than the common man does, and they lead a life of purity. A Saint is one who is able to teach others the path to God, not only through his words, but also through his deeds. He is always practicing various kinds of service to all beings, no matter how demeaning his acts might seem in the eyes of others. Sainthood to most humans seems like a lifestyle that is quite difficult to lead in a time where there are a lot of materialistic desires in the world, but how can one reach God without practicing Sainthood? It is because of the mind and the materialistic attachments which humans possess that separate them from Saints. Yet the duties of a Saint and a human must be the same. Sainthood is not a level of life we must reach but one that we must attempt to live. A Saint is able to perform service to mankind without seeing the difference between him and them, without seeing what class, creed or religion they belong to, and he sees them all as one. He has come to the realization that the best way he can serve God is through his children, which he regards as all in most religions. The more vigorously one practices the acts of Sainthood the more aware one becomes that everything in this universe is filled with the same light. If you regard that energy as the energy of God, or that energy AS God, then the equation of life is steps away from being solved. Visualize the following: 1) A Saint serves every being, 2) God is in every being, there are two conclusions one can come to: 1) the Saint is serving God and 2) God is all around the Saint. When the latter of the two conclusions is realized, a Saint is a few steps from leading Godhood. Godhood is the lifestyle lead by one who is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Once a Saint realizes that God is all around him, he will realize that God is in him. This gives him the attribute of being omnipresent. If he is part and God and God is in all the beings, he is omniscient. If he knows that he is God and has all through his sainthood devoted to himself selfless, intelligent service, he is omnipotent. From Sainthood to Godhood, requires effort, faith and detachment from the materialistic world. From "humanhood" to Sainthood requires an open mind and the letting go of the stereotypes that only humans make mistakes. The journey of life is precious, as it is our gift from God to realize that from him we are and we have come and to him we will go and become. THE END Ram Chugani Kobe, Japan rgcjp --------------------- View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada ji's discourses in English from the below link Please view the VIDEO -Sai in Ramayan (Saidarbar presentation) from the below link ------ 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: manager-membership Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:36 AM OM SRI SAIRAM I enjoy reading the articles in your e magazine and we are all indeed fortunate to receive His Blessings.. Ramesh R ----------- vijmanju.aarathi Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:11 AM Dear Saidarbar group, This magazine is really encouraging and spiritual. Give some worship tips to make us more than happy. Manju. ------------- Response for The Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine in the 3d page turning NEW FORMAT shekhar_dua Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 7:14 AM Om Sai ram. I heard Aarti online. How can I record the Aarti or from where I can get the cassette/CD Shekhar. -------- avummidi Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 1:52 AM SaiRam, Really a divine experience reading this E-magazine. Aravind Vummidi. --------- saisubhasri 3/26/08 Jaisairam Happy SaiBaba day to all Sai bhandhus. It is a pleasure to read all the informative articles about Sai. This magazine is really very rich in knowledge about everything related to Sai Shirdi. Thanks. Subhasrini. ---------------- vamsy_chinta 3/12/08 JaiSairam, Good, keep it up. Vamsy Chinta. ------------ kgundluru Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 8:57 PM SaiRam, My name is Kishor I want Sai ram photos. Please send them to this email Kishor. ---------------- Response by Saidarbar Team: vijishvanya Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 8:57 PM Sairam Kishor ji, There are photos in the eMagazine. Also you can visit the site for more photos. Sairam Vijay -------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page 11. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: The Divine Experience Author: Prof. C. R. Narayanan All India Sai Samaj, Mylapore Chennai - 600 004. ------------- Title: Messages of Shirdi Sai Baba from the Spiritual Plane Author: Bharam Uma Maheshwar Rao Sri Sai Publications Flat No.12 Sai Towers 4th Lane, Brundavan Gardens Guntur - 522 006 --------------------- Title: Thus Spake Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Author: B. Uma Maheswara Rao Diamond Pocket Books, X-30 Okhla Industrial Area, Phase -II ,New Delhi -110 020 ------------------------ Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- 13. EDITORIAL: Things impressed me from this magazine: Japa and Sankeertana break the knot of our ignorance and make the mind one-pointed. Whoever concentrates, meditates and looses themselves into Sai Baba, will get His protection, whenever they are in troubles. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting E-mail ID in the main page of Also read the old issues from: If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same.Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published.This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Information contained in this E-MAIL is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. 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