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Thursday Message From Shri Sai Satcharitra

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Thursday Message :


Sai Baba’s Sanction and Promise


As described in the previous chapter, Sai Baba gave His complete assent to the writing of the Sat-Charita and said, "I

fully agree with you regarding the writing of Sat Charita. You do your

duty, don’t be afraid in the least, steady your mind and have faith in

My words. If My Leelas are written, the Avidya (nescience) will vanish

and if they are attentively, and devoutly listened to, the

consciousness of the worldly existence will abate, and strong waves of

devotion, and love will rise up and if one dives deep into My Leelas,

he would get precious jewels of knowledge."



this, author was much pleased, and he at once became fearless and

confident, and thought that work was bound to be a success. Then

turning to Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande) Sai Baba said.



a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes,

increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds,

him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees,

who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness,

when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My

Leelas, I will give him infinite joy

and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free

any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me

faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly. How

can they be conscious of worldly objects and sensations, who utter My

name, who worship Me, who think of My stories and My life and who thus

always remember Me? I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of

Death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid

of. So, hear My stories with respect; and think and meditate on them,

assimilate them. This is the way of happiness and contentment. The

pride and egoism of My devotees will vanish, the mind of the hearers

will be set at rest; and if it has wholehearted and complete faith, it

will be one with Supreme Consciousness. The simple remembrance of My

name as ‘Sai, Sai’ will do away with sins of speech and hearing".


Different Works Assigned to Devotees



Lord entrusts different works to different devotees. Some are given the

work of building temples and maths, or ghats (flight of steps) on

rivers; some are made to sing the glories of God; some are sent on

pilgrimages; but to me was allotted the work of writing the Sat

Charita. Being a jack-of-all-trades but master of none, I was quite

unqualified for this job. Then why should I undertake such a difficult

job? Who can describe the true life of Sai Baba? Sai Baba’s grace alone

can enable one to accomplish this difficult work. So, when I took up

the pen in my hand, Sai Baba took away my egoism and wrote Himself His

stories. The credit of relating these stories, therefore, goes to Him

and not to me.



Brahmin by birth, I lacked the two eyes. (i.e. the sight or vision) of

Shruti and Smriti and therefore was not at all capable of writing the

Sat-Charita, but the grace of the Lord makes a dumb man talk, enables a

lame man to cross a mountain. He alone knows the knack of getting

things done, as He likes. Neither the flute, nor the harmonium knows

how the sounds are produced. This is the concern of the Player. The

oozing of Chandrakant jewel and the surging of the sea are not due to

the jewel and the sea but to the rise of the moon.


Baba’s Stories as Beacon- Light



houses are constructed at various places in the sea, to enable the

boatmen to avoid rocks and dangers, and make them sail safely. Sai

Baba’s stories serve a similar purpose in the ocean of worldly

existence. They surpass nectar in sweetness, and make our worldly path

smooth and easy to traverse. Blessed are the stories of the saints.

When they enter our hearts through the ears, the body - consciousness

or egoism and the sense of duality vanish; and when they are stored in

the heart, doubts fly out to all sides, pride of the body will fall,

and wisdom will be stored in abundance. The description of Baba’s pure

fame, and the hearing of the same, with love, will destroy the sins of

the devotee and, therefore, this is the simple Sadhana for attaining




Sadhana for Krita Age was Shamadama (tranquillity of mind and body),

for Treta Age, sacrifice, for Dwapara, worship, and for Kali (present)

Age, it is singing of the name and glory of the Lord. This last Sadhana

is open to all the people of the four varnas (Brahmins, etc.). The

other Sadhanas, viz. Yoga,

Yagya (sacrifice), Dhyana (meditation) and Dharana (concentration) are

very difficult to practice, but singing and hearing the stories and the

glory of the Lord (Sai Baba) is very easy. We have only to turn our

attention towards them. The listening and singing of the stories will

remove the attachment to the senses and their objects, and will make

the devotees dispassionate, and will ultimately lead them to

self-realization. With this end in view, Sai Baba made me or helped me

to write His stories, Sat-Charitamrita.



devotees may now easily read and hear these stories of Sai Baba and

while doing so, meditate on Him, His form and thus attain devotion to

Guru and God (Sai Baba), get detachment and self-realization. In the

preparation and writing of this work, Sat-Charitamrita, it is Sai

Baba’s grace which has accomplished everything, making use of Me as a

mere instrument.


Motherly Love of Sai Baba



knows how a cow loves her infant calf. Her udder is always full and

when the calf wants milk and dashes at the udder, out comes the milk in

an unceasing flow. Similarly a human mother knows the wants of her

child and feeds it, at her breast in time. In case of dressing and

adorning the child, the mother takes particular care to see that this

is well done. The child knows or cares nothing about this, but the

mother’s joy knows no bounds, when she sees her child beautifully

dressed and adorned. The love of mother is peculiar, extraordinary and

disinterested, and has no parallel. Sadgurus feel this motherly love

towards their disciples.


Sai Baba had this same love towards me, and I give an instance of it below: -

In 1916 A.D.

I retired from Government Service. The pension that was settled in my

case was not sufficient to maintain my family decently. On

Guru-Pournima (15th of Ashadha) day of that year, I went to Shirdi with

other devotees. There, Mr. Anna Chinchanikar, of his own accord, prayed

to Baba for me as follows: - "Please look kindly on him, the pension he

gets is quite insufficient, his family is growing. Give him some other

appointment, remove his anxiety and make him happy." Baba replied - "

He will get some other job, but now he should serve Me and be happy.

His dishes will be ever full and never empty.


He should

turn all his attention towards Me and avoid the company of atheists,

irreligious and wicked people. He should be meek and humble towards all

and worship Me heart and soul. If he does this, he will get eternal happiness".

The question

Who is this HE, Whose worship is advocated, is already answered in a

note on "Who is Sai Baba" in the prologue, at the beginning of this



Rohilla’s Story



story of the Rohilla illustrates Sai Baba’s all embracing love. One

Rohilla, tall and well built, strong as a bull, came to Shirdi, wearing

a long Kafni (robe) and was enamoured of Sai who stayed there. Day and

night he used to recite in a loud and harsh tone Kalma (verses from

Holy Koran) and shout "ALLAH HO AKBAR" (God is Great). Most people of

Shirdi were working in their fields by day and when they returned to

their homes at night, they were welcomed with the Rohilla’s harsh cries

and shouts. They could get no sleep and felt much trouble and

inconvenience. They suffered in silence this nuisance for some days,

and when they could stand it no longer, they approached Baba, and

requested Him to check the Rohilla and stop the nuisance. Baba did not

attend to their complaint.



the contrary, Baba took the villagers to task, and asked them to mind

their own business, and not the Rohilla. He said to them that the

Rohilla had got a very bad wife, a Zantippi, who tried to come in and

trouble the Rohilla and Himself; but hearing the Rohilla’s prayers, she

dare not enter and they were at peace and happy. In fact, the Rohilla

had no wife and by his wife Baba meant DURBUDDHI, i.e. bad thoughts. As

Baba liked prayers and cries to God better than anything else, He took

the side of the Rohilla, and asked the villagers to wait and suffer the

nuisance, which would abate in due course.


Baba’s Sweet and Nectar-like Words


One day at noon after the Arti, devotees were returning to their lodgings, when Baba gave the following beautiful advice:-



wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all

what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in

their hearts. I envelope all the creatures, the movable and immovable

world. I am the Controller - the wirepuller of the show of this

Universe. I am the mother - origin of all beings - the Harmony of three

Gunas, the propeller of all senses, the Creator, Preserver and

Destroyer. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me,

but Maya will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants,

the visible, movable and immovable world, is My Body or Form".



these beautiful and precious words, I at once decided in my mind to

serve no man henceforward, but my Guru only; but the reply of Baba to

Anna Chinchanikar’s query (which was really mine) that I would get some

job began to revolve in my mind, and I began to think whether it would

come to happen. As future events showed, Baba’s words came true and I

got a Government job, but that was of short duration. Then I became

free and solely devoted my self to the service of my Guru-Sai Baba.



concluding this Chapter, I request the readers to leave out the various

hindrances viz. indolence, sleep, wandering of mind, attachments to

senses, etc. and turn their whole and undivided attention to these

stories of Sai Baba. Let their love be natural, let them know the

secret of devotion; let them not exhaust themselves by other Sadhanas,

let them stick to this one simple remedy, i.e. listening to Sai Baba’s



This will

destroy their ignorance and will secure for them salvation. A miser may

stay at various places; but he always thinks of his buried treasure. So

let Sai Baba be enthroned in the hearts of all.

In the next chapter, I shall speak of Sai Baba’s advent in Shirdi.


Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all

Sairam Baba Guide us all,At the feet of my Sathguru Sai BabaBaba's blessing are every where Manisha.Rautela.Bisht~Visit Shirdi Sai Baba Websites~http://www..org http://www.shirdisaibabatemples.org http://www.saibababhajans.com http://shirdisaibabatamilstories.blogspot.com

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