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Prof. Anil Kumar's Physical to Spiritual 20.4.2008

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Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:07 AM













“Physical to Spiritual” April 20, 2008 OM…OM…OM… Sai Ram With Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan, Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I apologise to you for the short delay. Because of a power cut at home which did not facilitate my coming over here in time, I could not make it on time. I am very sorry about that.

Well, I think we may not be meeting until June. One thing appears to be certain: we will not be meeting next Sunday. People say that on Wednesday or Thursday, it may be convenient to move out of this place, if they want to go elsewhere or attend to their personal work. But more than this I am not supposed to say!



Let me talk to you this morning on the topic of “Physical to Spiritual”.

My friends, we often think that the physical and spiritual are opposites. No! We also think that combining the physical with the spiritual is paradoxical or even ironical. No! Some feel that the physical and spiritual are contradictory; but they are totally mistaken. The physical and spiritual are complementary. One is the corollary to the other. One leads to the other; it does not go in the opposite direction. The physical and spiritual are one and the same; only our awareness makes the difference.

When we make an attempt, we can understand the superiority of the body over matter. By further investigation, we know that the mind is superior to the body. On enquiry, we know that the spirit is higher than the mind. In deep meditation, we understand that the spirit and consciousness are one and the same. By “spirit”, I mean the conscience or the individual consciousness. So to put it in a nutshell, from matter to consciousness, it is only a question of enquiry, investigation, deep study and meditation to know the reality, and to know that they are complementary to each other.

Those who take the physical as the only reality tend to be materialistic. They are prone to be animalistic. We should not limit ourselves at the physical level. We have to travel further and further to experience the spiritual in physical life.

On the other hand, those who say, “I am spiritual, totally spiritual” are living in a fool’s paradise. There can be no spiritual without the physical. The physical is meaningless without the spiritual. Both are equally necessary. The root is necessary for the fruit; it cannot be there without the root. The root without a fruit is dead wood. So, the root and fruit are both necessary. Similarly, the physical and the spiritual are absolutely necessary. Ultimately we realise that both are one and the same, and that one depends upon the other.


The next aspect is this: energy is uniform, one and the same. We cannot categorise energy in different forms. Different names are given to energy depending upon the direction in which it flows. You may call it “solar energy” or “radiant energy”; these are the names given depending upon the direction in which the energy flows, not its essential nature. Energy is uniform, one and the same. The kinetic theory of energy says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only it can be converted into another form of energy. That is all.

In our onward journey from physical to spiritual, as we investigate and discuss together, let us understand that energy is the bottom line. Energy is the basis for both to exist. There is nothing like physical energy, and then separately, spiritual energy. No, it is the same energy. The energy used in a spiritual direction you call “spiritual energy”. The same energy used for a physical or mundane activity in the daily routine you call “physical energy”. Both are energy. Be that as it may, what is most important is that some people do not like to call this energy “God”. They don’t want to call it God, they prefer to say “energy”. Good, all right. If you are allergic to the name “God”, all right, call Him “energy”. Well, some say, “No, no the source of energy is God.” It doesn’t matter what you call God, but at least we can agree, God is energetic. This energy is the fundamental aspect that we will be considering this morning.

Let us dispel some misconceptions about energy. First, some people believe that there are positive and negative energies. No, in the absolute sense, there cannot be positive energy and negative energy. We cannot qualify energy because it is cosmic and universal. The only two qualities of energy are these: neutrality and namelessness. Energy is nameless and it is neutral.


The second wrong conception is that you can sublimate energy. Some say that one form of energy is sublimated or elevated to a higher level. That is wrong, a fallacy, a hallucination, nothing less than imagination. Energy cannot be sublimated; it can be merely transformed. Energy which has been flowing in one direction is made to flow in another direction. That is all. Diversion of the root’s energy into a fruit is transformation, not sublimation. I would like to make this very, very clear.


Now, if we are able to think about this energy being used for physical purposes in our daily lives, then we will be able to accomplish so many things in this world. We do hard, manual labour because of physical energy, and we study and read, doing all that mental work, using mental energy. Some people are very sharp; they have a good intellectual energy. So energy can be used for various purposes: physical, psychological, and intellectual.


The same energy, when it is directed towards the Divine, is called “transformation” (remember, it is not sublimation). But transformation does not mean that the form of energy is changed. No! The point is that it is now being directed purposefully. The energy that we have been utilising all this time for our life purposes and for our professional expertise shall now be used in search of the Divine. It shall be used hereafter in search of Self-realisation, used along the path of self-inquiry. This is transformation of energy.

“How is it possible?” That is the third question. (And if we leave the question as it is, then we are in no way different from politicians!) Unless we have a good solution to a problem, we will not be able to tackle it well.


How do we transform our energy? How do we direct our physical energy towards spiritual goals? What shall I do?

Some people say, “Come and do exercises.” I know of many people who have been exercising endlessly, but they have landed nowhere. Some say, “It is better that we do pranayama (breathing exercises),” but in so doing, they acquire other problems.

It is clearly said in Dhyana Vahini, by Bhagavan Baba, that if pranayama is done by anybody on his or her own, they will land in a hospital. We will also develop certain other problems, problems which Baba has outlined very clearly in Dhyana Vahini. Pranayama should only be performed under strict supervised training, the professional direction of an expert. If we just read how to do it and say, “Alright,” then we will develop many other complications. With such results, we will understand that in the long run, these exercises or yogic practices have not helped us whatsoever.


Others say, “I am counting beads and holding the talisman or japamala.” But we see how many people rotate the beads of their japamala and watch everybody else! Their japa is only being done mechanically by the fingers, while the mind is elsewhere. So we have not gotten anywhere even in that system.


The very funny thing in life is that when we want to sit for meditation, more thoughts come into our minds. I have shared this with all of you many times. When we purposefully want to control our minds, more thoughts will come to us, with a vengeance. In so doing, you will be fighting with your mind.

We say, “Let us not have thoughts in our minds. No thoughts, please. Let me think of Swami, and Swami only.” But in the meantime we get tired and go to sleep. As we do this so-called meditation, with our own limited understanding, instead of giving our neighbours the experiences of samadhi, we actually disturb them with our snoring! (Laughter)

True meditation will not disturb anybody. But most people who “meditate” are asked by their neighbours to get up. “Wake up, please,” they say. I am no exception!



Therefore, my friends, even our attempts at meditation have not helped us yet. So, how do we transform the physical energy into spiritual energy? The only thing that is needed is for us to realise that the spiritual direction is more blissful than the physical direction. This will automatically get us into the state which we seek. There is a higher level of bliss, a much more blissful state in the spiritual aspect. When we realise this, the physical aspect will drop away on its own.

A simple example: Usually I am very particular about all the items I have for lunch and do not compromise in eating a hot meal. But if I have a good job and a promising career, and am given a guarantee of promotion, I won’t mind skipping my lunch—I will also work during lunch. When there is some extra financial gain, then we say, “Alright, I can be satisfied with bread or upma.” How can a fellow, who is so particular about scrumptious meals, be satisfied with a simple plate of upma, a dish that is most often tasteless? Because his career prospects are more promising than his usual lunch routine! Similarly, when we understand that there is a more beneficial, more blissful state than the one we are in, then we naturally reach a condition in which our physical concerns drop away by themselves.



But if we want to fight the attraction of the physical aspect, we will “successfully” fail. We will never be successful in fighting with the physical level. Yes, most people suffer from this obsession, as Baba has said in one of His talks.

One fellow started saying, “Oh, Swami, I am going to sleep now; let me dream of Nandi (the bull vehicle of Siva)!” He should have left it at “Nandi,” but at the same time he said, “Oh, God, help me not to dream of the Pandhi (the pig) (Laughter)!” He was saying, “Let me not get Pandhi in my dreams, but let me see only Nandi.” But this fellow got only Pandhi. So, the more you fight with the physical level, the more it will react, because it is not such a fool as to keep quiet.

If we change our dietary habits or physical exercise all of a sudden, our bodies will react. They don’t keep quiet. Our bodies will say, “You, fellow, you nurtured me so long and now you want to silence me! Alright, the doctor will settle this in the form of his bill.” So, never fight with the physical level or with your senses. And never fight with the mind, because you will fail. Those who say they have succeeded are Bogus Number One. Please take it from me! It is not so easy to control the mind. It is not so easy to control the senses, and it is nothing but audacity and foolishness to declare that we have conquered our senses. Let us avoid the man who says he has, because it is not a simple task.

We must understand that this physical energy and our own goals on the physical level are far inferior to spiritual ends. Spiritual goals hold far more promise. They are much more blissful, and during that time, the physical attentions will naturally drop away on their own.


It is just like when people begin to talk amongst themselves. Some people talk loudly and some forcefully. But, however disturbing their talk is, when Swami starts to talk, immediately there is total silence. No one has to say, “Shhh! Swami is talking.” Our talk simply stops the moment Swami starts. Similarly, our godliness, our Divine thoughts, our Divine attention, and our spiritual energy start to allow for the physical aspect to drop away by itself, without fighting.


Fighting with the mind and body is suppression. It is repression. The body will not accept suppression or repression. It is a sign of slavery, and the mind will never agree to it. Because we have been carrying this ego for the last many lives, it will never accept repression. Therefore, let us not fight with it; let us compromise. Show it that there is a higher thing available, a better thing, and as we proceed, the physical aspect recedes into the background.

Relatively speaking, fighting at the physical level, being inimical to our senses and the mind is negative. Moving spiritually upward is natural and positive. This is positive, while fighting and repression are negative.



Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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