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Sai Global Gayatri & Rudam Chanting Sadhana

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Om Sri Sai Ram!


Dear all,


We are pleased to invite you to join " SAI GLOBAL GAYATRI & RUDRAM CHANTING

SADHANA " to offer 108 Gayatris and Rudram Chanting everyday at the Lotus Feet of

our most Beloved Sai from 28th September, the auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami

(Samadhi Day of Shirdi Sai Baba, the first Sai Avatar) until 23rd November, the

84th Birthday of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (the second avatar of the Sai

Trinity) as part of SAI GLOBAL MISSION to promote Unity, Purity & Divinity. More

than 400 devotees from over 40 countries worldwide have contributed to 4 Million

Gayatris untill now and several other have benefited from the Online Rudram

Learning website. The goal is to offer 10 Million Gayatris and 1000 devotees

Chanting Sri Rudram by 23rd November 2009. To join this initiative and update

your daily counts, please visit the following links:


GAYATRI MANTRA CHANTING - http://www.gaya34sai.org


SRI RUDRAM CHANTING - http://www.sai83atirudram.org





- Gaya34Sai & Sai83atirudram Team

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