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Where is God?

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" Bhuddhi Mansanu sarini "


If on raises a doubt or seeks clarification, it does not mean the

giver is on high rostrum. It shall be answered in amicable and gentle

way so that the taker will ever remember and develops from there.


Instead of replying in such a way, it should have been answered that

it is like " Air " around it. We feel the presence, we enjoy its effect

yet we can't see it.

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  • 3 years later...

                                                                               AUM SAI RAM

Dear Saibandhus,

Humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan.

Sai Ram to all.

Just now some deep thinking automatically happened in me about searching GOD. Some ideas flashed in my mind and i simply started pressing the computer buttons.They are below. Wright or wrong i do not know.( In fact i wrote all the writings which are below and after the writing is completed, i wrote the above few lines.)


Every one interested in spirituality is first  asking " where is God? " .The answer they get is  god can not be seen by  the ordinary eyes. In fact it is the ordinary eyes which see God everywhere,however the mind or Intellect are unable to know the God's existence everywhere. Hence they say that god is not seen. The main problem is that we have been taught, since our childhood to different higher stages, to identify all the objects we see including our parents,relatives,friends,strangers etc by the name assigned to them; nobody taught the children or when they grew and  became elders that whatever they see is GOD only. Had they been told so,probably very few people would have asked where is god? Because it was told that GOD is to be searched to see him and for that one has to sacrifice everything for the search., Many people loose hopes and do not search or do not put effort. Some people who put effort , leave their effort midway. Where can one search GOD who is everywhere? Can he  see god where every thing is absent ,if he thinks that god is something other than everything we see. That is not going to happen. It is like searching for our own body elsewhere, whereas our body is here itself. And it is like declaring that I or my body doesn't exist because I have seen or searched everywhere,except where I should see for myself. All the rules ,regulations,rituals, beliefs, efforts --all these have only created more difficulties to see god. It is actually the easiest thing to see God and the most difficult thing to say that god is not existing in what we see and he is present somewhere away and no one need  to put mountain size of effort to know god. In fact God is so open that He is available for everyone everywhere. Only we are searchingly foolishly. If we stop such search then god can be seen immediately,instantaneously, all the time and for ever. Alas! all our elders,intellectuals, spiritual guides have misguided us to search God somewhere when He is so easily; available.Only our ego doesn't allow us to identify god in what we see everywhere. We have believed and trusted our elders to seek god elsewhere away  from everywhere. Where that elsewhere can be found away from everywhere. That is why SWAMI says that God is available here itself and Now. But we, the hearer are unable to understand it and simply searching god far far and far away.

Sai Ram.


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