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Love and Purity contd..

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My Humble Pranams At The Divine Lotus Feet Of The Universal Divine Mother Sai Maa!


Actually,the best hobby for the mind is not to be curiou,not to seek knowledge of this,that,and,the other.Rather,it should seek its own source,and then remain as the source.It should try to remain in its source for as long as possible.Remaining as its source is called Self-Realization.

In this connection Bhagawan Baba often uses four terms:Self-Confidence ,Self-Sacrifice,Self-Satisfaction and Self-Realization.Self-Cofidence means Confidence in the Atma.When One has confidence in the Atma,one gets satisfation.When one is satisfied,one is willing to sacrifice anything.One becomes naturally detached from that which is temporary,from that which comes an dgoes.After becoming detached from that which is temporary,one begins to become attached to That which is permanent.This will lead ultimately to Self-realization.As the clouds hide the permanent sky,so also the mind,with its outgoing tendencies,hides its own Reality.

To be contd..


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