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The Spiritual Magic of Shivam. Part One.

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THE SPIRITUAL MAGIC OF SHIVAM Shivam, literally, means ‘auspiciousness’. The story of Shivam, the Abode of Sri Sathya Sai, at Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh (the state that is also home to Prasanthi Nilayam), therefore, can only be a tale of supreme sublimity and Divine efflorescence. “I have been coming to Shivam for more than 30 years,” says the bespectacled and beaming septuagenarian, Mr. Sitarama Rao. “Whenever I come here, I feel like Swami is in Hyderabad; the experience is similar to seeing Swami in Puttaparthi!” He is excited, energetic and so full of life standing in the Shivam corridor. “A glorious chapter in my life unfolded once I started visiting this Holy Temple,” he continues. “The photo

in the shrine seems so alive! I feel Swami is looking at me all the time. Today, because of Shivam, I am blessed with God’s company. I am never worried about my health or any other problems; my life is so full of fulfillment and peace.” The simple and humble Mr. Sitarama Rao, is now past 75, but exudes the enthusiasm of someone half his age. The epitome of truth, goodness, beauty and absolute bliss Auspiciousness embodied - Shivam, the 'Prasanthi' in the capital of Andhra Pradesh 1.08 MB "A glorious life unfolded once I started coming

to Shivam..."- Mr. Sitarama Rao Shivam – the Seat of Peace, nay Supreme Peace Mr. Ankama Rao, has been an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva since his childhood. Twenty years back, he had no clue what his favourite deity had in store for him. He says, “This happened more than two decades ago. I was traveling by the Shivam Road one day, and I saw this magnificent Lingam shaped building. It drew me towards it. I could not resist the temptation of stepping inside the premises, and then, a

never-before-experienced feeling of sublime peace enveloped me. Within a few months, all my problems – health and otherwise – vanished. I then knew that this was Lord’s Shiva gift to me. Since then, whenever I am confronted with any problems or dilemmas in my life, I just sit in Shivam silently, all by myself, and then I feel as if Swami is whispering into my ears beautiful ideas and solutions to all my worries.” Now, cutting through the air with both his hands to emphasise his point, Mr. Ankama states, “From the time I started visiting Shivam, I do not know any failure in my life. Shivam, to me, means ‘energy’, ‘courage’, ‘peace’, nay, ‘supreme peace’,” he adds with an aura of great joy and satisfaction. “That is why I come to Shivam every single day, and in fact, every event in my life has manifested itself like a miracle since I knew Sai and Shivam. In spite of many ailments - some

small and others serious - I have never seen a doctor in the last two decades. Shivam is suffused with Sai. Even now, I have the same feeling of awe and ecstasy that I had when I first entered these premises; in fact, it is only increasing and intensifying everyday like an upward curve.” His hand sketching the rising graph in the air, Mr. Ankama Rao, is as emphatic as he is ecstatic. "Shivam to me, means, 'energy', 'courage' and 'supreme peace' - Mr. Ankama Rao It is He who shines through every stone and pillar of Shivam 2.87 MB Mr. Ankama Rao

narrates why he likes to come to Shivam every single day Shivam Signifies Sweetness of Sai Prod any devotee, who has ever visited Shivam, just a tiny bit, and a soul-stirring narration flows, quite effortlessly, and more importantly, accompanied with jubilation. The mention of Shivam fills them with sweet memories and satisfied smiles, even if it is a place they visit every single day. “Since I have known Shivam, I go nowhere else,” says Mr. M. M. Mohan Rao. “In the early seventies, I was

in Vishakapatnam…,” he starts his story. “I used to attend Sai bhajans and at the end of these sessions, there were announcements about the progress of the construction of the Shivam building in Hyderabad. I longed to be in Hyderabad, but there was no way I could move there. I was stuck with my job in Vishakapatnam and was beset with many problems in my personal and professional life. Journey to Sai is Journey to Shivam One day, in October 1972, I decided I would go to Puttaparthi. I wanted relief from my tribulations; but I did not know the way to reach there. Nevertheless, I started and with great difficulty reached Prasanthi Nilayam. Once there, I went and sat in the veranda. It was

in the afternoon, and I remember, when Swami came out for Darshan, He came straight to me and said, ‘You, get up.’ I did not know what that meant; the concept of interview then was new to me. I imagined that interviews were probably governed by tokens, recommendations or some such procedure. The next moment, I was inside the interview room, and even before I could say anything, Swami, in one continuous flow, narrated every troubling twist of my life in great detail. I was in awe; I sat there perplexed. Then, casting His Loving Looks on me, He comforted me, and then said, ‘You do not have to worry. I am there. Your current job hardly fetches you any money; moreover, you get no promotion. Do not worry; apply for another job and you will get it.’ "Since I have known Shivam, I go nowhere else" - Mr. M. M. Mohan Rao Beatific Sai - Shivam Darshan during the last time He was in Hyderabad in 1992 “It happened, just as He had said. I found a new job, yes, but the best part is that it transferred me to Hyderabad! My dream of living near Shivam came true! And this was followed by more such unexpected boons. I was awarded

quick promotions, and soon I became the Assistant Director in the Directorate of School Education. I did not own a house, and amazingly, I won a property in a lottery! What has Swami not done for me? 8.13 MB "What has Swami not done for me?" says Mr. M. M. Mohan Rao "My youngest son suffered from epileptic fits. In spite of that I used to come to Shivam to serve. My son was a year old infant then. One day, Akhanda Bhajan was organized and Swami was on His visit to Shivam. We decided to attend the bhajans taking our sick son with us. To our horror, he developed fever while in Shivam. We got very panicky as we knew the next thing that would happen was seizures. My wife was desperate. "When Swami came out of the inner chambers of Shivam, and

happened to pass by where she was sitting, she got up and loudly prayed, ‘Swami, please bless my son so that he does not have fits. Please protect him and shower Your Grace.’ Swami just turned and looked once, and believe me, from that day, my son has not had another instance of fits! I can go on and on. His Blessings are innumerable. In 1991, when Swami granted another interview to me, I prayed that this son, who was at that time holding a top position in United India Insurance, in the state of Maharashtra, be transferred to Hyderabad. Again, incredibly, the seemingly impossible happened. He was moved in a few days; this had never happened in the history of that organisation. Shivam: Hyderabad ’s Very Own Prashanthi

Nilayam “Truly, in Shivam, I see Sai, I feel Sai. I experience the same feeling of visiting Prasanthi Nilayam; in fact, to tell you the truth, the feeling is much stronger for me in Shivam! Before undertaking any task, I first prostrate in Shivam; so much so that even when I plan a trip to Prasanthi Nilayam, I first bow down at His Feet in Shivam. That is why my every endeavour is a success. No task has ever become a casualty when I had started with offering myself at the Shivam shrine. For me, Shivam is synonymous with Sai, success, and His Grace.” Sai's home - small, sublime and serene The shrine in the Shivam Mandir - powerful and alive What is it that makes Shivam so special? What is the ‘Shivam secret’? Why is it that anybody who steps inside Shivam feels serene within and without? The Secret Behind Shivam’s Success The answer lies in every particle of its sand and brick, wall and pillar, step and stone. It lies in its name and its form.

The secret is that it is the epitome of unsullied auspiciousness that it embodies in its every element. Simply put, Shivam is not a human creation; the Divine willed it and built it. From the very conception of the structure, the selection of the site, laying of the foundation stone, supervising the construction, to the inauguration of this architectural marvel – all aspects were directly ordained, orchestrated and executed by Sai in person. There were, of course, many who were chosen and chiseled by Him to be instruments in this Divine mission. Shivam – Sai Hrudayam …The Heart of Sai

Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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