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˜Paramhamsa' or ˜Brahmistha' or ˜Brahmabhoo'.

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However they work mostly through a number of intermediary workers, who are

spiritual personalities at different stages of evolution both for training them

and also for using them for specific jobs. These are addressed by different

names as Mahatma, Yogi, Muni, Sanyasi in Hinduism and Awaliya, Pir, Mazoob or

Kamil by the Sufis. To realize God one has to go through many stages of

evolution. After reaching the seventh stage of spiritual evolution they are

known to be in a state of ˜Paramhamsa' or ˜Brahmistha' or ˜Brahmabhoot'


Once in this spiritual level, they are in the state of Sat-Chit-Anand i.e.

God-State having His infinite power, knowledge and happiness. The spiritual

powers in the other six stages carry out the work entrusted to them by the

Sadgurus either directly or indirectly. Except a few at a higher stage of

evolution, most of these intermediary workers may not even know the source of

their motivation and the energy they get to undertake such big jobs affecting

the lives of hundreds and thousands of people.


They work like possessed persons, under the mighty influence of the Sadguru.

Many of them when drawn by the master, start behaving in a manner not

experienced before and at times they act in an unusual manner. Their internal

thought process goes through a lot of change. The Master creates within them the

qualities of love, sacrifice and forbearance.


The entire personality of the disciple gets evolved in association with the

Sadguru. History has shown that even the biggest sinners became saints in later

life due to the play of Guru Shakti in them. This is what is called the ‘Mercy

of the Master or Guru Kripa. They are the children of destiny working under the

Sadguru and receive all their energy and powers from him. On the other hand the

Sadguru becomes responsible for providing them with all the needs of life and

also protection.


Some of these workers or disciples directly communicate with the Sadguru in His

astral form. To thousands of people they give direct help towards evolution of

their temporal and spiritual life. But to many more they work as invisible

helpers affecting them through their thought process. Lots of people get

direction in dreams and others get unexpected help and direction, which,

logically, cannot be explained.


Due to their total attachment with the Sadguru their physical, astral and mental

bodies also get linked with the physical, astral and mental bodies of the

Sadguru. Their mutual bond of love is so strong that at times unknowingly they

start functioning in the same manner as their Sadguru. These children of Sadguru

who in Hinduism are known as ˜Ankita Santana' (i. e. earmarked children to take

the role of the father at a later point of time), when doing any work under the

command of the Guru or for His purpose are endowed with the required powers and

energy to control all living forces including human beings and material forces



These are not their original powers but are powers delegated by the Sadguru.

Their words of blessing invoked in the name of the Sadguru can bring down an

out-pouring of divine blessing from the Sadguru. Some of them are so close to

the Sadguru that even their physical features exhibit the physical features of

the Master.


The ˜Sadguru blesses' means, he charges the devotee with some amount of His

spiritual power through the medium of speech, touch, look or even thought. The

Body, Mind, Astral body of these workers is used by the Sadguru for radiating

His spiritual powers to other less evolved disciple devotees. That is why when

people meet these children or charged men of the Sadguru they get attracted

towards them and in return receive the divine blessings of the Sadguru through



These intermediary workers are given specific duties by the Sadguru,

commensurate with the levels of their spiritual development and capacity. None

of these workers can claim these powers to be his own even if he can create

certain miracles. They cannot demand such powers from the Sadguru. It is

entirely on the mercy of the Sadguru to decide at what point of time such powers

will be endowed on them. Since these intermediary workers are not as perfect as

the Sadgurus, there are chances that they might misuse the power, which will

have an adverse effect on the lives of thousands of people coming in their



That is why the Sadguru is aware about what these workers think and do at all

moments. Whenever any such worker or devotee is about to misuse any of his

powers, the Sadguru has a way of stopping it, otherwise the amount of harm that

can occur to human beings is unimaginable. Would any of these workers, out of

anger, curse anyone, it is bound to produce adverse effect just as his blessings

in the name of Sadguru can produce beneficial effects. Would any of these

workers misuse his powers, he will have to suffer the results.


Some of them fall from the ladder of evolution and they will have to start again

moving upwards from that point. It may take a few years or lives for him to come

back to the stage of evolution from which he had fallen. That is why the Sadguru

empowers only a handful of such devotees who have perfect mental equilibrium to

the extent that even if harmed, they do not react negatively. It is this level

of patience that the Sadguru needs in His disciples before drawing them closer

for His use. Besides the Sadguru there are many other types of Gurus.


They are necessary for different kinds of human requirements. They can be

˜Kulaguru' (Guru of the family), ˜Siksha Guru' (teacher imparting formal

knowledge) or even a Mantra Guru (a Guru imparting Mantra to a disciple) and

others. But they cannot be called Sadgurus as they cannot give God realization

to the devotees. The Sadguru carries the essence of all other Gurus. His

ultimate function in relation to human beings is to evolve the souls to the best

of their potentiality so that they can realize the over-soul, that is God the

Almighty and get out of the miseries of the cycle of birth and death. " .........


No Question About " Am I Right Or Not "

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No Need to as any question " Am I right or not' You will be geeting answers for

your mail very soon hat day you won't be no more by Sai's Grace & Blessings SAI


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