Guest guest Posted January 15, 2009 Report Share Posted January 15, 2009 Login Welcome to our new website..! Any suggestions/comments are always welcome. Please forward them to: mail Alumni Meet News Home About Us Mission Institutions News Archives Newsletters Patrons Feedback Links FAQ January 10 2009 The biggest event in the first month of any year is the annual sports and cultural meet for it is this event that brings together all the students of Swami physically from the different campuses to Puttaparthi. By the 6th, all the students had arrived and the Vidyagiri stadium had been divided in time so that the various campuses get practice on the actual performance arena. And to make matters most beautiful, Swami keeps visiting the grounds to charge all the children. And these 4 days that have passed have been the story of Swami's visits to the grounds. When Swami decides to visit the grounds, its happy time for all around. The devotees get a scent of it and immediately rush to the streets and wait for Him. The flower mongers have a field day as roses to adorn the Porte roof or bonnet get sold by the dozens. The same is the story of the coconut sellers too as many a coconut gets liberated with a "release" in front of the car. The few students in the mandir rush towards the ground and the remaining ones are already there. There is the elaborate escort to take Swami near the dais. Once Swami reaches there, its more like an open menu of items from which He chooses. On the 5th, the students from Brindavan and Anantapur had not yet arrived. Swami arrived at the stadium and a small carpeted stage had been set up for Him in the D area in front of the Shanti Vedika. The sweet smiling Sai, descended from the car and sitting on the mini dais asked for the programmes to begin. And so, the items of the Prashanti Nilayam campus were on display. There was one item - the gun drill - whose theme this year was the art of defending oneself when one runs out of bullets. Swami appreciated the disciplined manner and straight rows which were formed. As they displayed it, however, Swami asked, "Are these terrorists? Why so much violence?" The message though subtle was very clear. Time and again we have indicated how Swami, the epitome of positivity, doesn't like the slightest thought or show of negativity. Swami clearly didn't want this item. However, after that comment, Swami continued to interact with that item co-ordinator and tell him more on the discipline and order prevalent there. (The wonderful thing was that despite the fact that these students had trained diligently for more than a fortnight, the item has been dropped and they have now picked up what is being termed as the "log drill"!) He watched the other things like the wheels of death and the motorbike formations. He called one of the bikers and asked,"How many people will be lying down when you jump?" There was a look of anxiety on His face. "Swami, there will be none. The jump will be done without that." Swami seemed very happy at this. The gymnasts were not yet ready but they too got their chance in front of Swami two days later on another visit by Him to the ground. On that occasion, after the Ananthapur campus had finished its presentation, Swami asked for the boys' items. Everyone thought that He was referring to Brindavan. But when they came Swami said, "I have already seen yours. Prashanthi Nilayam now." That was the gymnastic item that He had not seen. The boys were touched that He remembered! On 7th, which happened to be Vaikuntha Ekadasi, the warden of the senior boys hostel requested Swami to visit the hostel and have a look at the magnificently decked Ranganatha statue. Swami said that He knew and He would visit at a more appropriate time. Swami chose and blessed the torch vehicle which is the lion this year. In this way He had a look at all the items. There was a mass electric-scooter event done by the school students which brought a smile on all faces and there was also some stunts on ladders that impressed. The Brindavan campus and Ananthapur campus too got their chance in front of Him and they displayed all that they had prepared. The entire Ananthapur sequence of a series of dances based on the creation of the Universe by the Lord and topping all these are tough yoga exercise on moving autorickshaws. The Brindavan campus put up its presentation too on one of His visits. The lion dance, dragon dance and the martial arts items were all crisp and impressive. Swami saw the Primary school programme in two separate parts - the skating and other related events in the Primary school campus itself and the other mass items in the ground. As He saw the skating, Swami made enquiries into the safety of the children. All the little ones also had the privilege of going up to His car window and chanting the Veda mantras even as He blessed them. The mass items by the girls especially were marvels of synchronisation and grace. At the end of the Primary sessions, Swami said that He was very happy and the children did exceedingly well. On two separate occasions, Swami witnessed the marchpast too and once He saw the entire morning ceremony. What was so touching and wonderful was that, Swami puts in so much efforts during the practice sessions. Having perfected all items, HE becomes the recepient on the actual Sports day. Swami also had a look at the stage decorations and the ground preparations. He noticed that the lamp posts lining the road had not been decorated with the flower bouquets and that took everyone by surprise for He had noticed such a small detail too. But the prize was taken by a lovely episode. Swami said that the steps leading to the Shanti Vedika dais were very steep on the sides(from His previous experience of climbing) and so the primary school children, when they come to gift Him the bouquets, should come from the gentler steps in front of the stage. Thus was changed the practice that had been on from so many years. Swami also said that the children should be waiting near the stage itself and musn't come running all the way from the middle of the ground! And thus were filled the days with Swami being omnipresent even literally on the grounds. There is a lot of enthusiam in the air and everyone is eagerly awaiting the 11th. Click here to see pictures and a report on the Annual Sports and Cultural Meet. January 7 2009 Christmas is a time of massive inflow of Christians and Westerners into Puttaparthi. They come in different ways and by different modes but arrive only for one reason - what Swami calls as "recharging the spiritual batteries." Travelling from distant countries to India and spending time here takes its toll on the energies and finances of these devotees. So most of them make a trip once a year. And most of them make their annual pilgrimage during the Christmas period. Having done that, they stay on for another 10-15 days and return to their homelands renewed, recharged and refreshed. That was the story of a group of devotees from New Zealand and Swami seemed to have decided that the "recharge" would take place today for all of them. Swami had agreed for their choir programme and had also issued a very interesting command- that all the members of the choir would be seated on the stage on either side of where He would sit. From 2 pm itself, all the members of the choir arranged themselves and tested out their instruments and the mikes. Swami arrived for darshan in the evening and took a detour at the ladies side itself and moved towards the stage. On the way, He spoke to some of the female members of the choir and then slowly moved to the gents side of the stage and accepted their cards and programme schedule. Finally, He sat in the centre of the stage and sent the two students who were with Him on some errand. As He sat, He saw the ladies group from New Zealand which had spilt down to the granite blocks of the hall due to lack of space on stage. Calling a student, He told him to take Him down towards those "unlucky" ones who could not make it on the stage. He took a round around them and also around the entire ladies side! Talk about the effects of good company - sitting near the New Zealand devotees whom Swami decided to bless, everyone got benefited. Finally, He came on stage once again and then blessed the Vedam to a halt so that the programme could begin. He was in for a surprise as the Maoris and the Kiwis began with Vedic chants. This choir has been comprised of devotees who have been willing and committed enough to attend all practices; understood the need for and pledged to follow the 9 point Sadhana programme. There were visible signs of surprise on His face and He blessed the conductor to start the actual choir. Before that, Swami blessed a green stone that the organisers presented Him with. The programme proper began with the energetic vocal Maori chanting by a Kiwi woman and clearly Swami was impressed with her voice and delivery. Called the Karanga, it is the summon calls for the ancestors to the Lotus Feet of Swami. Then they began singing the "E Nga Iwi" as they called it. It is a hand action song which depicts calling people to God. Swami looked at the actions to His left and right and smiled in loving amusement. Swami was so engrossed that, to the members of the audience, He appeared like a spectator at a tennis match, watching the ball go left and right as He kept turning to both sides to watch the animated devotion of these sweet people from New "Sai"land as they called it. Ti Hore Mai Te Rangi was another dance performed by the girls and ladies. Involving concentration and dexterity, it made an interesting watch and Swami seemed very happy seeing it. One song that was sung was composed by one of devotees from amongst them when seeing Swami walk in for darshan. Their programme lasted about 45 minutes. As it concluded, Swami called the New Zealand woman who had chanted the Karanga. He spoke to her and then moved towards the ladies. There He materialised a gold chain for that lady and Himself put it around her neck. There was a loud cheer. Sarees were then brought from inside and then Swami asked some of the ladies to distribute to all. He sat there personally supervising the distribution and also asked "randomly" to a few ladies, "Did you get a saree?" After ensuring that all had got, Swami moved to the gents side and repeated the same shower of Love and Grace, with white Safari pieces this time. He blessed many of them with a word or two and accepted letters. Then calling the video cameraman Swami asked, "Have you covered everyone?" "Yes Swami! All have been covered." "Have you covered the ladies?" "No Swami" "Then? You said you covered all. The women must be covered too." "Swami there is another camera covering them. This camera was for gents." The boy then told Swami, "Swami there is a hair that has got into your eye." He tried to remove it and then Swami shrugged saying, "Its only hair right." Swami then gently took the hair out of the eye and neatly aligned it on His head. Seeing this, everyone burst out in happiness and Swami looked so handsome and He too seemed to blush. Swami then returned to the centre of the stage and asked for bhajans to begin. Prasadam was blessed for distribution and as one bhajan neared completion, Swami asked for Aarthi. After Aarthi also, Swami interacted with the women on His way to the car and thus ended another memorable day in Prashanti Nilayam. Click here to see pictures of the New Zealand programme. January 4 2009 The concluding day of the Maharashtra and Goa youth pilgrimage was the 4th of January and planned for the day were two separate songs programmes - one by the ladies and one by the gents. Swami came out for darshan at about 4:15 pm and after the rounds, arrived on stage. He sat listening to the chants for a while and then moved into the interview room. It was about 5:00 pm when He came out again and asked the youth to begin their programme. He blessed both the ladies who went up to Him by sprinkling the holy grains on their head. The ladies then began their part of the programme. It was a programme based on the great women of Bhaarat. There was a short narrative in English and Telugu. It must be recorded here that the speakers who spoke in Telugu did it "by heart" in every sense. Though ignorant of the language, their diction and delivery were perfect. There were narratives on the great women viz. Rani Laxmibai, Draupadi, Urmila- the wife of Lakshmana and the wife of saint Tulsidas who turned all his worldy passion into divine Love. Each narrative was followed by a song specially composed on the woman concerned and there was also a mini-ballet depiction of a major incident in that woman's life. Swami seemed quite absorbed in the presentation. Only that once in a while He would keep looking at the gents' section and ask, "why are you all not singing?" Soon enough, on the conclusion of the ladies programme, the gents came to Swami to seek blessings to begin. They also got a book released which Swami personally signed in His own hand! The songs sung had all been pre-recorded and the youth sang over the CD track. Clearly, Swami was not impressed! He told the co-ordinator that there was no effort involved and everything has already been recorded. Swami seems to prefer performances to be "Live" for there is a joy when we do things directly for God in His presence. The end result may not be so fantastic, but God never sees the results - He is interested only in the efforts. After two songs, Swami moved into the interview room and the songs too went on. They could not cease as the tracks played on. The songs were abhangs and some were those that Swami Himself had composed. After the programme had concluded, Swami arrived on stage again. He had a mocking smile on His face and He said that it was of not much use and that there was no efforts involved. "All old songs! nothing new.Girls did lot of efforts, but boys - no efforts." Ultimately, all are His own children. So, lovingly, He came down the stage and went first towards the womens' section. He began to distribute sarees to them. Then, He waded right into their midst and posed with group photo with them. They were a picture of high joy and deep gratitude as Swami sat smiling among them. He advised the,"Do more work. Do not get into politics. There is so much politics among ladies!" All this while, the gents side was a picture of doubt - would Swami come to them? Swami smiled and said that He be taken to the gents side. There was a loud cheer as Swami got safari cloth pieces distributed and then posed for pictures amidst them. He accepted letters from many of them and then moved to the front, where He sat watching the distribution in progress. In the meanwhile, noticing the videocameraman shooting Him He said,"Shoot them! Not me." The cameraman went up to Him and said, "Swami it is you who lends value to all that we shoot." Swami seemed to have no reply for that and rightly so, for of what value is anything that is devoid of Him? Swami then moved up the stage and asked the ladies to lead the bhajans for the evening. Two bhajans later, Swami received Aarthi and retired for the day. Click here to see pictures of the Maharashtra programmes. January 3 2009 The 3rd of January was the second chapter of the triad of programmes that the youth from Maharashtra and Goa had come prepared with. Today, it was to be a sitar and "zitar" concert by Niladri Kumar, son and disciple of sitar player Pandit Kartick Kumar who was in turn a disciple of Pandit Ravishankar. Considered a child prodigy, Kumar started learning sitar under his father at the age of four and gave his first public performance at the age of six. The "zitar", a creation of his, is an instrument that is a fusion of the sitar and the guitar. Along with his accompanying artistes, he sat ready from 3:30 pm awaiting Swami to arrive and bless him with the great privilege of playing in His presence. It was 5:15 pm when Swami arrived for darshan. He took the detour after the ladies side and went in straight to the interview room. A few minutes later, He came on stage and blessed the artistes of the day. Bringing the Veda chanting to a halt, He permitted Niladri Kumar to begin his concert. Starting with paying homage to Swami he said that when he first came to Swami, his hand was in bandages. Swami had blessed him in the darshan lines and told him to play the next day. He did exactly that and from that day on, every note that has issued from him, has been due to the blessings of his guru and Swami! He began with the zitar first and played a piece that was clearly a fusion of the East and the West. The "twain had indeed met" with due regards and respects to Rudyard Kipling. There was accompaniment on the tabla, mridangam, keyboard and the jazz drum kit. After a sprightly start with the fusion piece, the concert meandered along the more traditional lines with the classical sitar coming into play. The young sitar virtuoso amazed and thrilled all, especially those trained in music, with his superb rendition. There was a piece where He played in pitches unimaginable on the sitar, using the help of a wood piece as a prop. That excited the audience so much that they began to clap even before he had rendered what he had desired to. He therefore had to repeatedly appeal for calm so that the beauty of the entire effort could be appreciated. After three pieces, the artiste concluded and Swami seemed very happy. He called him and what a response it was! He rushed straight to His feet and sought His blessings. Swami gifted safari pieces to all of the artistes and materialized a gold ring for Niladri Kumar. After giving padanamaskar to all, Swami asked them to sing something! The keyboard accompanist also was a good singer and so all of them went back and began the bhajan, "Madhusudhana Hare Madhava". They built into the bhajan pieces in which the tablist, mridangam player and the drummer could display their respective expertise. A jugalbandi of sorts ensued and the entire piece lasted for about 10 minutes. As that concluded, Swami gifted them a satisfied smile and then received Aarthi. January 2 2009 With the New Year Day festivities just concluding, Puttaparthi was now seeing an increasing habitation by the youth from Maharashtra and Goa. Donning their orange scarves, they filled up large areas in the mandir and today was the day Swami had blessed them to put up their programmes in front of Him. A huge curtain of the Tricolour hung from the ceiling to the floor acting as the giant background. It was at about 5:30pm that Swami arrived for darshan. The most revered "Orange" wended its way through the orange throngs and the youth rejoiced at the close darshan. He passed by the massive backdrops of the red fort and the curtain into the gents side. Completing the darshan rounds, Swami moved into the interview room. Twenty minutes later, Swami came out and asked for the programme to begin. A train of youth moved up to Swami with various offerings and Swami patiently blessed each and every one of them. He accepted roses, glanced at cards, observed photos and permitted everyone to take padanamaskar. Then, Swami called the coordinator and told him to make the announcement soon and begin the programme. The introduction for the drama on Netaji Subash Chandra Bose was given and then the programme began. It started with the lighting of the Akhanda Jyothi. 27 lamps of divine light which were lit from a single flame from the Divine Precincts of Dharmakshetra and which had travelled through 27 Districts of Maharashtra were presented at a beautiful ceremony in front of Swami. The 27 Jyotis merged into one in the Divine presence and that was used to light a candle which Swami used to light the "Maha Jyothi" as they referred to it. After that ceremony, the drama began. Subash Chandra Bose also called Netaji was a colossus amongst the brave men of the world. He was born on January 23rd 1897 in Cuttack as the ninth child among fourteen, of Janakinath Bose, an advocate, and Prabhavati Devi, a pious and God-fearing lady. A brilliant student, he topped the matriculation examination of Calcutta province and passed his B.A. in Philosophy from the Presidency College in Calcutta. He was strongly influenced by Swami Vivekananda's teachings and was known for his patriotic zeal as a student. It was his parents insistence that kept him away from the freedom struggle but not for long as the passion for true "freedom" had been deeply embedded in him. As he later wrote to his mother, he was not fighting only for independence from British for the nation still had to be administered after that and he also desired true freedom in its complete spiritual sense. The drama traced all the major milestones in his life and it was an inspiring watch. Swami too, being specially fond of Bose, watched the drama attentively. As the drama concluded with the final song with Bose marching out with the INA - the Indian National Army - the Tricolour was waved in thousands by all the members of the audience from the organising states. Swami moved down the stage to grant the participants their cherished desire of a group photo with Him. As He did that, He also spoke to many of the boys and accepted letters. One particular boy almost broke down telling Swami that though he had been studying and trying very hard, he was not getting a call to do MBA in Swami's University. Swami took his application form and gave instructions that the call letter be sent to that boy! When we are with God, the solutions for problems crop up as fast if not faster than the rate at which the problems arise. Then, moving towards the front, Swami called out for the 3 different aged Boses! He took a picture with the three and said, "This is young Bose. He is elder and that is the eldest one!" There were smiles all around. Prasadam was then distributed as the youth started bhajans. Later, on Swami's command, the bhajan singing was taken over by the students. It was quite late when Swami received Aarthi and left. January 1 2009 The beginning of a New Year is something that everyone looks forward to for that is a time when life seems to begin afresh in right earnest. Resolutions are made after the victories and defeats of the past year are analysed. A sense of euphoria fills the air and optimistic energy seems prevalent everywhere. Hope is rekindled and faith reaffirmed. Puttaparthi is no exception to these things. In the place where every moment seems new and fresh and every day is a celebration for it is in the physical presence of Divinity, New Year's day has been gifted to the alumni for it seems as if Swami wishes to begin His New Year with His beloved children. And with each passing year, the alumni too have been assembling in ever increasing numbers. The first day of the year 2009 saw more than 700 alumni gathering in the Kulwant hall waiting in readiness for Him. A Veda chanting contingent and a squadron of flag bearers waited at the Yajur mandir to escort Swami into the Kulwant hall. It was after 10 am that the doors of Yajur Mandir were thrown open. And what a sweet surprise Swami had in store for all! He has often said, "I am a man among men, woman among women and a child among children." It was as if He was saying, "I am a student among students" as He too, like them all, came dressed in white!! He was seated on that special throne-chair and there could have been no better way to start the New Year. There is a prevalent belief that what happens on the first day of the year continues throughout - another variant of the famous, "Well begun is half done". If that belief is true, the year is going to be sublimely special - and it is going to be so even if that belief is not true! The chanting began as soon as Swami came out and the person holding the Poornakumbham got it blessed by Swami. The flag bearers neatly filed past Him and saluted Him as they did so. That having been done, Swami too joined the procession that made its way towards the Kulwant hall. The procession hid Swami from the eager eyes that were waiting to see Him. But like the full moon appearing from behind the clouds, Swami emerged as He fell behind in the procession and soon there was a resoundingly cheerful applause that spread through the hall. The Lord in white is a glorious sight. He looks as if He is wearing His purity and innocence on His person. Swami took a detour after the ladies side and all the alumni gathered in the marble blocks seemed just a bit disappointed that Swami would not be coming near them. But Swami had another little surprise as He took another detour and moved back towards the old students' area. Completing His round, filling everyone with Joy supreme, Swami moved onto the stage. His path to the stage was paved with those ex-students who had chanted the Vedas as part of the procession. In the portico, students from the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School invited Swami to bless a specially made huge cake. Swami lit the candle and cut the cake which was constituted by six or so parts. He cut every part so sweetly and patiently. Then, He arrived on the stage. The first thing He did was to light the lamp and thus formally began the New Year celebrations for 2009! A cheer ran through the happy crowd and Swami sat facing all of them, a smile dancing on his luminous face. The first presentation was by the former members of the Institute brass band. Offering cards, the songs list and roses to Swami, they sought His blessings and then began.Three pieces were played in all and they were interspersed with introductions to each of the pieces by different members of the band. As they played, it was such a wonderful feeling for here was the band constituted by members through the quarter century of the existence of the Institute and they played like one big family. Once the band finished its performance, the singers from among the alumni came forward to Swami and sought His blessings. Swami blessed them and then they started to sing songs specially composed for the occasion by the alumni. Soon, the three huge cakes were brought up to Swami and with a gentle smile, Swami cut each of the cakes and lit a candle too. Each of the songs sung had short introduction. One of them narrated in graphic detail as to how Swami was splashed with water from a faulty hot water tap that He had come to inaugurate in the Primary School. Swami with a smile had said, "I not only inaugurated the tap but also had the first bath!" Many such instances were recounted and as each song began, students with roses and cards bearing the lyrics of the songs moved to Swami and presented them to Him seeking His blessings.Swami also released a few booklets and a newsletter that the alumni presented. He released another volume of the audio CD, "Bridge across Time" which is a collection of bhajans sung by the alumni. After four songs, a few members requested Swami for permission to dance(!) and Swami approved. And so a bhajan medley formed the score for the short dance programme too. The dance turned out to be the item that made a huge smile blossom on His face which later erupted as a hearty laugh too! The dance was followed by some more songs. The highlight of the morning as far as the participants were concerned was the avalanche of padanamaskars that Swami showered. It began with the "head" of the Veda contingent moving up to Swami and requesting Him as to whether all could take padanamaskar. Swami agreed and so almost 60-70 students came up on stage and took padanamaskar. All that transpired between the Lord and His children cannot be captured here. Students ranging from batches as old as 1980 to those as latest as 2007 went to Him and thrilled themselves with His touch. It was a homecoming in the truest sense and once all the members of the Veda group were though, Swami agreed to bless all the band boys too in a similar manner. Finally He blessed prasadam to be distributed to all. At this time, the members of the music group also sought His blessings and Swami promised them He would bless later as now the "time was up". It was 11:30 when Swami retired to Yajur Mandir. In the evening, Swami arrived and a surge of delight moved through the entire hall - the Lord looked magnificent in the maroon-red robe that He wore! White robe followed by the Red Robe - What a colourful opening for the New Year! Swami took a complete round and as He came on stage, He blessed the University band boys to begin their performance. They played two pieces, the first one a masterpiece from Yanni entitled 'Santorini' and the second one a tribute to the Divine Mother - the bhajan Eashwaramba Priya Tanaya. As they completed, Swami blessed them and then the students began to sing songs that they had prepared. Swami's ways are so wonderful and amazing. As two songs were sung, He called out for the alumni and asked them to render songs. They were taken in by surprise. No planning had gone on in their heads for this session of songs. Where the head fails and heart takes over, memorable moments get etched into ones memories. They began to sing the famous songs of the mid 90s and it was such a nostalgic journey with music. Swami too was fully involved in the songs. When the famous, "Humko Tumse Pyaar Kitna" began Swami jokingly showing the tip of His nail said, "Only itna!" There were smiles on every face as one reminesced the Swami of the bygone years. The songs went on like this when suddenly two students from the bhajan group went up to Swami on the dais. There they told Swami, "Swami the day will not be complete without your sweet voice flowing into all of us. All of us are eager to listen to you. Please speak to us." Swami seemed to be refusing and He sent them back to their places. However, as the next song concluded, He signalled for His mikes and there was an explosive applause. Swami began His New Year Discourse, the summary of which is given below. Swami began His discourse with the popular verse on the arrival of the Sankranthi festival. He followed it with a vivid description of the season. It is a time when people are busy in agriculture and household activities; when the food grains and pulses are available in plenty and all the farmers gather and sing in joy. The men visit their in-laws and all the members of the family join in with good humour and spend time in fun. Swami's description put everyone to perfect ease and with the mere power of His words, He brought alive the feelings and joy associated with the festival. He also beautifully narrated the tradition where the bull and cow are married off. The cow is named Sita and the bull as Rama. The people entreat and request 'Sita' to accept the handsome and virtuous 'Rama' as her husband! He brought new meaning to the phrase, "Naa Deham" (literally meaning - My body) when He stated, "Naa means 'not' in Sanskrit. So when you say, "Naa Deham" or "Naa Manas", it means, 'I am not the body, I am not the mind'." And so, all our complaints and problems are due to our body attachment and our inability to control the mind. All the six vices are a result of our thoughts alone and there is nothing wrong with the creation. God gives neither joy nor sorrows. He is the eternal witness. It is the mind that does everything. It is responsible for our bondage and our liberation too. So realize that you are God. The Christian message too is the same - To cut the 'i' across and achieve the 'Cross" which is God. The message was loud and clear - give up your identification with all that you are not - the body, mind, intellect - and identify with your Self; the true I. Swami exhorted that realizing our true selves was the only thing to be done in life. "All the wealth, fame and relatives you acquire will add up to nothing. When the body dies, not even a fistful of dust can be taken along." He illustrated this with emperor Alexander's story where he asks to be paraded in the towns with outstretched hands to declare that the great emperor who conquered the world is leaving it empty handed. Even the avatars like Rama and Krishna, having lived fulfilled lives, withdrew from their body and do not exist in a physical frame today. And so thoughts of the Self are paramount. Ultimately, the experience of the Self is inevitable for Self is existence and existence is Self. It has many forms. Pray to and worship the form of your choice but remember that it is all the Self. All the symbolism has deeper meanings, He said and to elaborate on it, He waved His hand and materialized a gold ring with a diamond studded on it. In the western countries, the marriage is symbolized with the exchange of rings between the bride and groom. This symbolizes the Love which, like the diamond, should be permanent. Elaborating on the significance of the Sahasra Chandra Darshanam, Swami said, "The Lord is called Sahasra Sheersha Purusha. This does not mean that He has a thousand heads. It means that all the heads are His. So too, when it is said that the Lord had Sahasra Chandra Darshanam, it means that He sees all the minds for the mind is symbolized by he moon. If taken literally, I have seen crores of moons!" Swami went on to say that Love was the most important. "You sang that Love is the only bond between us. Keep that always. Do not give up Love even if negative qualities come. Once Love is there all other values come. Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi, Prema and Ahimsa are the only 5 qualities that exist within and to bring it out is Educare. This love exists in all like the moon that is reflected in the waters of a thousand pots. There is only one moon and there is only One - that's Love. He lashed out against foolish enquiries saying that instead of delving into the underlying unity, people enquire into divisive things like which is Rama's actual birthplace and so on. When that question was posed to Swami, He said, "Rama's actual birthplace is the womb of Kausalya." Only the lazy ones do such meaningless enquiries. Find yourself within and all will be known. All that you call as "My" is only Maya. God and Truth are One though known by different names. Do not fall prey to the paintings and photos being sold. Neither the photographer nor the painter has seen the Lord. They do so out of their imagination. Truly speaking, you are God. Have that faith and display God qualities. If you just close your eyes and see inwards, you will find God. Having said so, Swami said that if anyone had doubts left still, they must be real fools of the highest order. After speaking for more than 70 minutes, Bhagawan asked for Bhajans to begin at 7.25 pm.It was at this time that keeping His morning's promise, Swami granted all the members of the alumni music group the coveted chance to touch His feet. They came in a long line and one by one took His blessings and returned to their places beaming with joy. Prasadam was distributed, and Swami accepted Arati at 7.45 before returning to His residence. As the Aarthi concluded one more beautiful thing happened. Swami called the priest and gifted the diamond ring He had materialised earlier to him. The priest was thrilled and the priest returned, so happy at this divine gift. Click here to see pictures of the New Year celebrations. December 31 2008 Prashanti Nilayam suddenly seemed to be filling up with students from the University. The strict discipline that is enforced in the Institute makes it imperative that students remain within their bounds and not go about anywhere else and yet today, there seemed so many of these students all over the ashram. It was only on closer scrutiny that one realized that these were the alumni of the University! But the way the students dress and groom themselves is so characteristic that one cannot blame the innocent onlooker of mistaking the alumni also as senior current students. Every year, the students have decided to make a beginning at His lotus feet and hence they congregate in increasing numbers each passing year. Around 500 had already arrived to bid goodbye to 2008 and welcome 2009 in the Divine presence. Swami too looks forward to His children's homecoming as He ensures that all arrangements are in place for their comfortable stay. Today, He had decided to bestow a great boon upon them as He had sent word that He would interact with all of them in the Poornachandra Auditorium after the morning bhajans. By 8:30 am, all the students sat ready in PC and it was at about 9:00 am that Swami arrived for darshan. The time scheduled for the alumni was 10:00am. But though Swami took a complete round of the Kulwant hall, He seemed to be in a great hurry and no prizes here for guessing why. His beloved children awaited Him in the auditorium and He seemed to be wanting to be there as soon as possible, ASAP as it's called! It was just 9:20 am when Swami received Aarthi and then moved into the Poornachandra auditorium. A small stage had been arranged for Swami so that He could be seen by one and all assembled. Swami was welcomed by a small contingent of Veda chanting boys and soon He took His place - on the stage and in the thirsting eyes of every alumnus sitting there. There were also the elders whom Swami brought with Him - Sri Chakravarthy, secretary of Central trust; Prof. Vishwanath Pandit, the Vice Chancellor; Sri V Srinivasan, the All India Sai organisation President; Prof. G Venkatraman and Sri S V Giri, the former vice chancellors. Sri Chakravarthy introduced the speakers for the day. First Sri S V Giri spoke on the responsibilities that rest on the strong shoulders of the alumni. As he spoke, an interesting incident took place. One of the members of the alumni, a senior above 50 years of age maybe, was moving to and fro right at the back, to get a good view of the proceedings maybe. Swami noticed that and seemed a bit uncomfortable. And sure enough, in two minutes, the student next to Swami came walking all the way to the back asking, "Who was it that was walking over here?" At first everyone felt that Swami was disturbed. It got confirmed soon but why had He been disturbed? The student located the disturber and asked, "Sir would you like a chair to sit on? Swami sees that you are not able to sit on the floor." The answering was done with a nod saying,"No" and profuse tears down the cheeks. The alumnus then got up and moving towards the front, sat in the corner but in the first row! Swami saw that and seemed satisfied! The second speaker was Sri V Srinivasan. He spoke very inspiringly on the growth and spread of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in India. Many facts little known to most of the devotees and students were revealed and very deservingly, there were 4-5 rounds of applause for him. After he finished his speech, Swami told him to announce that he was the All India President. An overwhelmed Srinivasan said that more than anything else, he wished to be a humble devotee and concluded his speech. The alumni coordinator then went forward to request Swami for the divine discourse. Swami materialized vibhuti and gave him and then also agreed to address the students. Another poignant scene took place now. Swami noticed a student, Raghuram, who currently works for RadioSai global harmony. He has been physically challenged due to a tragic accident and has been on the wheelchair since. Swami asked him to come over to the dais. As the boy reached there, Swami waved His hand and materialized a gold ring. Amidst the cheer that ran about the hall, Swami enquired into the well being of the boy's mother and sister. He promised him that he would very soon speak to them as a family and then put the ring to the right hand. He asked Swami for paadanamaskar. Swami agreed and knowing that it was very difficult for the boy to bend down, Swami did something that none imagined. He slowly lifted His right leg and placed it near the knee of the boy. After he touched it, Swami now raised His left leg too and placed it there! The boy was thrilled at this special paadanamaskar. As he returned to His place, Swami began His divine discourse. Swami emphasised the message of Advaita, stressing the point that there is nothing in this world which is not divine, and that we should conduct ourselves bearing this in mind. He stressed on the need for one and all to realise the inherent divinity. He also gave some personalised instructions to the students. The most interesting part was when towards the end, Swami asked, "Does anyone have doubts? Ask and I shall answer them in a perfect manner." Qn 1---Swami... we know that we are truth and the truth is everywhere. So we must be everywhere right..... Swami could not follow the question hence the boy tried to explain! "Swami I'm everywhere but I don't realize it...!" Swami----You are not everywhere, you are right now here!(everyone laughs )...If you are in path of Truth then you will know you are the Truth.....(Swami conveyed to boy that if he believes he is the Eternal Atma then he is everywhere and if he restricts himself to body then he is now here!) Qn 2-Swami...We don't have time available for spiritual activities and service as we are bogged by daily activities....what shall we do (there were tears in his eyes out of helplessness)... Swami---Don't feel bad about as much as you can in little time available little service but offer it to the Lord....if you can't do even that then do your job or activity as the service to the Lord.....That'll make Him happy. Qn 3---(In kannada) ,Swami as we (boys) plan to do activities and projects in larger scale how do we go about doing the we need to form organized groups and start off... Swami-(In kannada) Yes....form proper groups and go about in a systematic way.....I've already told this(Swami has mentioned the same in Man management) Qn 4--- (one student who was a Teacher)...Swami...we all have only one prayer in our hearts should walk you used to do earlier.... Swami...(with out a pause) ...Yes ...I will!...I used to walk earlier properly....only recently I had a fall and doctors told me not to walk and take rest...I'm just abiding by their words....I have organized a Yagnam in Parthi (ARMY) and one in Chennai (ARMY ---II)...I'm managing quite a lot like this too...but I'll surely walk...(Swami lifted both His legs and played them in the air as He spoke) Qn 5) Swami...what should we do to become closer to Swami.... Swami---(without delay)...Swami should (will to) take you closer...! (Swami conveyed its His grace that matters not any amount of penance you do...., he added ),If you want to become closer keep Swami in your heart...Then you need not come to Swami and He will come closer to you.... Qn 6)Swami, How do we get Atmanandam (perennial bliss)? Swami---You should carry less luggage...less luggage is more comfort... Reduce your desires and put a ceiling on it. Qn7) do we take care of our kids in countries where there are not even Indian families forget the Sai centers.... Swami---where are you right now.... Boy---...I've returned back to India.... Swami---I'm very happy...Congratulations...!(he became emotional...) America is not good at the moment...all our people should return to our land...One lakh salary in USA is equal to 10,000 in India.... Qn8)Swami---How do we achieve total surrender..... Swami---Bangaaru!---Surrender is not so many after they surrender would still carry the burden of doubt in their just follow how much you can....and stop doubting. It was already nearing 11:30 am and Swami said that He would speak to all the next day too. Then Swami received Aarthi and blessed those who took a flower and the holy grains upto Him. As He moved back towards the residence, Swami collected letters from all the students who lined up the entire pathway. Swami retired leaving behind cherished memories and wonderful feelings. Copyright © 2005 - . Sri Sathya Sai Students. Get rid of Add-Ons in your email ID. Get yourname. Sign up now! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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