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Part-4 prof Anil Kumar & Baba's Conversations with Students

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this body is a divine magnet

Then Swami mentioned, “Anil Kumar, did you notice that VIP - very important person?”

If I said I that I noticed the VIP, then He will say, “Why have you noticed him? You have come to see Me. Why are you looking at him? “ (Laughter)

If I say I did not notice him, then He will say, “Are you sleeping?” So what am I to say?

“Swami, I see people, but I don’t know who they are. (Laughter) I don’t know whether he is a VIP or not. I see people, but I don’t know them.”

“Oh ho! He is the Prime Minister from Sri Lanka. And he is going to become President very soon.”

“Oh, Swami.”

Then Swami said, “You know, all big (important) people want to come here. All big people -- heads of governments, all top people -- want to be here. But they are waiting for My permission. They want to be here.”

“Swami, since You have not permitted them to come, how are You attracting them? Why are they attracted?”

Swami said, “Simple! This body is a Divine magnet. This body is a Divine magnet that attracts everybody towards it. So all people want to move to this place.”

Then Swami started recollecting His past, and suddenly He said, “Anil Kumar, a long time ago I went to Delhi. I was staying with one of our devotees. There were thousands of cars everywhere.”

“Oh Swami, yes, yes?”

“You know what happened? I received a memorandum — an appeal.”

“From whom, Swami?”

“From all the foreign ambassadors. It said:

‘Dear Beloved Bhagavan,

We have to attend our offices at nine-thirty. Car parking has become a problem. We are not able to move our cars. We are not able to reach our offices. We are always blocked, Swami. Will You please move from here?’ “ (Laughter)

And Swami said, “In response to their prayers, I moved from that place to another named, Talaktora. Talaktora is the place where Swami moved in response to the prayers of these officials.

Then Swami said, “You know, I visited Kurukshetra.” In North India there is a place named Kurukshetra.

“Well Swami, have you been there?”

“Yes, yes. There isn’t any place I haven’t been. I‘ve been everywhere.”

“Kurukshetra, Swami?”

I ask more and more because I want to get information from God.

“Oh, You went to Kurukshetra?”

If you simply say, “Okay, Swami”, then there ends the matter. But I want to know more.

Then Swami said, “When I went to Kurukshetra…”

Oh good, Swami, come on, yes? “At Kurukshetra, what happened?”

Then He went on to say. “Oh, it was a very narrow space. People were everywhere, and cars were everywhere -- very narrow.”

“Swami, how did You manage?”

Do you know what happened? There is one state named Punjab here in this country. All those who belong to this state are Punjabis. Punjabis are well-built personalities. Yes, they can easily handle six people of my stature. They are (eat) wheat people. It seems that the Punjabis came and lifted Swami’s car (Laughter)! They lifted the whole car and took Him straight to the dais! The dais was so big that the car could be placed right on it.

And Swami said, “That was the crowd in those days.” He said that He stayed in Punjab for fifteen days, giving discourses.

“Do MRS”

With this last story, I will close this evening’s session. Swami was talking to boys the same day at the close of the day’s program. He said, “Boy, what are you taking?”

“MSC, Swami.”

“After MSC?”

“Swami, whatever You say.”

“Will you do that?”


“Do MRS.”


“Mrs., Mrs. – meaning, get married! You are Mr. So-and-so. After MSC, get MRS -- get a Mrs.”

“Oh, Swami, oh.”

some training to boys on how to face an interview

Then He said, “Okay boys, you know when you go and appear for an interview, you should be very smart -- you should be very intelligent. Do you think that I don’t know how interviews are conducted? I know.” How informally He talks to the boys! That’s very interesting.

And He told those boys, “Boys, look here. Forty years ago I gave some training to boys on how to face an interview.”

“Oh Swami, did You?”


“Were they selected?”

“They stood first in the interview. I will also give you fellows training. But you have no common sense. You should be able to give the correct answers.”

It seemed that one boy came back and said, “Swami, there at the interview the people asked me a very embarrassing question.”

“What was the question?” Swami asked.

“Tell us how many steps you climbed up to reach this office. How many steps are there?”

Who would count the number of steps? They are counting their stars, thinking about whether they will be selected or not.

“I don’t know.”

But Swami said, “’I climbed up the number of steps equal to the number I will walk down now.’ (Laughter) That’s the correct answer he should have given.”

And then Swami said, “You know Indian train engines? Some of the engines back then were still operated by charcoal. Of course, now we have the latest engines. But in the past, the old types of engines were charcoal-managed. When that engine goes forward, it releases smoke from the top -- you must know that. There was one fellow who faced this question in an interview: ‘When the train is moving fast, in which direction does the smoke from the engine chimney move?’ ”

Who would watch it? Swami said, “The answer is simple. What do you say? You don’t know? As the train moves forward, the smoke will go backward, very simple. You fellows have MSC and PhD, but all have empty heads, you know. You have no common sense.” That’s what Swami said.

It seems a fellow, out of mischief, put this question in an interview: “Boy, here is an ink bottle in which a snake is caught.”

Swami went around asking, “An ink bottle -- you know? It has a narrow neck. A snake is inside. How can it come out? Is it possible?”

“Swami, I don’t know.”

He answered, “It will come out the same way it got in!” (Laughter) “So simple! So in order to be selected at interviews, you fellows should make use of that term, ‘common sense’.”

Thank you very much. Sai Ram for this opportunity to be with you. I wish you all a happy Dasara beginning tomorrow and let us also listen to those sacred manthras. We may or may not understand their meanings. Most of us don’t understand, but the sound has got its own effect. Suddenly when you hear the lightening and thunder, don’t you feel the shock? Similarly, the sound has got its own effect. Manthras are sounds that purify the whole atmosphere, purify the heart and sanctify the human life. It is difficult to get all the priests gathered at one place to chant in the Divine presence. So I’m sure it will be a happy and enjoyable Dasara. Thank you very much.

Professor Anil Kumar closed his talk by singing the bhajan,

“Jaya Ho Jaya Ho Gopalana”.

Om Asato Maa Sad Gamaya

Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya

Mrtyormaa Amrtam Gamaya

Om Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Thank you very much, Sai Ram!

Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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