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From Swami's Wonderful Discourses on the Mahabarata

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Everyone Likes the Mahabarata, why?, Everyone who reads it will never Forget it, why?, it teaches lessons to everybody that only the Ramayana does.


What lessons can you learn from the Bharata, The Divine Qualities of SriKrishna Paramatma, the Truthfulness of Yudhistira and the Consequences of bad company of Duryodhana, SriKrishna could have stopped the Mahabarata war, he could have done anything to stop the Bloodshed, why did he not do so?, many of you have already asked me this Question, Swami has always one answer only, The Mahabarata is nothing but a Leela of SriKrishna Paramatma to teach the World about the Uplifting of Dharma and the Consequnces of not following it.


Everyone among the Kauravas knew that Srikrishna was not an Ordinary Human Being, but still they in their Ignorant ways tried to capture him in the Rayabharam, Even after SriKrishna showed His Viswarupa to Dhritarasta, Did Dhritarastra do anything?, Nothing, Because he was clouded by His Son's well Being, he forgot Krishna's Viswaroopa the Moment he left, This is what the Mahabarata teaches us that Adherence to Dharma is important, stray from it and you will have to face the consequences, Mahabarata also teaches us the Foremost Principle that When you do Good in this world, God will always with you.


That is Why Swami says always Help others and The Grace of God will always be with you. Yudhistira never Flinched even once from the path of Dharma in the most trying of circumstances, when everything was lost, he never flinched from the path of Dharma and truth, His is the most shining example of Truth never fails, Righteuoness always suceeds,always. Yudhistira was always aware of the Powers of His Two Brother- Bhimasena and Arjuna, he knew that They were enough to win him any war at anytime, so powerful were both of them, Nobody in the world and elsewhere could match the Bhujabhalam of Bhima and the Aryabhalam of Arjuna, But Yudhistira never once Commanded them to go to war against his Brothers even after the Humiliations that he had received from them, because he knew that everytime He saw or thought about SriKrishna Paramatma that It was only SriKrishna's Order that He was Following, Yudhistira's two Greatest Qualities were Adherence to Dharma

and Bhakti, He never Veered from whatever SriKrishna told him, He was the Greatest Person in the Mahabarata after Krishna paramatma.


This is what The Mahabarata teaches us always Adhere to the Truth and you will always be with God. Swami always tells us that whetever you do, never Flich from the path of Dharma, Think Good about others, Do Good to others and Always help others, If everyone of you can put these things into Practise then what Swami has told you will be useful to you and it will make me very happy, otherwise Mine will be merely words and the Mahabarata will always be only a Book.




Just like Dharmaja was the embodiment of Purity and Truth at all times, Duryodhana was evil in everyway, At heart a Good person, he was surrounded with evil people Dushyasana, Shakuni and above all Karna, Swami always advises Keep Good Company, they will always do good to you, Surround yourself with Good people you will only hear Good things and also do Good things always. Avoid Bad Company and take the name of the Lord. Even though the Pandavas were banished to the Forest, Duryodhana never rested, he always feared that His Brother would come back and take away the Kingdom, this Fear of losing the Kingdom made him always think of Differnt ways of Destroying the Pandava, everytime he tried something, the Divine Will and Grace of SriKrishna saved the Pandavas always, SriKrishna was like a Web around the Pandavas and who in the world and beyond could touch them?. When the Lord is with you nothing can happen to you, No one can touch you,

evil fears to come anywhere near you, such is the Power of The Lord, such was the Power of SriKrishna Paramatma. Duryodhana always has Karna by his Side, Karna even though was coronated as the "Raja of Anga Desa" never even once went to His Kingdom, he had only two ambitions in his Life, one was to Defeat Arjuna in the battlefield and the other to be recognised in the Court as Duryodhana's equal, the Words of condemnation of Dhronacharya always rang in his Ears and he knew that he could fulfill his ambitions only if he was with Duryodhana, that was also why SriKrishna never left Arjuna from his Sight in the battlefield, Without SriKrishna Arjuna was powerless, With SriKrishna Karna was Powerless. Karna told Arjuna that they should Finish the Pandavas in the Forest itself, Duryodhana told him that it would be impossible to convince his father as Vidhura was always with him at all times, So Karna Advised him to tell his father

that they were Going on a "Gosha Yatra" meaning going to the nearby Villages to enquire about their Well being, this was normal practise, they took with them a Large army to try to fulfill their ambition to capture and kill the Pandavas if possible, They entered the Gandharva Country and were easily captured after a battle which they lost easily, Karna who was boasting of his valour and Strenght ran away like a Coward, Duryodhana was tied and bound, He started wailing for help loudly and as the Pandavas who were nearby heard the Cries for help, A soldier of the Kaurava ran to the Pandavas for help, Bimasena who stopped him was very happy on hearing the news told the Soldier that "He and his Brothers would not move an Inch from their places and would never ever come to their Rescue", Dharmaraja who heard Bhimasena's words spoke in a most mature and wonderful Voice saying " Duryodhana is still our Brother, He might have treated us badly,But it is

our Duty to help Him and come to his Rescue, We should do this if not for Duryodhana's sake but at least for the sake of Preserving the Dignity and sanctity of the Ishkvaku Race, If we do not help our Own Brother who else would, If you do not want to go,I will don the armour of war and go to do battle", What Wonderful Words - Yudhistira had suffered the most Humiliation in the hands of his Brothers, He was humiliated the most in the Court and hung his head in shame, but never ever said a word, He was the greatest Devotee of ShriKrishna, he never wavered from what SriKrishna said, he drew his strength from SriKrishna. Only Bhimasena and Arjuna went to face the Gandharvas and after a Short battle easily defeated them a Released Duryodhana and put him before Dharmaja, Dharmaja then said "What harm have we caused you?, We have not even seen you after we left to the Forest, we Bring you no harm, then why do you want to harm us, We will never harm you, I give

you my word", Great words from a truly wonderful Brother, Swami always says that adherence to Truth is always the greatest Good for everyone, The greatest quality of Dharmaja was that he always adhered to Truth, he never ever wavered from his path of Truth and at the when everyone had fallen by the wayside suffering for their sins and mistakes, he was the only one standing. What of Duryodhana?, He was Humiliated in every way, He could never get over this Humiliation, He was a changed man now, he pondered that those persons whom he had tried to humiliate and kill had saved him, then pardoned him and let him go,He did not wish to live anymore. He told this to Karna, Karna told him that They would try again to defeat the Pandavas and he made a Vow that he would not rest till he killed Arjuna and would not rest till the Pandavas were defeated, Duryodhana was elated and very happy, he knew that Karna was always by his side. But He lacked Common

Sense, He had gone with his Hundred Brothers and could not defeat the Gandharvas, but only two of his Pandava Brothers had defeated the Gandharvas and also Karna was advising him and it was the same Karna who had fled the battlefield as a Coward, How could Duryodhana think that he could defeat his Brothers, In his praise of Karna and clouded in his Dreams of defeating his Brothers, He lost all reason and that led to his downfall. This Gosha Yatra episode gave Duryodhana a chance to let the Pandavas get back their kingdom and let peace reign in the land, but listening to Karna and his scheming ways, he lost all reason, that is what bad company can do, Always be careful of your Friends, Never ever be in bad company.


Om Sai Ram

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