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-- Dr. J. D. Kotwal Mahim, Bombay.

Behold Universe through Sai

Sai is the Earth and Sai the Sea,

Sai is the Garden and Sai the Tree,

Sai is the Sun, which makes the day,

Sai is the Moon, to see the way,

Sai is the 'One' : in all that we see,

Sai is the same, within you and me.


Vairagya, the state of being without Raga or attachments to passion, refers lo detachment in the system of Vedantic Self Discipline. Vairagya is opposite of Moha.

In Geeta, (Moha) attachment is described as the root-cause of all our misery and confusion of our mind.

Geeta, Chapter II (62-63)

When the mind of a person gets attached (Moha) to the worldly objects, this attachment (Moha) becomes the cause of sensual desires (Kama). If this desire (Kama) is not fulfilled, anger (Krodha) comes into our mind. As anger (Krodha) cannot solve our problem (of enjoying that sense object) depression sets in. This disappointment leads to complete confusion of the mind. Confusion of mind leads to loss of rational thinking and loss of intel­lect. A human being without rational thinking, becomes like an animal, that is, the consciousness sinks to that of an animal.

Thus, we sec that Moha or attachment be­comes the root-cause of anger (Krodha) and (Kama) sensual desires.

In the advanced stage of Sadhana, the Sadhak is asked by his Sadguru to give up all kinds of attachments lo his family, friends, material objects. As a Karmayogi he should not get attached to his actions also in the sense that he should not think about the result of his actions (success or failure). At the same time he must not have the slightest expectation of a reward for his good actions.

But we poor creatures of God are attached (Moha) not only lo our family, friends, property and wealth; but also to small material objecis like our shoes and sandals which we leave behind at the gate of a religious place and instead of thinking about God; due to attachment we think about the safety of our own padukas (foot-ware).

Regarding this type of attachment we have the most humourous and entertaining story given in Shri Sai Satcharita regarding a rich man who came to Shirdi for Sai's darshan.

While taking the darshan of Sai the rich man had two things in his mind. No. 1. There was a doubt in his mind regarding the greatness of Sai. No. 2. He was too much worried about the safety of his new sandals due to attachment.

Sai Baba, the Untaryami, the All knowing God could read the mind of this rich man and wanted to give him a lesson.

Like Lord Krishna playing His leelas; Sai Baba played His leelas at Shirdi.

The rich man had a Jari-bordered-turben on his head and had a new pair of sandals, which he was forced to remove in a comer of the open courtyard, outside the Dwarkamai, in order lo take Baba's darshan.

He made a mechanical bow to Sai, took Udi and Prasad from Baba and returned to the courtyard lo find that his costly sandals had disappeared. He searched the courtyard in vain and returned lo his lodging bare fooled, very much dejected, due to the grcat attachment he had for them.

In the meantime Baba played His most humourous leela. He asked a Maratha boy lo lake away thec sandals of the rich man, suspend them from a slick with strings and carry them round, calling loudly in the streels, "Hari ka Beta; Jari ka Pheta". Sai also instructed the boy to handover the sandals lo a man whose name was 'Hari', his father's name starting with a 'Ka' and to see that the man was wearing a Jari-bordered-turban.

After finishing his noon-meals, the rich man came out to wash his hands, when he saw the boy with his sandals, dancing from the slick.

He went to the boy and claimed his sandals, saying, his name was 'Hari', his father's name started with 'Ka' (Kanoba) and took out his turban from his head and showed the Jari (silver-threaded) border; that is his 'Jari ka Pheta'.

All the people must have laughed on the street. But when he started pondering over, this Ieela performed by Sai upon him.

He wondered, how Baba could ever know his name and his father's name; for he was a stranger to Shirdi and nobody had introduced him to Baba. So his first doubt about Baba being a great Saint was cleared.

Pondering why Baba played the Ieela of taking away his sandals, like magic and again returning the same at noon, he finally realised that Baba wanted him to remain detached from worldly objects, at least while taking the darshan of saints.

He returned home a wiser man.

Sai Baba had special interest in ordinary people and evil-doers; in order to set them on the right path by way of playing His different leelas. Like Christ He would rather go after one sinner and bring him back to the righteous path; than waste his time in giving sermons to ninety nine virtuous people, who did no sin.

As regards attachment, Christ said, "Whoever wants to be My disciple should love Me (God) more than his family." All his disciples had to give up their families, in order to follow Christ.

When Jesus set out His twelve disciples, for preaching righteousness, He said, "Take nothing with you for the journey, no stick, no beggar's bag, no food, no money, not even an extra shirt. For even these things become the cause of attachment."

Sai Baba also had nothing with Him, when He first came to Shirdi as a boy of sixteen; only when He settled down at Shirdi at the age of twenty. He had a Satka (stick), a Tumbler, and a Chillim. Even for these things He had no attachment. If He collected some money during the day as Dakshina, by evening He would distribute all and become a pennyless Fakir once again at njght.

And we ordinary people, like Shri Hari Kanoba, remain attached to our sandals and think about their safety, whenever we leave them outside the gate of a religious place; instead of thinking about God and Guru, we all the lime think about our (Padukas) sandals.

Such is the way of Moha (attachment). Then how can we make any spiritual progress?



Oh! Sai, let me be free from all (Moha) attachment; at least when I enter Your Dwarkamai or Your Samadhi Mandir; for I have taken a perpetual vow to bow down towards all the places at Shirdi, where Your feet have traversed.

It is only at Your feet, I will have to find my final rest; devoid of all (Moha) attachments and (Maya) duality of delusion.

This is no wonder; for he vvhocomplctely surrenders himself to the Lord, by getting rid of his egoism; and bodyconsciousncss and thus becomes one with Him, and has nothing to do with any questions of caste or nationality. Such a One as Sai Baba was, saw no difference between caste and caste and even beings and beings. He took meat and fish with Fakirs, but did notgrumble when dogs touched thcdishes with their mouths.

Such a uniqueand wonderful incarnation wasSaiBaba.Onaccountofthcmeritsinmypast birth,I had thcgood fortune tositatHisFectand enjoy Hisblesscd company. The joy and delight I derived therefrom was incomparable. In fact Sai Baba was pure Anand and Consciousness. I cannot sufficiently describe Him, His great-ncssand uniqueness. He who tookdelightat His Feet, was established in His own self. Many Sanyasis,Sadhakasandallsortsofmenaspiring for salvation came to Sai Baba. He always walked, talked and laughed with them and always uttered with His tongue 'Allah Malik' (God is the sole owner). He never liked discus­sion or disputation. He was always calm and controlled, though irritable at times, always preached full Vedanta and nobody knew till the last Who was Baba. Princes and poor people were treated alikeby Him. He knew

theinmost secrets of all, and when He gave expression to them, all wercsurprised. He was the repository of all knowledge, still He feigned ignorance. He also disliked honour. Such were the character­istics of Sai Baba. Though, He had a human body, His deeds testified to His Godhood. All people considered Him as the Lord God in Shirdi.

— Shri Sai Satcharita


A Temple Built in a Pure Heart is the Permanent Seat of God !!!

Dil Se....Rohit Behal

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