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(Baba attends Puja on 28-2-1944)

Sai Baba declared that those who think that HE was at Shirdi did not understand Him. He further declared He did not require any conveyance to go anywhere. It is stated that in Chap 40 of SSC, when the devotees surrender themselves completely to Sadguru, He sees that the religious function in their houses are duly executed and comply with all the necessary formalities. Let us know from the narration given by Mrs.GS.Devi in Sai Sudha of May 1944 that the above statements are true to the word and letter:

HH BV Narasimha Swamiji, Founder President AISS visited Konakandla village in Ananthapur district of AP on 28-2-1944.He was taken in a procession, ofcourse with Sainath's photo with full honours to the residence of the Host, Sri Venkoba Rao. The person resembling a fakir with a dirty and torn cloth, bundle of rags on his head and old papers bundle in his hands accompanied them in the procession. He even took Arathi with Pujya Narasimha Swamiji, three persons observed him but thinking he is a mad man they ignored. Pujya Swamiji distributed thirtha, prasad to the devotees present. This fakir went to some other house and had his food. He came to Swamiji again and remarked "Are you meeting me tomorrow at Vajrakarur Mister?" This he asked in english (We know that Baba used to speak all languages including

english from the statement of Shama to HH BV NarasimhaSwamy). Venkoba Rao felt the fakir was disturbing Pujya Swamiji and asked him to leave the place.

That night Mrs GS Devi had a dream in which she saw a 6 yr old known boy addressing her "Aunty What is this sleep? Food without Ghee was served, I was driven out thinking I was a mad man by your brother, Did you notice?"

She was initially confused on hearing this but later caught hold of boy's feet and repented for what had happened. Sri Venkoba Rao was informed of this dream at the time of Thursday Puja. On hearing this he and his wife took a vow not to touch food till the fakir comes in the same fashion. On the second day evening at 8 pm "Baba" entered their house, Venkoba Rao without taking any chance fell on the fakir's feet. He offered hot milk and delicious food. Mrs Devi expressed her desire of writing Sri Sai Charitra and sought His blessings. He advised her to go to Shirdi for a reply. He advised Mr and Mrs Rao to have food as they did not have anything for the past two days. Though He wanted to tell about some wordly problems they did not give any chance because again Maya would play her part. Later he took rest and


Dear readers, What a fine message Baba has conveyed through the above incidence. Let us call Him from the bottom of our heart and enjoy His bliss. He declared "I rest where there is full devotion".



Though it is confirmed that Baba is neither a Muslim nor a Hindu, devotees of yester years and today doubt Baba belongs to Islam by His external appearance. We have read in Sai Satcharitra He lived in a dilapitated Masjid christened 'Dwarakamai', He allowed Akhanda Dhuni, Akhanda Deep, Bell, Tulsi Brindavan there. At the sametime He did not discourage mohamedans also to pray as per their custom. Before His Maha Samadhi, he removed His langoti and asked devotees present to judge whether He was a muslim or hindu. Even in Dhulia Magistrate court He declared His religion was 'Parvardhigar'(GOD).Strictly speaking He is above religion, region, caste, creed.

We know He gave darshan in the form of 'Ishta Devatha' or Guru to some devotees who were reluctant to seek His blessings. In the incident narrated below another saint asked his devotee to do Sai puja (Sai Sudha,March'1944) :

" Sri V Swaminadha Iyer of Mayavaram arranged Sai puja on 6-2-1944 and for the purpose he requested Maruthur Santhana Ganapatigal(purohit) to come with four other vedic brahmins. On his expressing inability he requested a local Sastrigal to come with four pandits for the puja. Though he consented the brahmins did not turn for the puja till 10 am. But the Sastrigal came only at 10.30 am and when questioned he said "the previous day, doubting that Baba is a muslim, I decided not to attend the puja, but on 6-2-44 at 5.30am Sri Kanchi Kama Koti Peetathipati Sankaracharya Swamigal appeared in my dream and directed me ,'You go to Mayavaram junction immediately and do my puja there, don't doubt'. Having heard this dream, I went out immediately and told all vedic pandits and came with four others for this puja this is the reason for my

late coming. Out of ignorance I committed a mistake in doubting Baba's divinity. Certainly Baba is an Avatar and there cannot be any objection."

Dear readers, it is said that we are not supposed to know 'Nadi mulam' and 'Rishi Mulam' (origin of a river and a rishi) and try to keep ourselves away from the controversy of religion.



Sri K J Bhisma in the noon Aarathi prays to Baba "You attract even atheists and transform them into theists.."(Naasthika nahi .....nijabhajani).We can understand from the following narration that his statement is cent percent correct. We know that Keshav Rao Pradhan of Bhivapuri (near Mumbai) a declared atheist was made to build Sai Mandir in the year 1916 itself i.e., during Baba's presence. Infact Baba did not allow Pradhan to visit Shirdi after 1916 as He was always present at Bhivapuri Sai Mandir.

We have read in Chap 9 of Sri Sai Satcharitra that Rama Chandra Atmaram Tarkhad alias Baba Saheb Tarkhad was a prardhana samajist. Let us see how Baba pulled him towards Him. The miraculous cure of Mrs Tarkhad's chronic headache by mere touch of Healing Hand of Sainath was the main reason for remarkable change in the hearts of Tarkhad family and also in their firm faith in Baba's spiritual powers. Baba Saheb consulted his close friends Kaka Mahajani, Jaykar and Purandhare who were Sai devotees before giving consent to his wife who insisted on his visit to Shirdi with them. Atlast father, mother and son travelled to Shirdi by train. On the way gents were playing cards to kill the time. A fakir approached Baba Saheb for

alms, he gave him a silver coin with the stamp of George V embossed on it. After they reached Shirdi Baba asked Mr Tarkhad whether he could recognise Him. He showed the same silver coin given last night and asked "Do you atleast recognise this which you had given me last night?". Tarkhad was trying to recollect but Baba told him" Hay, That fakir and myself were the same "..Then he bowed to Baba as this incident transformed him to a good devotee. He visited Shirdi several times and supplied petromax lights to Dwarakamai and rolls of cloth for Baba's kufni. He had lot of experiences and was the first treasurer of Sai Samsthan.




Sri Jyotindra, Son of Ramachandra Tarkhad( Chap 9 of SSS) defined the word SAI as follows -- SA means Saakshat (real), I means Ishwar (God),after experiencing the Divine powers of Sainath Prabhu in his very first meeting at Shirdi itself. Baba Himself gave darshan to Jyotindra in Mumbai in the guise of a 'Fakir'. We are aware that Baba has declared "I require no conveyance, carriage, tonga nor train nor aeroplane" and also "No door is necessary for my entry, I have neither shape nor size, I am always everywhere" . Yes, Baba's assurances are always true.

One day while Jyotindra was crossing the road to go to school (St Xaviers, Bombay) after lunch, a Fakir approached him for alms. Young student gave one copper paisa coin of the year 1894 assuring it was in circulation. The fakir blessed " Allah Bhala Karega". We will know Baba preserved the same to return to the boy at Shirdi in his first meeting.

How Tarkhad family was pulled to Shirdi? Mrs Atmaram Tarkhad ie., Jyotindra's mother had a chronic headache, which could not be cured by doctors. The family of Tarkhads was full of doctors. One of them was personal doctor to the then Viceroy. Somebody suggested her to approach Pir Moulana Baba residing near Bandra Masjid for suitable medicines. On seeing her, Moulana Baba advised to go to his brother at Shirdi for treatment. After getting details of location of Shirdi including route particulars both mother and son left for Shirdi.

The moment Baba saw them at Dwarakamai, He Himself told they were guided by His brother from Bandra to Shirdi. He blessed her with a 'Abhaya Hastha' with Udhi and said "Oh, Mother! from now onwards you will never get headache in your life", she got instant relief and was surprised to know that Baba Himself did what was required without their telling Him. Ofcourse this incident laid firm foundation of Sai devotion in her and son's heart.

Jyotindra who was observing Baba's peculiar treatment for his mother's headache was astonished and fell on Baba's feet as a mark of gratitude. Then Baba asked whether he could recognise Him. As he could not Baba narrated how He collected one paisa copper coin of 1894 while he was crossing the road on his way to the school. Now Jyotindra could recollect and caught hold of Baba's legs with tears of joy in his eyes. Then Baba confirmed it was He who received the coin and the Fakir and Himself were one and the same. To confirm this He showed the same coin and returned it to Jyotindra for preservation and worship.

We know from the above that Baba in His own mysterious ways pulled the sparrows(devotees) to Shirdi.




Lord Sainath ordered Sri S Subba Rao pleader, Gooty, Andhra Pradesh through a dream vision to do Dattatreya Nama Japa. Sri Rao narrated this in Sai Sudha of April' 1944 issue as follows :

"On or about the end of the 1st week of Feb'1944, I heard a voice in my sleeping moments saying "Make incessant nama japam of Dattatreya."I got up from the bed and thought that Baba has armed me with a weapon to ward off the calamity that is about to befall. I seriously resolved to make namajapam of Dattatreya as directed by Baba, but owing to my preoccupation with other wordly matters I could not do Namajapam. Next day Baba appeared as a judge in my dream and was very angry with me for my act of omission to do Namajapam. I got up and could not then understand because of Baba's indignation. I again slept and dreamt having seen gingelly seeds and having eaten them in large quantities. This is really a very bad dream and indicates death according to

the Science of dreams. I got up in the morning and was sorry for the bad dream. I got a letter from my son at an Engineering College, Guindy, that he was laid up in the in patient sick ward of Guindy hospital, suffering from a severe attack of asthma and in a precarious condition. This letter on the subsequent day ,reminded me of Baba's precaution on the previous night directing me to do Nama japam. I went before Baba's picture in my house, repented for my folly and made a serious namajapam of Datta. Three days after that I received a letter from my sick son at Guiindy that he was getting better by Baba's grace and that he would go over to Gooty inspite of his serious and awful weakness. I ran up to Madras to put him in a nursing home but the Doctor in charge advised for a change. I accompanied him to Gooty from Madras by day train inspite off his dreadful weakness entirely relying on Baba's Udhi and doing Datta Namajapam even in train. We reached Gooty

and he began to recover without any further medication. Even now I am doing Nama japam for his complete recovery."

Dear readers, The above narration reveals Baba's motherly care of His children. Baba's suggested to all to do Namajapa for warding off evils. Why Baba did not suggest Sai Nama instead of Datta Nama? Was there any connection between Datta and devotee? Did Baba feel the antidote for the problem which the devotee was facing Datta Nama? To speak frankly, a Sai only can understand Sai's language. Perhaps Baba wanted devotee world to know that He is Datta and there's no difference between Datta and Himself.. Did not Baba give Darshan to a devotee in Dwarakamai as a three headed Datta? Did He not redeem devotee's from vows to Datta? Above all. in the evening aarthi we pray "Na datta guru Sai mama javari kadhihi ruso"

Alla Malik!!




One day Baba Saheb Tarkhad and his son Jyotindra had a dream in which they saw a beautiful carved mandir with Baba seated on it. Accordingly they got a beautiful Sandal wood mandir carved by special carpenter. They needed Baba's portrait.

Let us see the wonderful way how Baba arranged His photo. One friday evening, both the father and son went to chor bazar in Bombay. A muslim shopkeeper ran to them and asked to collect parcel meant for them. As the shopkeeper was new to them, they asked him how did he know a parcel was meant for them. The shopkeeper narrated that one saintly, elderly person came to his shop and handed over the parcel and also paid Rs 50/- towards service charges. The elderly person wanted it to be given to a hindu father with an english hat and son wearing a black gandhi cap. Exactly Tarkhad and son wore hat and cap.

When they asked him to open the parcel it contained a framed photo of Lord Sainath suitable to be kept in the sandolwood mandir.

Later Tarkhad family went to Shirdi and had Baba's darshan in Dwarakamai. At the sametime Baba told a devotee who was trying to take Baba's photo "Please go to my Bhau's place where you will find me alive in the photograph in the mandir" Tarkdad's were very happy to hear this news and shed tears of joy.

Dear readers, Let us recapitulate Baba's declaration that there is no difference between Him and His photo. Did not Baba attend in the form of His photo Hemandpant's shimaga dinner? When Shama sought Baba's permission to go to Kaashi and Prayaga did not Baba say "WE would be ahead of Shama", actually Baba's photo was hung in Pujari's house in prayag?





Babu Rao Tukaram Kakade of Satara narrated his experience in June'1951 Sai Sudha as Follows:

In 1946,he started for Shirdi with his wife and children to attend Guru Purnima. Rains were pouring in at and near Shirdi.He took the evening train at Poona and reached Kopergoan around 2.30am,he knew none. Rains were pouring. He was helpless. Suddenly an old man came to him and asked him "What are you praying for?", Kakade answered "I wish to go to Shirdi". The old man took him and his family and engaged a tonga to go to Shirdi and suddenly disappeared when Kakade got into the carriage. Kakade then turned to thank him but could find no trace of him. When the tonga reached Godavari,

there was plenty of water in the river. The tonga driver did not wish to take the risk of crossing the river with occupants in it. Some other person appeared there and asked Kakade and wife to ford the river by walking. As for the two children the stranger carried them in his arms till the other bank was reached. The tonga stemmed the river freed from the human weight. Then Kakade turned to thank him but the stranger had left the children on the bank and disappeared."

Beloved Readers, Baba confirms from the above incident "If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it" Did not Baba Sai provide water to Chandorkar on harischandra hills in the guise of a Bhill? What is impossible for Omnipotent Sai?



NO !! A dream may be defined as a group of thoughts, images or feelings experienced during sleep or semi conscious state of mind. Let us confine to Sai Baba and His dreams. We know Baba has chosen dream visions for communicating any instruction to His devotees.

One Mr Muthu Swamier of OOty had written in October,1944 issue of Sai Sudha that all dreams and chits drawn are not correct. Let us note his practical experience in this regard. His son was an intelligent student. He appeared for SSLC exam. He was devoted to Lord Sai. He had a dream in which HH BVN Swamiji told he had failed in the exam. After waking he cast chits before Baba's photo. The chit picked up by him showed negative result. Being disturbed he left the house with some money. After two or three days the result was announced and the boy passed. Even though he returned home within 24 hours his faith in Baba and Swamiji was lost.

Sri Muthu Swamier opined that all dreams should not be taken as God sent and true visions are Visions of truth. He also noted that the constant consultation of Sri Sai Baba by anyone and everyone casting chits in any state of mind was a serious mistake. He felt a Sai surrendered soul had a right to consult Him. If a devotee was in immediate need of Baba's direction could draw chits. It should be for guidance not merely to get a prediction as from an astrologer.

Dear readers, now a days several devotees feel they got Sai's instructions through dreams, they even go to the extent that Sai Baba spoke to them. We cannot say NO, we have to believe as that is one way of guiding the devotee. Sometimes a doubt arises can't Baba appear in the dream of a concerned person instead of a mediator. Even if some gets a dream, Sai's Grace is a must for correct interpretation of the dream.

Drawing chits before Baba's photo is being done by ardent devotees like Narasimha Swamiji, HS Dikshit etc., Once Pujya Sivanesan Swamy told "People draw chits at times when they don't want to do a thing." If we seek Sai's guidance with full FAITH,He will guide.



The incident narrated below took place sixty years ago. As this throws light on how a fervent prayer results in an instant reply from Lord Sai, it is reproduced for the benefit of present day students of Saiism.

SK Viswanathan treated Baba as a loving mother, a tender father, a spiritual guide and Divinity Himself. He further declared "Sai lives with His devotees, showers His Grace and protects them with such love that no mother on earth can do." Such an ardent devotee had to undergo mental agony on account of His ten and half year old son's missing from home on 26-1-1944.All human efforts including reporting to the police were made.

He was assured by Swamy Kesavaiahji "Baba Helpsâ€, even palmists and astrologers assured that the boy would return safe. As he lost his thirteen year old son one and half year ago, no assurance gave him peace of mind. At last he cried out in silence to Him "If it my lot to loose this boy in accordance with my past bad karma, I will try to bear it, My Lord. But how can I bear the thought of the frenzy some who would attribute this mishap to me solely for worshipping Thee? Whether my boy is traced or not, whether you give me more suffering and agony, whatever worst may befall on me, I sought refuge at Thy Lotus feet and I shall not budge an inch, let Thy Will be done." This sincere cry gave him great relief and he slept with a calm mind. in the early hours he had a vision in which a tall, white robed

fakir beating the boy made him sit by his side and served sweets to both of them to eat. When he got up he felt he was greatly relieved. As usual he went to the office and received a telegram, which reads "Umapathi brought home safe." He thought whether this was a miracle or a test for him.

It appears the boy went to Madras in search of his mother who was then staying in Madras. The boy was fed by somebody during journey. The police caught him as a missing boy and handed over to Children Aid soceity, Egmore from where he was taken home by the boy's uncle.

Dear readers, his prayer was fervent with tears in his eyes and he was more worried if others attributed this mishap to Baba's worship. His decision not to leave Baba's feet under any circumstances is worth emulating by us. Let us try to realise that God is always impartial and we get nothing by accusing God.




In the 108 Glorious Names of Sri Sainath Prabhu, we come across

"AMARTHYAYA NAMAHA" ---- immortal ,

"KALATEETAYA NAMAHA" ----beyond limitations of time,

"KALAYA NAMAHA"-----Himself Time,

"KALAKAALAYA NAMAHA" -----Lord of Eternity.

When we worship Sai attributing the above qualities, there should not be any doubt about His continued Presence or Existence. Baba declared "I'm not the body or the senses. I’m Sakshi(witness)." In His words "I'm not confined within this body of three and a half cubits heights, I’m everywhere." Sainath though left His mortal coils on 15th,October,1918,He continues to remain in His subtle form (Sukshma sarira) with the option of taking stable or visible form at will ie ., Aparantaratma. Baba assured prior to His MahaSamadhi "My bones in My tomb will give you hope and confidence. Not only Myself but My tomb will be speaking,moving and communicating with those who would surrender whole heartedly to Me. You will hear My bones speaking and discussing your welfare." (SSS Chap 25).Let us realise why Sainath

Prabhu declared "I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body.Who is this me?" in His words "Barring your name and form, their exists in you as well as in all beings a sense of Being or consciousness of Existence. That is Myself." In the same chapters Sai is defined "This pure being, Consciuosness or Brahma,the ruler and controller of the senses and mind is the thing Sai...He pervades all animate and inanimate things and their Inner controller and ruler."

Immediately after giving up this body, Baba appeared in the dream of Lakshman Mama Joshi and said "Get up soon, Babusaheb thinks I'm dead and so he won't come, you do the worship and Kakada Aarathi." IN this way Baba got maintained the continuity of daily pujjas and arathis as usual. He appeared in the dream of DasGanu Maharaj on 16/10/1918 at Pandarpur and informed that the Masjid collapsed and he should His body with ample flowers. Mrs Pradhan and Pradhan's sister in law had dream visions and instructions. There are many more such instances. Let us note the matured and authoritative opinion of HH Sivananda Swamiji as seen in his foreword to 'Life of Sai Baba' by HH BV Narasimha Swamiji "As such, He is in a state of oneness with God and does even after casting aside the outer physical form. Sri

Sai Baba continues His sublime work of Lokahita in an invisible form through His abode of Shirdi." This confirms Baba is immortal, birthless and deathless.

Please repeat "Victory to thee,O Immortal Saint of Shirdi"



We know Baba Sai got several Temples repaired at Shirdi from out of Dakshina amount, sometimes through destined devotees.Ofcourse His abode was a dilapitated Masjid which He named Dwarakamai, also got repaired in 1911.

The experience narrated by Doma Venkata Swamy Gupta's father in law in Sai Sudha of March'1945 issue is given below.

"When Baba was in the flesh, this gentleman accompanied his master the Late Gummadalli Lakshmi Narayana of Secunderabad to Shirdi and both took Darshan of Baba many times. GL was an ordinary merchant not very rich at that time. On one occasion Baba told him "You have to build a Lakshmi Narayan Temple". GL asked Baba "What the probable cost would be?" Baba replied "Rs 6 lakhs" GL was aghast as he had not with him even a fraction of that amount. GL therefore believed that this was either a joke or some meaningless statement of Baba. But within two years his own business flourished and he became an owner of many lakhs and could spare 6 lakhs. At that time Baba had attained Maha Samadhi. Anyhow GL obeyed the direction of Baba and constructed Lakshmi

Narayana temple in Secunderabad costing about 6lakhs inclusive of the permanent funds. It is still there well maintained and well managed by GL's children.



Mr SB Deo, a staunch devotee of Baba met with an accident and sustained multiple injuries and fractures at Bhiwandi near Bombay on 31st Dec'1951.He was rushed to the hospital and was discharged on 23/3/1952. During his stay in the hospital he casually asked his friend Shantharam" Bhau! Baba was kind enough in 1902 to send Udhi and Aarthi from Shirdi to Jamner for Sri Nana Saheb Chandorkar at the time of his daughter's delivery. Am I so fortunate that Baba should send me here Udhi and Prasad from Shirdi now in 1952?" On hearing this Shantharam assured that Baba would certainly do as Deo's father and Deo were ardent devotees of Baba. Though it was a casual wish Bhaktha Paradina Sanath heard this. Next day Mr Shankar Rao of Bhiwandi met Deo in the hospital and told he came to deliver Udhi and Prasad which he

brought from Shirdi on the previous day.

It appears that Shankar Rao had gone to Ahmednagar for his work and returned via Shirdi. While at Shirdi Sri Vittal Rao Marathe, a Samsthan singer enquired whether he knew Deo and was aware of the accident. Sri Rao replied in the affirmative. Then the Samsthan singer gave Udhi, Prasad after ascertaining it would be delivered to Mr Deo.

Like this Baba had repeated what He did at the time of Minathai's delivery. We all know Ram Ghir Bhua was given Udhi, Harathi song at Shirdi and Baba in the form of a cartman received Ramghir and took him to Nana Saheb Chandorkar's house in the cart. What is not possible for an Omni Potent Sai?



The seventh Nama in the 108 Glorious Names of Sai is 'Om Sri Sai Sarvahrunnilayaya Namaha' which means salution to Pranava Swarupa Sai who dwells in the hearts of all. The 68th Nama is 'Om Sri Sai Sarvantaryamine Namaha' which means Salutions to Sri Sai who is all pervasive. Sri Sai Satcharitra gives a number of incidents to show the above attribute of Sai. Sai Baba Himself declared "I'm the inner ruler of all and I am seated in their hearts. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world is my Body and Form( Chap 3). A Sarvartaryami Sai only could push His arm into the ever burning Dhuni of Dwarakamai to save a blacksmith's child who slipped into the furnace at a far off place.

Once Mrs Tarkhad, an intimate devotee of Baba gave a piece of bread to a hungry dog before going to Dwarakamai for the Noon Harathi. Baba was pleased with this act of the devotee and said "Mother! You have fed Me sumptuously upto my throat, My afflicted Pranas have been satisfied. First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself. A dog which you saw before meals and to which you gave bread is one with me so also other creatures( cats, pigs, flies etc.,) I'm roaming in their forms. He who sees Me in all creatures is My beloved (Chap 9).On another occasion Baba called Laxmibai Shinde and said "O Lakshmi! I'm very hungryâ€, she immediately ran to her house, prepared bread and vegetable and brought it to the Masjid. Baba who was very hungry gave it to a dog. When Laxmibai was unhappy to see that Baba did not

eat her bread, Sai said to her "The appeasement of the dog's hunger is the same as mine. The dog has soul as mine. The creatures may be different but the hunger of all is the same. He who feeds the Hungry, really serves Me with food. Regard this as axiomatic truthâ€. How wonderfully Baba has taught us, His children to see Him in all creatures. This great lesson is not to laxmibai alone but to all at all times.

In Chap 15 of Sai Satcharitra Omnipresent Sai declares "Though I am here bodily still I know what you do beyond the seven seas. Worship Me always who is seated in your heart as well as in the hearts of all beings. Blessed and Fortunate indeed is he who knows Me thus". Baba says that he who knows that He is seated in all hearts is blessed and fortunate one. We may add here one can conquer lust, anger, greed, jealously, hatred and egoism(six enemies of man), If one thinks that every other man's heart is Sai's abode. It is because we cannot hate Sai, we cannot be jealous of Sai so on and so forth. We have to respect and love every creature who is a Sai Swarupa.

Let us Pray to all merciful Sai to give us the eyesight to see Him in all creatures.



Sri Keravar Ramachandra Phadatale visited Shirdi first in the year 1896 at the age of 10.The experience narrated below occurred after 54 years ie., 1950 as narrated in Sai Sudha,June'1951.

"He had Rs 9 and odd in this pocket. That was clean scissored of by someone in the crowd. This he noticed after Midday Arthi. Some friends then offered to pay him his rail fare to Poona. But this devotee declined it saying "If Baba gives me money, I will go to Poona. Else I shall reside permanently at Shirdi". One morning he went out to ease himself and sat on ground near the stream in the village boundary. He was then unintentionally racking up the sands of the bed of the stream in front of him. Lo! and Behold!! he picked up from under the dry sand, a ten rupee note and one rupee note. He rejoiced to see that all the anger he vented on Baba for loss of his money resulted in the recoupement of the lost money. He informed his friends of it and he got back to Poona".

Dear Readers, Baba has special way of solving devotees' problems. In the above case the devotee took a firm decision of not leaving Shirdi till he got money. This decision must have moved Omniscient Sai to arrange money. By adding 'Shraddha' and 'Saburi' to nine types of devotion, Baba gave eleven assurances (He lost Rs 9 and got Rs 11).



"You have studied very hard, but this year the planetary position is not favourable". This was what an astrologer told the son of Mrs Tendulkar reg his examination.. " Tell your son to believe in Me, to throw aside horoscopes and predictions of Astrologer's and Palmists and go on with his studies. Let him appear for the examination with a calm mind, he is sure to pass this year" (Baba's advice to Mrs Tendulkar).

'Astrology' is the art of understanding the supposed influence on events, character and fate of the groups and positions of the sun, moon, stars and planets and of telling the future from them. The famous phrase "other things being equal" applies here also. Other things are date, time and place of birth. Now a days the observations of any two astrologers do not tally. Baba used to say in a philosophical way 'What you sow, you reap'.

Let us see some cases where Baba proved what astrologers said was not correct:

One devotee Mr Scindha of Harda was reminded of his vow in the year 1903 to Datta. Baba questioned in the year 1911, " Where was there any male progeny in your destiny,I tore this body and gave you one"

Nana Saheb Dengle, a famous astrologer told Sriman Bhutti "Today is an inauspiciuos day for you. There is a danger to your life" , "Let us see how death kills" was Baba's reply.

Damu Anna who had no issues astrologically was blessed by Baba to have 8 children (Amra lila,Chap 25 of SSS).

Once an astrologer gave a book to Baba perhaps for consecration. Baba instead of returning to him gave it to Bhutti. Some devotees feel that this incident proves Baba's approval for astrology. It is left to the discretion of learned devotees as the purpose of this article is to create confidence in the minds of devotees whether Baba approved or not. Are we not worshipping Baba as "KARMADHVANSINE NAMAHA" . Let us remember His assurance "If one ever meditates on Me, repeates My Name, sings My Deeds and is thus is transformed into Me once karma is destroyed". Then Why fear? Baba is there.




Dear Readers, We are all aware that Pujya Narasimha Swamiji brought Sai to the door steps of devotees who do not know Marathi through His books in English, articles in newspapers and meetings. May we have always His blessings. Sri Nagesh V Gunaji, author of Sri Sai Satcharitra in english really did yeoman service to english knowing people through that book. Otherwise we would not have known about Sai Baba. Let Us offer our Pranams to him. He himself had written his own experience of Sai Baba to the editor of Sai Sudha(July 1951) as narrated below:

"Some of my friends after reading Sri Sai Satcharitra (english) ask me what are my experiences of Sai Baba. I reply them that they are many, but what is the use of recounting them all? Take only one instance --- This Sai Satcharitra (english). I'm not a scholar of the english language and I never intended to write this book, but inspite of this, Sai Baba got it done by me--- how I have related in my prefix to that book. I do not want to repeat the same here.

Coming to a recent experience on Thursday,12-4-1951 at 8pm.I was returning home in Thalakwadi by the congress road with a friend. He crossed the Railway crossing gate in front of Venktesh Vilas Tea club and went towards his home in Thalakwadi east and I started straight to buy some Pedhas in a front sweetmeat shop for offering them as Naivedya to Sai Baba after Arathi as it was a Thursday. After going a few steps I noticed a motor car coming in front of me. To avoid its track I turned to one side (right) but to my great surprise, the motor driver turned his car in the same direction and brought it straight on me and threw me down. I was unconscious for a few seconds and then rose up. The passers by assembled near me and said that --- they thought I was gone and they were wonderstruck to see me rising and

standing. I asked the motor driver why he turned his motor car towards me. He replied that he wanted to save some other passengers that were standing in front of his car before and so he gave the turn. Then I went to the sweetmeat shop, brought the pedas, went home and offered the same after waving the Arathi and then went to bed and I had Good sleep that night. Next morning I got my self examined by a doctor who said after examining me thoroughly that there was nothing wrong and everything was alright.

It was Sai Baba's grace that saved me from this accident and kept me hearty and hale with no injury of any sort.

Bow to Sri Sai

Peace be to all!!!


Dear Readers, Baba always say if we serve Him, He will serve us. He further declared He always thinks of His devotees wherever they may be and run to their rescue in times of need.


(Baba attends Puja on 28-2-1944)

Sai Baba declared that those who think that HE was at Shirdi did not understand Him. He further declared He did not require any conveyance to go anywhere. It is stated that in Chap 40 of SSC, when the devotees surrender themselves completely to Sadguru, He sees that the religious function in their houses are duly executed and comply with all the necessary formalities. Let us know from the narration given by Mrs.GS.Devi in Sai Sudha of May 1944 that the above statements are true to the word and letter:

HH BV Narasimha Swamiji, Founder President AISS visited Konakandla village in Ananthapur district of AP on 28-2-1944.He was taken in a procession, ofcourse with Sainath's photo with full honours to the residence of the Host, Sri Venkoba Rao.The person resembling a fakir with a dirty and torn cloth, bundle of rags on his head and old papers bundle in his hands accompanied them in the procession. He even took Arathi with Pujya Narasimha Swamiji,three persons observed him but thinking he is a mad man they ignored.Pujya Swamiji distributed thirtha, prasad to the devotees present. This fakir went to some other house and had his food. He came to Swamiji again and remarked "Are you meeting me tomorrow at Vajrakarur Mister?" This he asked in english (We know that Baba used to speak all languages including

english from the statement of Shama to HH BV NarasimhaSwamy). Venkoba Rao felt the fakir was disturbing Pujya Swamiji and asked him to leave the place.

That night Mrs GS Devi had a dream in which she saw a 6 yr old known boy addressing her "Aunty, Aunty What is this sleep? Food without Ghee was served, I was driven out thinking I was a mad man by your brother, Did you notice?"

She was initially confused on hearing this but later caught hold of boy's feet and repented for what had happened. Sri Venkoba Rao was informed of this dream at the time of Thursday Puja. On hearing this he and his wife took a vow not to touch food till the fakir comes in the same fashion. On the second day evening at 8 pm "Baba" entered their house, Venkoba Rao without taking any chance fell on the fakir's feet. He offered hot milk and delicious food. Mrs Devi expressed her desire of writing Sri Sai Charitra and sought His blessings. He advised her to go to Shirdi for a reply. He advised Mr and Mrs Rao to have food as they didnot have anything for the past two days. Though He wanted to tell about some wordly problems they did not give any chance because again Maya would play her part. Later he took rest and


Dear readers, What a fine message Baba has conveyed through the above incidence. Let us call Him from the bottom of our heart and enjoy His bliss. He declared "I rest where there is full devotion".


Though it is confirmed that Baba is neither a muslim nor a Hindu, devotees of yester years and today doubt Baba belongs to Islam by His external appearance. We have read in Sai Satcharitra He lived in a dilapitated Masjid christened 'Dwarakamai',He allowed Akhanda Dhuni, Akhanda Deep Bell, Tulsi Brindavan there. At the sametime He did not discourage mohamedans also to pray as per their custom. Before His Maha Samadhi, he removed His langoti and asked devotees present to judge whether He was a muslim or hindu. Even in Dhulia Magistrate court He declared His religion was 'Parvardhigar'(GOD).Strictly speaking He is above religion, region, cast, creed.

We know He gave darshan in the form of 'Ishta Devatha' or Guru to some devotees who were reluctant to seek His blessings. In the incident narrrated below another saint asked his devotee to do Sai puja (Sai Sudha,MArch'1944) :

" Sri V Swaminadha Iyer of Mayavaram arranged Sai puja on 6-2-1944 and for the purpose he requested Maruthur Santhana Ganapatigal(purohit) to come with four other vedic brahmins. ON his expressing inability he requested a local Sastrigal to come with four pandits for the puja. Though he consented the brahmins did not turn for the puja till 10 am. But the Sastrigal came only at 10.30 am and when questioned he said "the previous day, doubting that Baba is a muslim, I decided not to attend the puja, but on 6-2-44 at 5.30am Sri Kanchi Kama Koti Peetathipati Sankaracharya Swamigal appeared in my dream and directed me ,'You go to Mayavaram junction immediately and do my puja there, don't doubt'. Having heard this dream, i went out immediately and told all vedic pandits and came with four others for this puja this is the reason for my

late coming. Out of ignorance i committed a mistake in doubting Baba's divinity. Certainly Baba is an Avatar and there cannot be any objection."

Dear readers, it is said that we are not supposed to know 'Nadi mulam' and 'Rishi Mulam' (origin of a river and a rishi) and try to keep ourselves away from the controversy of religion.




Samartha Ramadas of Sajjanghad had a disciple by name Madhukar. One day he sent out for alms. He went to an astrologer's house and asked "Bhavathio Bikshan dehi" .The astrologer himself offered biksha and enquired the name and other particulars of the boy as per his professional nature. After some calculations he told Madhukar that would die on the next day. Madhukar went to ashram and developed high fever .The unpleasant words of the astrologers were ringing his ears. He narrated what all happened to the Samartha who assured nothing would happen to his life. Samartha covered his body with a woolen blanket and instructed madhukar to hold fast it under any circumstances. As Yama dhuthas failed Yama Himself came on His Buffallo. He too could not take his life. After recovery Madhukar went to the astrologer’s house and shouted "Is there any one in this universe who can harm a servant of Samarth

Ramdas" .The astrologer heard a voice but could not believe his ears. He wondered how did his prediction go wrong. Having under stood the situation he realised the greatness of Samrtha Ramadas. He went to Him who advised "from now onwards never frighten any one by telling their time of death instead use our knowledge for better purposes" Brothern, astrological prediction, suffering on account of past karmas or anything which is not possible to overcome thro human effort a Samartha can do. Let us always crave for the grace of Samartha Sadguru. Nowadays there is no dearth of gurus. Let us seek Baba's guidance thro Sai Satchrithra regarding qualifications of a Samarth sadguru and act. In the year 1918 one Gulveshshastri went to shirdi for doing gangajal abhishek to Sai Baba . Later Shastri sought Baba's permission to go to Sajjanjghad on Ramanavami day. Baba said "I am there as well as here"when Sastri went to Sajjanghad to his surprise he saw Sai in

physical form and did charan seva for a while before Baba disappeared. Brothers how fortunate we are we have some connection with Sainath and Shirdi ..Let us perpetuate and make proper use of our contact with Sai. Let us glorify Sai and His leelas and receive His Grace.






Lord Sainath helps devotees in discharging there social and moral obligations by doing good and auspicious (Mangala) things. The incident narrated below prove this. Pl note how Baba helped parents to perform their children’s' marriages.

One Mr.V.N Chary of Madras was worried and vexed about his sixth daughter's marriage. One day in March,1954 while he was sleeping, he heard the words "Go to Kanjivaram". Immediately he got up and did Sai Puja. He went to Kanjivaram and performed puja to Lord Varada Raja Perumal and came out. Suddenly a stranger came to him and asked the purpose of his visit. Chary replied he came for selecting a boy for his 6th daughter. Then the stranger directed Chary to a house where a beautiful and nice boy from Kirki was staying .Chary selected that boy and performed marriage. The stranger must be Lord Sainath as Chary was His devotee.

Sona Bhai of Chennai was worried about her son's marriage. Having tried and failed in selecting a girl, she took a vow that she would not touch the mango fruit till the marriage was over. She wanted to offer 12 fruits to Baba and distribute to devotees before she ate. On the advice of devotee friends, she started reading Dabholkar's Sai Satcharitra. One day in June,1954 Baba appeared in her dream and asked "You promised me to give 12 mangai (unripe mangoes),where are they?" So saying Baba disappeared. She wondered why and how Baba demanded mangoes without fulfilling her desire. But her daughter advised her to offer mangoes to Baba and distribute, leaving the result to Baba.. She was continuing her Satcharitra Parayana and completed 3/4th by 1954. An allaince came and the marriage was also







Anna Saheb Dabholkar,author of Sri Sai Satcharitra advised the devotees to dive deep and pick out the precious gems from the book. In chapter 35th, we are taught to destroy teli's wall (sense of difference) so that we can see Baba face to face. In Baba's words "pull down that wall of the 'teli' the wall of separateness between you and me. The way will then be wide open for us to meet each other."

We know there is no physical wall separating us from Baba, we should mould our mind, heart and body in such a way that we are one with Him.

Some hints for self checking:

1. Are we seeing Baba in all creatures?

2. Are we paying dakshina of 'Shraddha' and 'Saburi' to Him?

3. "If one ever meditates on Me, repeats My Name, sings My Name and is thus transformed into Me, one's karma is destroyed. I stay by His side" Are we doing?

4. "I am dependent on Him who thinks and hungers after Me and who does not eat anything without first offering it to Me." Is SAI dependent on us?

5. Do we feel that our body is His service at His will and not our will and convenience?

6. From the bottom of our hearts, do we love Baba more than anybody else?

7. Are we reading Satcharitra as a matter of routine or trying to become "Satcharitramrutam" ourselves?

8. Are we exploiting innocent devotees for our name and fame by projecting ourselves instead of Baba, STORE HOUSE of all power?

Brethren, these questions are not intended for any specific person. It is only for our self analysis (including myself). Unless our false ego is annihilated, there may not be any chance to demolish the "teli's wall".


(NOTE: Mrs Indira Kher,in the footnote of chap 35 clarified teli is the oil man. Baba often used the words 'teli' and 'vani' as symbolic of undesirable tendency. Oil is sticky and soft and is considered to be a symbol of the love of wordly life)





It is our experience that we do not get bad odour from a genuine saint's body because of His food habits, purit of soul and heart and constant contact with Paramatma. We read in books that Baba used to take bath at will and not regularly. Ofcourse, there is no evidence that He had taken 'rose water' bath. If anybody reminded Him regarding bath, He used to say that He had just then taken bath in river Ganges. We sing in Harathi "KASI SNANA JAPA,PRATI DIVASI"Baba used to clean intestines and dry them on a tree before putting back into His body. He even used to separate limbs. Everyday He used to wash His face, mouth, hands, egs with plenty of water.


On a Sivarathri day, egha a close devotee, anted to do Abhishek to Saieswar with Gangajal and brought water from river Godavari.. Though Baba was asking him to put water on His head, in his over enthusiasm he poured water on Baba's head and body. To the surprise of all, Baba's kufni was dry. Then Baba told "Hey! you know ganga flows out of Lord Siva's head without touching His body" (What a marvellous truth Sai is Siva is revealed)

Once Sai Baba asked Master Tarkhad to accompany Him to Lendi Baugh to wash His kufni and dry without touching the ground. Baba entered the bathroom covered with tins and the boy was waiting for the kufni. Having waited for sufficiently reasonable time outside the bathroom, the boy peeped into the room and found Sai Baba's body was emanating rays of light from each and every pore of His body. Then Baba gave His kufni for washing. The boy washed and was holding in his hands for drying(let us note the condition that the kufni should not touch the ground).Instead of loosing wait with the passage of time the kufni became heavier and the boy had to pray to Lord Hanuman for strength so that he would pass Baba's test.Baba asked "Oh Boy! why are you seeking Hanuman's strength?" with this words of Baba, the kufni lost

it's weight.

Dear brethren, Is it necessary for Sai who is Eswara to have regular bath as we do? Are we not aware that Baba had Sun and Moon bath and also Rain bath under the Neem tree. Let us pray and Have bath of His Grace.




A Temple Built in a Pure Heart is the Permanent Seat of God !!!

Dil Se....Rohit Behal


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