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The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.

This is interesting to note ..

If problem is my knee .. the solutions is on the floor ?(literally)

Then ( scrool down .. ) if i kneel to the Lord .. with my

Knee on the Floor ... My knee touches the solution ( floor )!


The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.


Then after my prayers , I stand up to ANYTHING !!




--- On Wed, 4/2/09, Basanthie Sewsunker <sewsunkerb wrote:

Basanthie Sewsunker <sewsunkerb THE LOVE OF GOD Date: Wednesday, 4 February, 2009, 3:46 PM

Let us all know who God is and what He can do for all of us..







I Know

· I know He is the beginning, so why do I worry about the end? · I know He is the creator, so why do I wonder who will destroy?

· I know He has forgiven me, so why can't I forgive myself? · I know He is the healer, so why do I speak of

sickness? · I know He can do all things, so why do I say I can't? · I know He will protect me, so why do I fear? · I know He will supply all my needs, so why can't I wait? · I know he is my strength and salvation, so why do I feel weak? · I know that everything and everyone has a season, so why when someone's season is over do I weep instead of rejoice? ·

I know He is the right way, so why do I go the wrong way? · I know He is the light, so why do I choose to walk in darkness? · I know that whatever I ask of GOD, GOD will give me, so why am I scared to ask? ·

I know that tomorrow is not promised, so why do I put off for tomorrow what I can do today? · I know that the truth shall make me free, so why do I continue to lie? · I know He gives us revelation, knowledge and understanding, so why do I lean on my own understanding? · I know I should live in the spirit as well as walk in the spirit, so why do I choose to live in the spirit but walk in the flesh? · I know that when praises go up, blessings come down, so why do I refuse to praise Him? · I know I am saved, so why do I refuse

the word He has given me? · I Know He has a plan for me, so why am I rushing it because I am eager to do His will, when it is His time not my time? The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.






Bessie SewsunkerAssistant AdministratorInformation Systems & TechnologyUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)Private Bag X54001Durban 4000SOUTH AFRICATel : 031 - 2607051Fax : 031 - 2607251e-mail : sewsunkerb






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