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Inner Peace

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Inner Peace


Many of us feel a sense of inner peace when we're out in nature. We feel a sense

of timelesness. We become aware of our own almost insignificance in relation to

it. We can't change it; we can't control it. But the thought is somehow

reassuring. We feel content to be a part of something so awe-inspiring and

unarguably " there " .


There's a sense of balance and harmony in nature. Seasons come and go with

regularity. There are cycles of life, giving and receiving in a beautiful

harmonious whole. Even cataclysmic events-storms, earthquakes, floods-are part

of a larger harmony, a natural cycle of growth and change. Nature is always

becoming. The beauty of nature constantly unfolds in accordance with its laws.


Nature teaches us more about inner peace. It reminds us that there are laws and

that they are in control. With that reminder is a sense of comfort that there is

order in the universe. We might as well attempt to reorder the seasons or annul

the effects of gravity as to change the consequences of violating natural law in

the human dimension. We simply cannot be a law unto ourselves without

consequence. Inner peace and quality of life come only as we discover and align

with the fundamental Laws of Life.


The inner peace we are talking about is obviously more than the absence of war.

It is not a retreat into the wilderness to avoid the complexities and conundrums

of daily living. The inner peace we are talking about is a function of our deep

inner life. It's joyful living. It's found in the midst of life, not in retreat

from it.


To the many devotees who sought real treasures, the ocean of love and mercy,

Lord Sainath warned his devotees of roadblocks viz. ego, pride, anger, greed,

jealousy, etc. in attaining this inner peace and gave his words of wisdom and

the two fundamental principles in attaining inner peace viz. Faith and Patience.


To Abdul, Baba said, " Vices (actions that produce bad habits) can overpower a

man. Do not be under their control, triumph over them. If one truly

discriminates, good qualities will arise in one and keep company until the end

of one's life and will serve one well bringing inner peace " .


Take a moment and think about your own life. What does " inner peace " mean to

you? Where does it come from? Are you satisfied with the amount and quality of

inner peace in your life?

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