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We thankyou very much for your efforts .


How many many of us running around .. but with minds on this

news about this new campus of swami ..


Thank you sairam



sairam sairam sairam

sai rukmani


--- On Sat, 14/2/09, satish naik <satishnaik22mba wrote:

satish naik <satishnaik22mba[sAIBABADIVINE] A DRIVE WITH SWAMI TO MUDDANA HALLIsaibabanews Cc: satishfromparthiDate: Saturday, 14 February, 2009, 8:06 PM








Om Sri Sai Ram dearest Sai Family, Muddanahalli the beautiful place discovered by Swami, rather invented by Swami was blessed by His divine visit this morning to lay the foundation stone for the new university campus which will be affiliated to Sri Sathya Sai University thus summing up to 4 campuses. A small village in the foot hill of beautiful Nandi hills, 5 kms from Chickbalapur was beautifully decorated on the occassion of the divine visit. It was my first visit to this beautiful place which I didnt think it would be so

beautifully beautiful. Swami out of His immense grace blessed me with an opportunity to follow His car and it was first of its kind

SAI adventure and it was full of fun.It also depicted the love of devotees for Swami and the kind of

love He tends to shower on His dear ones..

All the way it was just a reflection of Sai Love. The car started from Puttaparthi. All the devotees were very much

sure that Swami would be going for a day to Muddanahalli. All the streets were lined up with eagerly waiting devotees with happiness on thier faces to have a closer look at the Son of Holy Puttaparthi, Our beloved Lord. It was not an

emotional one as it usually is, because all knew He would be gone only for a day. At 8:45am Swami came out for darshan and after quick arathi and while it was still going on,Swami came out to the streets of Puttaparthi. All the Hospital inmates (except the patients) were eagerly waiting for Swami at the hospital area. All faces lit up

after seeing Swami. Swami's car now passed by the villages and the people were very happy to see Swami. Swami was travelling in Toyota Innova seated on the rear end and there were few more Toyotas of the same colour in the convoy and it was little bit confusing for the devotees waiting on the road to pick the right Toyota and to add to the confusion Swami's regular Porte car was also there.Many were left guessing after all the cars passed by.. Swami slowed down a bit near Bagepalli to bless the Orphanage and old age home. and in no time we were in chickbalapur, the familiar

coffee hault for all the devotees coming to Parthi. Muddanahalli is about 5 kms from there. Just as we crossed Chicbalapur we took a right turn and huge flexi banners welcoming Swami and also small arches with beautiful floral decorations were seen. The first one read Hoping for your Divine visit very soon. Thats the expectation we all have. Swami's darshans can never be ENOUGH. From the busy streets of puttaparthi, to the dusty roads and then to a not UPTO the mark highway we entered the premises of Muddanahalli which is in a very quiet environment, away from the dust and smoke. Like the atmosphere,even the people there were very sweet. The first sight of the beautiful place made me feel as if I was taken to a hill station. All the way, people were standing some singing bhajans, some giving arathi, some with padukas, some holding large photos of Swami ofcourse many were left guessing which car Swami was seated...All the roads were beautifully decorated with rangolis, small temples bearing Swami's photos. It was like a festival for all the villagers there and why not, the Avatar of this Age has decided to visit their home sparing some precious

hours from His busy schedule. Excellent arragements were made for all the devotees. Swami after finishing the bhoomi puja for the new campus came on

the beautifully decorated dias in His car chair. The hall had a capacity of about 5000 people and there were three speakers

the last one being Mr.Narasimha Murthy.

As Swami also speaks fluent kannada, every one thought Swami would give His divine discourse in kannada, but Swami started His divine discourse in telugu with a sweet verse which was sung by Him on various occassions in the recent past. Parama Pavanamaina Bharata vani yandu, sahana mannade manaku chakka danamu.. (in this holyland of Bharath, what is most beautiful is patience) Vratamulannitiyandu vanne ganchina yatti ghana sathya seelame khatina tapamu (out of all the rituals, adherence to truth is the highest form of penance). pranambu kantenu manambe ghana manu mana desa neetini mantagalipi (the country which considers self respect more than one's own life is no longer like that) netikichiri para desa neetula rasi (due to rapid westernisation) . Aura! emandu Bharatha palanambu (Alas, what has happened to this country?) Enugetula tana balamu eruga lekunnado atula ayyinaru Bharateeyulu nedu (Indians have become like an elephant which doesnt know its own strength). (Even though Karnataka people understand telugu very well, Mr.Narasimha Murthy came next to Swami to translate but

Swami continued to speak non stop in telugu with no interpretation) Truth is every where. Embodiments of love! the reason for My visit is to give proper education facilities to children of this area. Today there are no colleges in this area. After finishing the school the children have to go to cities. They don't have any money. You all know how it is in cities. It is very expensive. For children who have to pursue higher education some times they give up failing to cope with the expenses. That is why I have DECIDED to give quality education. You all have so many Shakthis. Among all the shakthis, DURAASA(greediness) Shakthi is very fierce now a days. With greediness comes sorrow. Greediness will bring peacelessness. You have to look with in and realise the Atma and to give all the children this knowledge I have decided to open up a campus here. That is MY ONLY DESIRE..

Today, unfortunately spirituality is lacking even in villages. There are not many who are chanting Rama, Krishna and so on. So to teach the highest form of Knowledge, to make the children well aware of the teachings and significane of Bhagawatam, Ramayana, Gita I have opened up this new campus. This kind of knowledge, will help the children to become noble citizens. All know about God. You have to practice and share all the knowledge of God. Today I laid the foundation stone.. Amidst loud applauds Swami announced that In 6 months this will be ready. NO ONE CAN GIVE A TIME FRAME LIKE THIS. When I WILL it is bound to happen. Super hospital in Puttaparthi was opened in less than year's time. I announced that it will be ready by November 23. There was heavy rain the preceding day. Every where there were pits and mud. Every one thought, will the hospital be functional. There were few more equipments to be brought in for the operation to commence. In no time a big truck with all the necessary equipments arrived and it was 11pm by then. Doctors were called upon and on the first day 3 operations were performed.All operations were successful and

the patients were discharged in 5 days.

By 2010 february 14 everything should be finished. People should have confidence. All of you have studied english. You all know the story of a poor boy. Because of his poverty he couldn't go out, he couldnt attend the school because all the children were laughing at his dress, at his financial situation. His mother poured lot of confidence in this boy. She said God is with us. believe in God. Have God in mind. The child taking confidence from his mother, started studying under the street lights. To bear cold he covered himself with gunny bags. The same child, in the later stages was president of America. He is Abraham Lincoln. After becoming the President he didnt forget his mother. He said, it is only because of his mother he is in this stage. Today's world is in total confusion. All are in search of God. God is no where else but within you. You should change the society. Only God's grace can change the whole world. So always keep God in mind. Only then the whole world will be happy. Treat yourself as a servant and not a master. today you see all the Members of Parliaments, ministers, All these positions are temporary. Atma is eternal. One who realises this truth will be succesful. Next year 14 february I will come for the opening of the new campus. I will give all the financial support needed for this.Don't worry about money. When Lakshmi is in My heart, there won't be any shortage of money. I don't ask any body for money and you too don't ask for money to any one. I am not concerned of any big expenses. I declare something

and it is bound to happen. All will be Surprised when I finish a task. Dont leave your spiritual path. That is the highest Shakthi. You will be blessed with all that you want when you have God in your heart. Swami in a lighter note and suprising every one very sweetly asked Am I irritating you with My talk, for which there was a big NO..LEDU SWAMI from the devotees. Swami later continued.. all those who have assembled here are very fortunate. Just have faith in God. All your worldly problems will be solved. While Swami was talking, some one from the crowd said, Swami we feel like we are in heaven.. to which Swami said, very happy... very happy.. It was 12:15 by then Swami then continued

When you meet some one instead of saying hello, hai, you ask dear brother how are you? say namaskaram. Don't forget your parents are God. Don't disappoint them in any time.. They should never shed tears. God will give EVERY THING to children who take of their parents.Many foreigners who come here are becoming more and more spiritual. In another 18 years the whole world will change. There will be peace and tranquilty.It will be an universal world. Swami then sang one of His favourite bhajans Prema Mudita and it was very very sweet.. after the bhajan He continued Get good name to your parents and give them all the happiness. THAT IS WHAT I WANT. Do you think Swami's happiness is different from your happiness... no..no.. Your happiness is MY HAPPINESS. If you are happy and give happiness to parents IAM HAPPY.. so saying

Swami filling our hearts with HAPPINESS concluded His 45 min HAPPY discourse HAPPILY.. Swami asked the children to sing songs and after 2 songs arathi was given to Swami and it was 12:30 by then. After a short break Swami left for Puttaparthi at 1:30 and it was another joyous ride back to Parthi. Swami amidst tons of happiness returned to His own physical abode Puttaparthi as Students from Swami's primary school and other devotees welcomed Him with a sweet smile.. Thus ended a beautiful journey with LORD and a beautiful day full of Sai Love.. Swami is so sweet like river which always likes giving giving and we are like the sea water who always like taking and give nothing.. Time has come for all of us to gear up and SET ASIDE THE MAYA and get into serious spiritual sadhana. Time is running short and there is no short cut to Mukthi. Be it a millionaire or a pauper every one has to get into MUKTHI path and why not start now when our beloved Lord is there to guide us and take us to the highest level... Swami says VERY SOON the whole world will be ONE and to achieve this it is our duty to give our share to that achievement. Brothers and sisters lets join together to IGNITE the God in us to know the real HUMAN ness. With Loving pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord, R.Satish Naik.. from Kaliyuga's Mathura Puttaparthi (humble apologies if any mistakes were rolled in this report)


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