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Request for life size photo of Swami on the chariot

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Om Sai Ram dear brother and sisters!


I would really appreciate it if anyone could purchase the life size photograph of Swami on the Golden Chariot from the Prasanthi bookshop. I am willing to pay the for the cost and the postage expenses. I am also attaching a sample photo.


I want to frame this for my pooja room at home. My postal address is:-


54 Primrose Drive




KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa



With Sai regards



Bessie SewsunkerAssistant AdministratorInformation Systems & TechnologyUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)Private Bag X54001Durban 4000SOUTH AFRICATel : 031 - 2607051Fax : 031 - 2607251e-mail : sewsunkerb







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