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Sai Shiva

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Taken from various Discourses of Swami :


Shiva, Parameswara is represented by the Wonderful LINGA, which is the most divine act of creation. It represents life for everyone and everything. The Linga has three parts. The Bottom is Brahma, meaning Creation of everything in the Universe, whatever was, is and will be created is represented by the Brahma part of the Shivalingam .


The middle or the second part is on the pedestal and is shaped like a Womb Vishnu, Which means the Supreme Being in the Universe, Lord Vishnu symbolises sustaining the Universe and protecting it, The third part is that rises above the pedestal and which Represent Lord Shiva, This means that Shiva is the culmination of Both Brahma and Vishnu, meaning he is the Creator, Sustainer and the Destroyer of the Universe and everything. This is what the Shiva Linga, It means that it has got the Three features of the World - Creation, Sustainance and Destruction. Understand this and you will understand what Shivarathri Signifies.Shiva is called NILAKANTA, or the one with the Plain Blue Throat, this happened because He Drank the Poison that came from the ocean which would have destroyed everything in the Universe. The Poison is in the Middle part of the Shivalinga meaning the part where Vishnu Resides meaning Sustainance, He drank the

Poison to sustain the Universe, The most holy river Gangadevi flows from his matted hair which means that It is the Purest Form of Eeverything in the World. The Sun, Moon and stars form his crown symbolising the World is with Him. As NATARAJA HIS TANDAVA is the cosmic dance which controls everything in the World. The World dances to His Rhythm.Shiva as Shankara is the one who gives Joy to everyone, As Shambunatha he is the One in whom Joy resides. As Maheswara he is the one from whom all Knowledge emenates. His Great Vahana Nandeswara represents the Lord of all Animals and also Represent Dharma. This is what Shivalinga Means, It is the Purest Form in the Universe whichsustains everything.Swami knows that all of you have Celebrated Shivarathri by singing Bhajans, Swami does not want only Bhajan, Bhojan (Food) and Sambhashan (Gossip, Talk), what is the use of doing Bhajans all day and night and doing the same things again and again,

Try to understand what Swami has said and what Swami is going to say in future, I want all of you to do things which will help Society and help others, Shivarathri to SWAMI MEANS not only doing Bhajans and partaking Prasadam afterwards But to Understand Swami's Message during Shivarathri and take it to everyone and everywhere, Put My Words in action only then will any Words of Swami be puropseful and will make Swami happy.This is what is the Concept of the Shivalingam and when Swami creates it,It only means that Swami is Shiva, Vishnu and Parameswara together. What a Wonderful Understanding of Sai Shiva.Om Sai Ram

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