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Significance Of Shivrathri

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Significance Of Shivrathri


Maha Shivrathri, the night of the worship of Shiva, occurs on the

14th night of the new moon during the dark half of the month of

Phalguna (Feb/Mar) when Hindus offer special prayer to the lord of



Here're three reasons to celebrate Shivrathri:-


1. The absolute formless God, Sadashiv appeared in the form

of " Lingodbhav Moorti " exactly at midnight on Maha Shivrathri. That

is why all Shiv devotees keep vigil during the night of Shivrathri

and do " Shivlingam abhishekham " (coronation of the Phallic idol) at



2. Lord Shiva was married to Devi Parvati on Shivrathri.

Remember Shiva minus Parvathi is pure Nirgun Brahman. With his

illusive power, (Maya, Parvati) He becomes the " Sagun Brahman " for

the purpose of the pious devotion of his devotees.


3. It is also believed that on Shivratri, Lord Shiva became

Neelkantham by swallowing the deadly poison that came up from the

ocean during the churning of " Kshir Sagar " . The poison was so deadly

that even a drop in His stomach, which represents the universe, would

have annihilated the entire world. Hence, He held it in His neck,

which turned blue due to the effect of poison. Shivratri is

therefore also a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for protecting us

from annihilation.


The 14th shloka of Shivmahimna Stotra says: " O three eyed

Lord, when the poison came up through the churning of the Ocean by

the gods and demons, they were all aghast with fear as if the

untimely end of all creation was imminent. In your kindness, you

drank all the poison that still makes your throat blue. O Lord,

even this blue mark does increase your glory. What is apparently a

blemish becomes an ornament in one intent on ridding the world of

fear "


Many are the stories narrated in the Puranas about the efficacy of

the observance of this festival. The story of the king Chitrabhanu of

Ikshvaku dynasty is one. It is stated that during his previous birth

the king was a hunter by name Suswara and was eking out his

livelihood by hunting birds and animals and selling them. On a Shiva

Ratri day, he was roaming about in the forest and then shot a deer,

bur couldn't take his spoil home as he was overtaken by the darkness

of the night. He got upon a Bilva tree and kept awake the whole night

stricken with hunger and thirst. He had starved for the day and so

couldn't sleep in the night due to hunger. While keeping himself

awake for the whole night, he plucked leaves from the Bilva tree and

dropped them one by one to the ground. He never knew that there was a

Shiva Linga beneath the tree and the leaves he dropped fell on the

Linga. When the day dawned he went home, sold the deer and purchased

food for the family. He fed a stranger who begged him for food,

because of this virtuous deed that he performed, even if unknowingly,

two messengers of Shiva came to him at the hour of his death and

conducted his soul to the abode of Shiva. After enjoying divine bliss

for long, he was again reborn as king Chitrabhanu of Jambudwipa i.e.



According to another legend that finds mention in the Puranas, Brahma

and Vishnu, the two supreme Gods had a difference as regards their

supremacy. The matter was referred to Shiva for a verdict. Shiva,

then asked both the Gods to gauge the depth and measure the height of

his Linga. Vishu took the form of a boar and dived below to ascertain

the depth and Brahma on his swan vehicle scaled high to ascertain the

height. High above in the void Brahma came across a petal of Ketaki

flower drifting downwards. As it was falling from the top of the

Linga, He asked the petal about the further distance upward. The

petal couldn't answer since how many ages that it was drifting

downwards. Brahma refrained from going up and went to the nether

world to meet Vishnu. Showing the petal He claimed to have

ascertained the height of the Linga. At this false pretext, the petal

objected. As Brahma was exposed because of the disclosure of the

petal, He, in wrath, cursed – " From this day you would be unworthy

for the worship of Shiv " . Vishnu, being pleased with her truthfulness

blessed saying, `On Shiva chaturdaphi you will be worthy for Shiva's

worship. Therefore only on this day Ketaki flower has the right to be

offered to the deity. On no other occasion the flower is ever used

for worship. Almost all the important shrines for Shiva bear festive

look during the festival- : "


Bhagawan Shri Sathya Sai Baba in one of his Shivrathri Discourse

says " You will be immensely benefited if you keep awake and sing

the glory of god at least on this night. The moon is the presiding

deity of the mind. The moon has 16 Kaalas (Phases).

On this Shivrathri, 15 Kaalas have already merged in God and only one

remains. By constant remembrance of god, even the 16th Phase merges

in god. So sanctify this precious night by participating in Bhajans.

The bliss that you get from bhajans, the sweetness in the divine

name, the happiness derived from visualizing the divine form cannot

be obtained elsewhere. Everything is possible only through love, so

cultivate love and sanctify your life……. "


Bolo Bolo Sub Mil Bolo, Om Nama Shivaya

Om Nama Shivaya sai Om Nama Shiaaya

Parthi Purisa Prsanthinilaya Om Namshivaya

Om Namshivaya Sai Om Namshivaya

Shirdipuriswara Prashanthinilaya Om Namshiyasa

Bolo Bolo Sub Mil Bolo, Om Nama Shivaya


Jai Sai Ram

Swamy Mahadevan

Bow to Shri Sai-Peace be to all

Baba Bless you ever!!!

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