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All the forces of nature mirthfully welcome His coming

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……“When any of these most compassionate beings descends on earth in human

form, all the Yogis, saints come to know about it through their yogic (divine)

perception; it is for His arrival that they have been praying for many lives.

When large number of human beings suffer on earth due to tyranny or misrule

(Adharma as the Hindus call it), their prayers to Almighty, forces the

all-powerful divine power to descend in human form and stabilize the forces of

nature (that is establish Dharma). All the forces of nature mirthfully welcome

His coming.


When Lord Krishna was born, the saints knew that the suffering souls would be

redeemed and liberated as the Narayan Shakti (highest divine power) had

descended. When Jesus was born the three wise men from the East i.e. the three

spiritual souls from India knew and reached Bethlehem following the star that

guided them.


When Lord Budha having entered Nirvana returned to the world to relieve the

suffering humanity of their pain and bondage, nature become joyous. It is thus

explained in the book captioned “Voice of the Silence†– “all Nature

thrills with joyous awe and feels subdued. The silver star now twinkles out the

news to the night blossoms, the streamlet to the pebbles ripples out the tales;

dark ocean waves will roar to it the rocks surf-bound, scent- laden breezes sing

to its vales and stately pines mysteriously whispers -- A Master has arisen, a

Master of the Dayâ€.


A pilgrim has returned back from the other shore. Yes, the Masters are coming

from that shore, from the abode of the Gods out of their infinite compassion for

all of us. The forces of nature on this good earth of ours have started

vibrating and tuning themselves for the advent of these mighty divine powers.

Some of them are already born and working in a quiet manner in different corners

of the earth. Their workers and disciples at various stages of spiritual

evolution are also getting ready to welcome them. These disciples in different

places of the world are continuously praying for their early advent.


After all, during the last century the earth experienced two devastating wars.

The world today is going through a process of ‘intellect explosion’ in all

fields of knowledge. Yet a lack of moral value to properly utilized the fruits

of intellect for the greatest good of the greatest numbers on this earth in the

biggest limitation. It is these Masters who will redefine religions codes and

re-establish moral values on earth. Human beings, in future will certainly

communicate through mental process and discover those powers, which today are

known as occult power of ‘Sidhis’. Sidhi (occult power) is nothing but a

principle of nature yet undiscovered by the present human race. When the masters

will teach the principles of governing these unexplored laws of natures, new

vistas of knowledge will open up before the human race.


The Sadgurus of the present Age are active and are carrying on the

administration of the universe as before. They are assisted by a number of

spiritual workers functioning at different parts of the world. Until they reveal

themselves, no one can really know who they are and cannot have an idea about

their activities. When the time comes they will reveal themselves and the whole

world will come to recognize these Sadgurus and shall surrender to them. We can

only pray to Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi the ‘Incarnation of the Age’ to reveal

the divine mystery to us. We surrender to these magnificent divine beings to

bless us. " .........

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