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Devotion, an end in-itself

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Devotion, an end in-itself


It is said that while attending to the ordained duties/functions that involved

in our life, every being ought to strive to escape from re-births, that is, to

attain Liberation. This calls for spiritual practice and great Saints and

Scriptural texts speaks of Devotion as an end in itself. In this pursuit,

separate Mutts arose because of differences in the methods of pursuing the same.

However, the Bhakti Marga is inherent in any Mutt. Bhakti is not mere Prayer.

The actual strain of Bhakti is to promote in-depth understanding of a subject

through logical discussions and study. Bhakti may not be possible without

research. Any devotee that is bereft of Bhakti is bound to be regenerated under

the weight of it's own ignorance and it is imperative for it's intrinsic values.


Of the four ways, namely, Karma, Gnana, Yoga and Bhakti (devotion) in the

spiritual pursuit, the path of Bhakti (devotion) is thorny full of pits and

ditches and difficult to traverse, as explained under Chapter 6 of Sri Sai

Satcharitha. In fact, the three ways, Karma, Gnana and Yoga also ultimately lead

the devotee to attain Bhakti (devotion). It is evident that Bhakti marga brings

together all the institutions on spiritual aspiration. The conception of God

taking any particular form is a way to develop Devotion (Bhakti) as mentioned by

the blessed author under Chapter 11 of Sri Sai Satcharitha. Hence, the Being

concentrated on a particular form, would be the easier Sadhana to develop Bhakti

(devotion). Evidently, the realization of the virtue of Devotion by Devotion

itself, by being worshipping Saguna Brahma form, Sadguru, results in the

realization of God's action, that is, develops Faith in God. Thus cleans the

restlessness of the mind. There on, it

keeps the mind peaceful under Bhakti (devotion) on Saguna Brahma, Sadguru. The

devotee shall be successful when earnest in this pursuit.


Lord Shri Shirdi Sai Baba said that His Guru was the sole object of meditating

and He was conscious of none-else. While meditating on His Sadguru the mind /

intellect were stunned and keeps Himself quiet and Bow in silence, vide, Chapter

32 in Shri Sai Satcharitha. When devotion becomes all-consuming, the Lord also

reciprocates it, as His devotee's welfare is paramount to Him. It is rather

interesting to observe and analyze the oriental concept of Sadguru and the

relationship He bears towards His chosen disciples. The Truth and Guru are

identical. Once ignited Bhakti (devotion), it draws the whole being irresistibly

on-wards until the tiny spark becomes a flame.

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