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How Baba does it?

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How Baba does it?


Faith in Saibaba slowly leads one to believe that Baba is behind the things done

or undone. This realization works easy when the things happen to one's

satisfaction while it falters if things are not pleasing. The path to the

complete surrender at Sadguru's lotus feet chops away the difference between the

pleasant and unpleasant. If one completely understands how Baba's intent or

sankalpa translates to tangible actions to its minutest details, contentment

naturally fills in the heart and as the consequence equanimity. Rare and great

are such souls. Or, if one would say that somehow Baba will do it, is indicative

of a blind faith in Sadguru's disposition. This is a feeling that rain or shine,

it is Baba! Any trace of ignorance in this regard will be washed away in the

constant company of the Sadguru. But judgments of others actions such as " what

does he or she think he or she is doing? Its all Baba's doing " , is blatant

arrogance. One can easily understand

this feeling with a little bit of contemplation. These thoughts should be

nipped in the bud, as they are signs of spiritual falling.


Baba didn't materialize anything out of thin air. Baba's " miracles " happen

through people and situations in our surroundings in the most inconspicuous

ways. This truth is articulated in the most eloquent way by Sri Sarathbabuji as

follows: " Miracles of Sai do not take place as something falling from the sky.

We experience it through mercy, compassion, and protection from those around us

in a natural way. We pray to Baba, " Baba! I need money " . I am in difficulties " .

We offer naivedya to Baba and go to bed, but we do not see Baba keeping a lakh

rupees under the pillow! Someone will come to us and suggest a solution to our

problem. Baba Himself said, " Not a single leaf moves without my order " . When the

wind blows, the leaves on the tree move. When even the movement of a leaf from

an inanimate tree requires Baba's order, His intent and grace, how can we think

that everything is in our hands? When this awareness crops in us, the ego that

makes us think, " We

are doing something, we have to do it, we have to accomplish and we have

accomplished because we have done something " , will vanish. The realization that

" He does everything. And we are not capable of doing anything " is called as

" Complete Surrender " . However, this should not become the dry and wry philosophy

of uttering around, " Its all Baba's sankalpa, what do I have to do? He has done

it " . The cognizance of " complete surrender " should remain as just an

inspiration, a background to the pursuit of our desires, ideals, and trials.

Unless we get to completely experience the intent of Saibaba in every action, we

should not use the term " complete surrender " for our convenience " .

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