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Aspiration & Desire

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Aspiration & Desire



It is most important for us to try to develop a genuine hunger for

Baba's love, Baba's compassion and Baba's blessings. There are two

ways to increase one's inner hunger. One way is to cry for Baba like

a helpless child crying for his mother. The other way is to offer

one's actions to Baba while keeping a cheerful attitude. With both

these ways the seeker will make real inner progress. Desire is a

wild fire that burns and burns and finally consumes us. Aspiration

is a glowing flame that secretly and sacredly uplifts our

consciousness and finally liberates us. Thirst for the Highest is

aspiration. Thirst for the lowest is annihilation. Desire is

expectation. No expectation, no frustration. With desire killed,

true happiness is built. Aspiration is surrender. Surrender is man's

conscious oneness with Baba's Will. We aspire through proper

concentration, proper meditation and proper contemplation.

Aspiration covers both meditation and prayer. There were many saints

who did not care for meditation; they realized God through prayer.

He who is praying feels he has an inner cry to realize Baba, and he

who is meditating also feels the need to bring Baba's Consciousness

right into his being. The difference between prayer and meditation

is this: when we pray, we talk and Baba listens; and when we

meditate, Baba talks and we listen. We are a seeker. When we pray,

concentrate and meditate, we have to feel that each second is

infinitely more important than we thought it was previously, before

we entered into the spiritual life. This second we can use either

for meditation or for gossip or for cherishing impure and undivine

thoughts. When we consciously aspire in all parts of our being, we

will be able to accelerate the achievement of liberation.



Baba Said....


" Those who are fortunate enough to get Baba's Udi should, after

bath, apply it on the forehead and take some little of it, mixed

with water in the mouth as holy tirath " .



Baba is every where just feel him and keep on saying `Om Sai Ram'

to whom so ever you meet.



OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI!!! Let us pray at the lotus feet of

Bhagwan Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of

all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him

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