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Meditation – Search for the Divinity Within – What Is Meditation? Part 01

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Meditation – Search for the Divinity Within – What Is Meditation? Part 01


Meditation is a word with many meaning. To some, meditation is a science of

mind. To others, it is an art, indefinable and mystical. For almost all, it is

difficult to understand. Meditation denotes quiet introspection or absorption in

the divine. It means exploring, and expanding consciousness. Meditation can be

awakening of inner energies or the discovery of self understanding. It may be

repeating the name of the Lord with love, or simply collecting oneself for the

day ahead. To all, meditation is a means to concentrate within, to discover the

inner wellsprings of love and wisdom, of joy and peace.


Meditation for spiritual aspirants is a practice of inner contemplation. Its

goal is the realization of Oneness in the world and in ourselves. The practice

transforms us and perspective of the world. With time,meditation may grant us

ultimate self understanding.

We come to see ourselves and the creation as manifestations of God's will. The

illusion of separateness disappears when all is experienced as



" Real meditation is getting absorbed in God as the only thought, the only Goal.

God only, only God. Think God, breathe God, love God, live God.


The basic method of meditation is to rise above thought to the source of

thought. The destination is a state of being beyond the mental process. God

cannot be understood by means of rational explanation or

argument, but by experimental knowledge alone.


" As long as one knows he is meditating, one is not meditating. In that

absorption in God, one puts aside every form and merges in God. In that process

the mind naturally stops " Baba


Meditation enables us to transcend the intellect. There is nothing for us to

" Know " in a rational sense. Actually, what is accomplished is a state of

equanimity in which our divine nature has an opportunity to manifest itself. For

we already possess divinity within; we need only to become aware of it and to

allow it to emerge and express itself. When

that happens, an inner transformation is achieved. That transformation results

in joy and peace beyond description.


" Dhyana (meditation) is synonymous with the unitive knowledge of the Godhead. It

is.....a vision of path to the divine. It leads to....the integral reality of

existence-conscious ness-bliss (sat-chit-ananda) " Baba


Meditation methods, techniques, and goals vary widely among aspirants and

disciples. Some aspirants prefer an intense regimen;others enjoy a more

leisurely practice. Some aspirants welcome a fixed time and place for

meditation; for others, an unexpected lull in the day may be more beneficial,

even in a crowded or noisy place. There is no one way to meditate that precludes

all others. Each person must find their own



" Can anyone train another in meditation? Or claim to train? It may be possible

to teach a person the posture, the pose, the position of the legs, feet, or

hands, neck, head or back, the style of breathing or

its speed. But meditation is a function of the inner man; it involves deep

subjective quiet, the emptying of the mind and filling oneself with the light

that emerges from the divine spark within. This is a

discipline that no text book can teach and no class to communicate " Baba


Continued... Meditation – Search for the Divinity

Within - How Do We Start? Part 02

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