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The Atma - Our Divine nature - The source of Understanding Part 03

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he Atma - Our Divine nature - The source of Understanding Part 03


The Rosetta Stone unlocked the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics. That

slab of black basalt, found in 1799, held the key to the ancient

codes. That single tablet enabled Egyptologists to use a known

language on the stone to decipher the meanings of countless ancient

Egyptian inscriptions. However, even that black besalt pales beside a

greater key: the Atmic experience of self realization, which enables

us to know our identity and the purpose of our life. It is the light

that illumines the immortal truth of our divine state. The atma is

the light that penetrates our fog of illusion to reveal our divinity.


" When the atma is understood, everything else is understood. All

effects are subsumed by the cause " Baba


It is quite possible to attain the atmic vision while still in the

body. There need not be a long term loss of relative, everyday

identity and role - but these do disappear in the experience of

Oneness. While functioning as a person, then, we have the potential

for realizing our nature as divine. Many spiritual masters and

advanced disciples have achieved this blissful state and have

continued their missions for many years. When the experience of

Oneness is attained, the goal is won.There are no prerequisites of

superior intellect or graying hair.


" When the obstacles in the path of truth are laid low, deliverance is

achieved. That is why moksha is something that can be won here and

now: one need not wait for the dissolution of the physical body for

that " Baba


The truth is unknown when we explore our own consciousness. The path

is inward. To understand God, we need only to understand ourselves.


" When you cannot reach down to your basic reality, why waste time in

exploring the essence of Godhead? As a matter of fact, you can

understand me only when you have understood yourself, your own basic

truth " Baba


When we experience our divinity, we find we were never bound. Bondage,

like liberation, lies in our minds. We bind ourselves with the ropes

of attachment and wrong desire. Like Indra in the pig form, we are

caught by our own ignorance of our self nature. We must cast off

desires and wrong thoughts and allow our souls to rise to their

divine destiny.


" The Gita directs that even the eagerness to be liberated is a bond.

One is fundamentally free; bondage is only an illusion. So the desire

to unloosen the bond is the result of ignorance. " Baba


Self fulfillment is a state of true independence. We can know complete

contentment and joy whatever external circumstances we face.

Liberation is the process of fully coming to terms with ourself,

without any semblance of bondage. It is the process of reconciling

all internal contradictions - stilling the mind and experiencing

essential being, consciousness, and bliss (Sat, Chit, Ananda)


" Moksha is only another word for independence - not depending on any

outside thing or person " Baba


When we realize our innermost being as divinity, we also recognize

others as divine. The waves of the ocean are not separate from each

other, nor from the whole, which is God. When we perceive God within

ourselves, we also see God within all others.


" All is divine. When you are firmly established in the fact of your

divinity, then you will directly know that others are divine. " Baba


If we are joyful embodiments of Oneness, why do we not feel that way?

it is because we obscure the ever present sun of God with the black

clouds of selfish egoism. We cling to our limited personalities and

hide our light. Our imaginations create fears, cravings, death, and

all manner of limitations. as a result of improper training, we

distort the clear and pure vision of divinity.


Continued... The Atma - Our Divine nature - Realize Yourself and Be

Free Part 04

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